| - Stephanie Burt, née sous le nom de Stephen Burt avant sa transition sexuelle, née en 1971 aux États-Unis, est une critique littéraire américaine, poète et professeur de langue anglaise à l'université Harvard. (fr)
- Stephanie Burt (born 1971) is a literary critic and poet who is Professor of English at Harvard University. The New York Times has called her "one of the most influential poetry critics of [her] generation". Burt grew up around Washington, D.C. She has published various collections of poetry and a large amount of literary criticism and research. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Book Review, The London Review of Books, The Times Literary Supplement, The Believer, and The Boston Review. (en)
- Stephanie Burt (...) è una critica letteraria statunitense, attualmente professoressa ad Harvard. The New York Times la ha definita uno dei critici della poesia più influenti della sua generazione.Deve la sua fama all'aver coniato l'espressione "Elliptical poetry" ("Poesia ellittica") in un saggio del 1998 sulla poetessa e, più recentemente (2009), a "The New Thing": entrambe le categorie sono state applicate a poeti americani. (it)