| - Unique Whips is an American reality television show that aired on the now-defunct Speed network from 2005 to 2008. It premiered on February 8, 2005, The show follows the work of Unique Autosports, based in Long Island, New York, as they customize celebrity automobiles. It was created and Produced by Steve Hillebrand and Corey Damsker of Hollywood East. The customization generally consists of car stereo, wheels, custom paint and interior work. Celebrities whose cars were featured on the show include P. Diddy, DJ Pauly D, Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, Pam Anderson, Patti LaBelle, 50 Cent, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Marcus Camby, Fat Joe, and Tom Wolfe. (en)
has abstract
| - Unique Whips is an American reality television show that aired on the now-defunct Speed network from 2005 to 2008. It premiered on February 8, 2005, The show follows the work of Unique Autosports, based in Long Island, New York, as they customize celebrity automobiles. It was created and Produced by Steve Hillebrand and Corey Damsker of Hollywood East. The customization generally consists of car stereo, wheels, custom paint and interior work. Celebrities whose cars were featured on the show include P. Diddy, DJ Pauly D, Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart, Pam Anderson, Patti LaBelle, 50 Cent, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Marcus Camby, Fat Joe, and Tom Wolfe. (en)