Sunday (French: Dimanche) is a Canadian animated short film by Patrick Doyon. The film debuted at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2011 and online on January 5, 2012. Dimanche is the first professional film by Doyon, a native of Montreal. Doyon had previously created a three-minute animated short Square Roots in 2006, while enrolled in the NFB's Hothouse program for young animators.
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| - Dimanche (de)
- Dimanche (film, 2011) (fr)
- Sunday (2011 film) (en)
- Воскресенье (мультфильм) (ru)
- Dimanche (pt)
| - Dimanche ist ein kanadischer animierter Kurzfilm von Patrick Doyon aus dem Jahr 2011. Zusätzliche Titel sind englisch Sunday bzw. als deutscher Festivaltitel ergänzend Sonntag. (de)
- Dimanche est un court métrage d'animation humoristique inspiré par l'enfance de l'animateur (en) à Desbiens, Québec. Le film a été nommé à l'Oscar du meilleur court métrage d'animation 2012 et a remporté le prix du Meilleur court ou moyen métrage d'animation au 14e soirée des prix Jutra. Dimanche est son premier film professionnel. (fr)
- «Воскресенье» (фр. Dimanche) — канадский короткометражный мультипликационный фильм Патрика Дойона. Премьера картины состоялась в феврале 2011 года на Берлинском международном кинофестивале, а онлайн-премьера 5 января 2012 года. (ru)
- Dimanche é um curta-metragem de animação de 2011 dirigido por Patrick Doyon. Como reconhecimento, foi nomeado ao Oscar 2012 na categoria de Melhor Animação em Curta-metragem. (pt)
- Sunday (French: Dimanche) is a Canadian animated short film by Patrick Doyon. The film debuted at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2011 and online on January 5, 2012. Dimanche is the first professional film by Doyon, a native of Montreal. Doyon had previously created a three-minute animated short Square Roots in 2006, while enrolled in the NFB's Hothouse program for young animators. (en)
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| - Michael Fukushima (en)
- Marc Bertrand (en)
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| - Chantal Baril (en)
- François Sasseville (en)
- Jacques Lavallée (en)
- Natalie Hamel Roy (en)
- Nicolas Scott (en)
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has abstract
| - Dimanche ist ein kanadischer animierter Kurzfilm von Patrick Doyon aus dem Jahr 2011. Zusätzliche Titel sind englisch Sunday bzw. als deutscher Festivaltitel ergänzend Sonntag. (de)
- Dimanche est un court métrage d'animation humoristique inspiré par l'enfance de l'animateur (en) à Desbiens, Québec. Le film a été nommé à l'Oscar du meilleur court métrage d'animation 2012 et a remporté le prix du Meilleur court ou moyen métrage d'animation au 14e soirée des prix Jutra. Dimanche est son premier film professionnel. (fr)
- Sunday (French: Dimanche) is a Canadian animated short film by Patrick Doyon. The film debuted at the Berlin International Film Festival in February 2011 and online on January 5, 2012. Dimanche is the first professional film by Doyon, a native of Montreal. Doyon had previously created a three-minute animated short Square Roots in 2006, while enrolled in the NFB's Hothouse program for young animators. Still learning how to use computer animation tools, he worked with pen and pencil to create Dimanche, hand drawing the entire film. The 10-minute film took him two years to complete, creating individual drawings on paper, working on a light table. Doyon ended up with 15 boxes full of sheets with sketches, which he then scanned into the computer, colourized and began editing. Doyon believes such traditional animation techniques are better for portraying emotion. (en)
- «Воскресенье» (фр. Dimanche) — канадский короткометражный мультипликационный фильм Патрика Дойона. Премьера картины состоялась в феврале 2011 года на Берлинском международном кинофестивале, а онлайн-премьера 5 января 2012 года. (ru)
- Dimanche é um curta-metragem de animação de 2011 dirigido por Patrick Doyon. Como reconhecimento, foi nomeado ao Oscar 2012 na categoria de Melhor Animação em Curta-metragem. (pt)