| - Terry Wayne Baker (Pine River, 5 maggio 1941) è un ex giocatore di football americano statunitense che ha giocato nel ruolo di quarterback nella National Football League (NFL) e nella Canadian Football League. Fu la prima scelta assoluta del Draft NFL 1963 da parte dei Los Angeles Rams. Al college giocò a football all'Università statale dell'Oregon dove vinse l'Heisman Trophy, il massimo riconoscimento individuale a livello universitario. (it)
- Terry Wayne Baker (* 5. Mai 1941 in Pine River, Minnesota) ist ein ehemaliger US-amerikanischer American-Football-, Canadian-Football- und Basketballspieler. Auf der Oregon State University spielte er neben College Football auch College Basketball. Im dortigen Team, den Oregon State Beavers, war er von 1960 bis 1962 Quarterback und hat in seinem Abschlussjahr die Heisman Trophy gewonnen. Er spielte zudem beim NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament 1963 als Mitglied des Oregon State Beavers-Teams in den Final Four. Er ist (Stand 2016) der einzige Spieler, der neben der Teilnahme an den Final Four auch die Heisman Trophy gewann. Baker war der erste Pick der 1963er NFL Draft und spielte für zwei Jahre mit den Los Angeles Rams in der National Football League. Anschließend wechselte er 1966 für eine (de)
- Terry Wayne Baker (born May 5, 1941) is a former American football and basketball player. He played college football and basketball at Oregon State University in Corvallis, where he was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Baker played as a quarterback for the football team from 1960 to 1962, winning the Heisman Trophy as senior. In the spring of his senior year, he led the basketball team to the Final Four of the NCAA tournament. To date, he is the only athlete to win a Heisman Trophy and play in the Final Four. Baker was the first overall pick in the 1963 NFL draft and played with the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL) from 1963 to 1965. He then played for one season in the Canadian Football League (CFL) with the Edmonton Eskimos in 1967. Baker was inducted into the College F (en)
- Terry Wayne Baker , né le 5 mai 1941 à Pine River dans l'État du Minnesota, est un américain, joueur de basket-ball et de football américain. Au niveau universitaire, il joue au football américain et au basketball pour les Beavers de l'université d'État de l'Oregon. Il joue au poste de quarterback pour les Beavers de 1960 à 1962 et remporte le Trophée Heisman au terme de sa saison senior. Baker est intronisé au College Football Hall of Fame en 1982. (fr)