| - University District (aussi appelé U District) est un quartier de Seattle, nommé ainsi en raison de l'université du Washington qui s'y trouve.
* Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme
* Portail de Seattle (fr)
- L'University District (chiamato solitamente U District) è un quartiere di Seattle, nello stato di Washington, così chiamato per la presenza del principale campus dell'Università di Washington (UW). L'UW si spostò in questa posizione due anni dopo che l'area venne annessa alla città, mentre la maggior parte delle periferie di Seattle erano occupate da foreste o fattorie. Il quartiere crebbe velocemente grazie alla presenza dell'università diventando quasi una cittadina a sé stante. (it)
- The University District (commonly, the U District) refers to a collective of neighborhoods in Seattle, Washington, so named because the main campus of the University of Washington (UW) is located there. The UW moved in two years after the area was annexed to Seattle, while much of the area was still clear cut forest or stump farmland. The district of neighborhoods grew with the university to become like a smaller version of urban American cities. (en)
- The University District (gewoonlijk The U District of The U genoemd) is een buurt in het noordoostelijk deel van Seattle, Washington, zo genoemd omdat de hoofdcampus van de Universiteit van Washington zich daar bevindt. De noordgrens wordt gevormd door NE 45th Street, de zuidgrens door Portage en Union Bay. De oost- en westgrens zijn minder duidelijk. The U wordt doorkruist door Montlake Boulevard. Ten noorden van de U District ligt ook nog University Village. Vanaf de Riviera Vista is er een uitzicht op Mount Rainier. (nl)