| - The Tale of Two Bad Mice adalah buku yang ditulis dan diilustrasikan oleh Beatrix Potter. Pertama kali, buku ini dipublikasikan pada tahun 1904. Kisah ini bercerita tentang dua ekor tikus bernama Tom Thumb dan Hunka Munka yang masuk ke dalam sebuah rumah boneka, ketika pemiliknya pergi keluar. Mereka berdua memporak-porandakan isi rumah, terutama Tom Thumb, yang membanting piring-piring dan merobek kasur kain, sebelum akhirnya kambali ke lubang mereka dengan beberapa benda curian dari rumah tersebut. Sebagai balasan, anak perempuan yang memiliki rumah boneka itu membeli sebuah boneka polisi, sedangkan sang suster membeli perangkap tikus. Sebagai rasa penyesalan karena telah mengakibatkan kerusakan yang sangat parah, Hunka Munka setiap pagi pergi ke rumah boneka untuk membersihkannya. (in)
- The Tale of Two Bad Mice is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, and published by Frederick Warne & Co. in September 1904. Potter took inspiration for the tale from two mice caught in a cage-trap in her cousin's home and a doll's house being constructed by her editor and publisher Norman Warne as a Christmas gift for his niece Winifred. While the tale was being developed, Potter and Warne fell in love and became engaged, much to the annoyance of Potter's parents, who were grooming their daughter to be a permanent resident and housekeeper in their London home. (en)
- The Tale of Two Bad Mice (A História dos Dois Ratinhos Maus) é um livro infantil britânico escrito e ilustrado por Beatrix Potter publicado pela primeira vez pela editora Frederick Warne & Co em Setembro de 1904. Beatrix inspirou-se em dois ratos que foram apanhados numa ratoeira em casa do seu primo, e numa casa de bonecas que o seu editor estava a construir para oferecer de presente no Natal à sua sobrinha. Durante a construção do conto, Beatrix e Warne apaixonaram-se e ficaram noivos, o que muito desagradou aos pais de Beatrix que esperavam que a sua filha ficasse permanentemente na sua casa de Londres, dedicada a trabalhos domésticos. (pt)