| - Um Aing-ran (lahir 20 Maret 1936) adalah pemeran Korea Selatan. Dia telah membintangi sekitar 190 film, dan mendapatkan popularitas dengan citra "seorang mahasiswi yang ceria" pada 1960-an. Pernikahannya dengan Shin Seong-il, seorang rekan aktor dan bintang besar saat itu, menarik perhatian nasional. Sejak itu dia telah pensiun dari industri film, tetapi kembali sebagai tamu acara TV dan pembawa acara pada 1990-an. Pasangan ini memiliki tiga anak. (in)
- Um Aing-ran (born March 20, 1936) is a South Korean actress. She has starred in about 190 films, and gained a popularity with the image of "a cheerful female college student" in the 1960s. Her marriage with Shin Seong-il, a colleague actor and big star of the time, attracted national attention. Since then she had been retired from the film industry, but returned as a TV show guest and host in the 1990s. The couple have three children. (en)
- 엄앵란(嚴鶯蘭, 본명: 엄인기, 본명 한자: 嚴仁基, 1936년 4월 11일(음력 3월 20일) ~ )은 대한민국의 배우이다. 1956년 영화 《단종애사》로 데뷔하였다. (ko)