| - Supermax is a Brazilian television series produced by Rede Globo that debuted on September 20, 2016 with an expected total of 12 episodes to be aired. The show was created by José Alvarenga Jr., Marcal Aquino and Fernando Bonassi. The latter two also wrote the script alongside Carolina Kotscho, Braulio Mantovani, Dennison Ramalho, Juliana Rojas, Raphael Draccon and Rafael Montes while José Eduardo Belmonte, Rafael Miranda and Alvarenga helm the directing team. In 2017, the series was nominated for the Seoul International Drama Awards in Best Series and Best Author Categories. (en)
- Supermax é uma série de televisão brasileira produzida pela Rede Globo e exibida de 20 de setembro a 13 de dezembro de 2016, em 12 episódios. Criada por José Alvarenga Jr., Marçal Aquino e Fernando Bonassi, conta com roteiro de Aquino, Bonassi, Carolina Kotscho, Bráulio Mantovani, Dennison Ramalho, Juliana Rojas, Raphael Draccon e Raphael Montes, sob direção de José Eduardo Belmonte, Rafael Miranda e Alvarenga. A série foi Indicada ao Seoul Internacional Drama Awards na Categorias Melhor Série e Melhor Autor. (pt)
| - Sérgio emerges as the winner of the fight and attempts to open the pantry, but his fingerprints won't work. Meanwhile, Artur forces the cage door open and activates the padlock with his fingerprint. He is then automatically set as the new leader - even though Sérgio won the fight, he forgot to put Artur's hands at the padlock before his own - the rules state that the winner is the last one to activate the door. Later, using his powers as the leader, Artur denies food to Sérgio and Mário, raising tensions among the participants. It is revealed that Artur was a cocaine addict, which eventually ended his football career and got him arrested. Sérgio also mentions a robbery of a gas station of which he supposedly took part. As days pass, the contestants suspect that they were abandoned by the program's production crew. Bial no longer contacts them, no punishment was applied to the ones who engaged in physical fights and no test was set to determine the next leader, even after Artur's fingerprints stopped working at the pantry's padlock. However, the prison's audio system eventually announces a new leader test. (en)
- Timóteo checks Dante's wounds. The boy tells his colleagues of how he was cruising the prison's undergrounds alone until he hears of a woman screaming. He says he was suddenly hit in the head and passed out. Later, he awoke outside of the prison, next to some indigenous people. He rushes back inside but was knocked out again. He ends up awake at his cell. Meanwhile, as the rest of the group wait for further instructions from the production crew, they discover that the facility's ventilation system was cut off. Sérgio and Luisão decide to search for a way out and force a traumatized Dante to accompany them since he allegedly made it out and back. On their way, Dante has a vision and runs back in terror while having a memory of how he murdered his own older brother, who was quadriplegic due to drunk driving. According to him, he did it at the brother's request. Later, Dante confesses he cut himself and invented the whole story so that the production team would intervene and possibly eliminate some contestants, suspecting they hurt him. Meanwhile, Cecília falls ill, Luisão and Janette are trapped inside the pantry and Nando has an hallucination in which he has both legs severed as he is surrounded by three demoniac, child-like creatures. (en)
- The group head to the test location and find out it was just a false alarm. They also try to break the pantry's armored window, to no avail. They agree they were abandoned and decide to elect a new leader on their own. As they realize Dante is missing, they form two groups to search for him. Meanwhile, Luisão reveals to Bruna how he punched a training partner to death while having an hallucination in which he was in the middle of an UFC match. Bruna starts questioning him how it felt to see someone die while images of her killing a sick older relative by injecting something in her veins are shown. Luisão grabs her by the throat and leaves, disturbed. Meanwhile, Diana pressures Nando to reveal his crime. He recalls catching his superior in suspicious physical contact with a visibly upset young acolyte and cries. Janette and Luisão find some macabre objects by a red-painted wall. The group later reunites by the dinner hall and discuss their findings. Suddenly, the pantry door opens and they quickly take all of its contents, assuming it as a sign that the production team is still in control of the prison. As the alarm forces them back to their cells, they spot a disturbed Dante with several injuries and tattoos all over his body. Before they can ask him anything, the final alarm goes off and they rush to their cells. (en)