The Starlight Express is a children's play by Violet Pearn, based on the imaginative novel A Prisoner in Fairyland by Algernon Blackwood, with songs and incidental music written by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar in 1915.
The Starlight Express est une pièce de théâtre pour enfant de Violet Pearn, fondée sur le roman fantastique A Prisoner in Fairyland d'Algernon Blackwood avec des chants et de la musique de scène écrits par Sir Edward Elgar en 1915. (fr)
The Starlight Express is a children's play by Violet Pearn, based on the imaginative novel A Prisoner in Fairyland by Algernon Blackwood, with songs and incidental music written by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar in 1915. (en)
The Starlight Express è una commedia per bambini di Violet Pearn, basata sul romanzo immaginario A Prisoner in Fairyland di Algernon Blackwood, con canzoni e musiche di scena scritte dal compositore inglese Sir Edward Elgar nel 1915. (it)