The Stone Carvers is a 1984 American short documentary film directed by Marjorie Hunt and Paul Wagner and starring Vincent Palumbo and Roger Morigi. In 1985, it won an Oscar for Documentary Short Subject at the 57th Academy Awards.
The Stone Carvers ist ein US-amerikanischer Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 1984. (de)
The Stone Carvers is a 1984 American short documentary film directed by Marjorie Hunt and Paul Wagner and starring Vincent Palumbo and Roger Morigi. In 1985, it won an Oscar for Documentary Short Subject at the 57th Academy Awards. (en)
The Stone Carvers est un film documentaire américain réalisé par Marjorie Hunt et Paul Wagner, sorti en 1984. Il a remporté l'Oscar du meilleur court métrage documentaire en 1985. (fr)
The Stone Carvers é um filme-documentário em curta-metragem estadunidense de 1984 dirigido e escrito por e . Venceu o Oscar de melhor documentário de curta-metragem na edição de 1985. (pt)