Attack Squadron 210 (VA-210) was an aviation unit of the United States Naval Reserve active between 1970 and 1971. VA-210 aircraft wore CVWR-20's tail code "AF", the squadron's nickname was Black Hawks.
Attack Squadron 210 (VA-210) was an aviation unit of the United States Naval Reserve active between 1970 and 1971. VA-210 aircraft wore CVWR-20's tail code "AF", the squadron's nickname was Black Hawks. (en)
Lo squadrone d'attacco 210 (VA-210) fu un'unità dell'aviazione della attiva tra il 1970 e il 1971. Gli aerei dl VA-210 portavano il codice di coda del CVWR-20 era "AF", il soprannome dello squadrone era Black Hawks. (it)
Attack Squadron 210 (VA-210) was an aviation unit of the United States Naval Reserve active between 1970 and 1971. VA-210 aircraft wore CVWR-20's tail code "AF", the squadron's nickname was Black Hawks. (en)
Lo squadrone d'attacco 210 (VA-210) fu un'unità dell'aviazione della attiva tra il 1970 e il 1971. Gli aerei dl VA-210 portavano il codice di coda del CVWR-20 era "AF", il soprannome dello squadrone era Black Hawks. (it)