The Big Bang is a 1989 documentary film, directed by Academy Award-nominated screenwriter James Toback. The film addresses questions about life and existence. It was released to theaters May 11, 1990, and aired on PBS on August 6, 1991.
The Big Bang est un film américain de James Toback, sorti en 1989. (fr)
The Big Bang is a 1989 documentary film, directed by Academy Award-nominated screenwriter James Toback. The film addresses questions about life and existence. It was released to theaters May 11, 1990, and aired on PBS on August 6, 1991. (en)
The Big Bang est un film américain de James Toback, sorti en 1989. (fr)
The Big Bang is a 1989 documentary film, directed by Academy Award-nominated screenwriter James Toback. The film addresses questions about life and existence. It was released to theaters May 11, 1990, and aired on PBS on August 6, 1991. (en)