| - Джузеппе Валерио Фиораванти (итал. Giuseppe Valerio Fioravanti; 28 марта 1958 года, Роверето) — итальянский ультраправый активист и неофашистский террорист, один из лидеров Революционных вооружённых ячеек (NAR). Был известен под прозвищем Tenente («Лейтенант»). Осуждён за теракт на железнодорожном вокзале в Болонье 2 августа 1980 года — самое массовое убийство «свинцовых семидесятых». Признаёт своё участие в многочисленных террористических атаках против коммунистов и государства, но категорически отрицает причастность к взрыву в Болонье. Соратник и муж Франчески Мамбро. (ru)
- Giuseppe Valerio Fioravanti dit « Giusva » (né à Rovereto le 28 mars 1958), est un terroriste italien, représentant du groupe d'inspiration néo-fasciste Noyaux armés révolutionnaires, même s'il rejette son appartenance à cette idéologie. (fr)
- Giuseppe Valerio "Giusva" Fioravanti (born 28 March 1958) is an Italian former terrorist and actor, journalist and human rights activist, who, with Francesca Mambro, was a leading figure in a far-right terrorist group Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari ("Armed Revolutionary Nuclei" or NAR). Fioravanti appeared in films and television from a young age, and in his early teens was the most famous child in Italy. He and Mambro were fugitives wanted for terrorist offences by their early twenties, they spent a further period on the run as suspects in the Bologna bombing. Both were captured after gunfights with police. Although Fioravanti, Mambro and a third NAR member were convicted of the bombing, there were those who thought that a higher level of the conspiracy was never uncovered. Fioravanti and Ma (en)
- Giuseppe Valerio Fioravanti detto Giusva (Rovereto, 28 marzo 1958) è un terrorista italiano, esponente del gruppo eversivo Nuclei Armati Rivoluzionari, d'ispirazione neofascista (anche se la propria appartenenza a questa ideologia sarà da lui respinta). Fratello maggiore del terrorista Cristiano Fioravanti, collaboratore di giustizia (a causa di questo Valerio progettò di ucciderlo), dal 1985 è sposato con la terrorista Francesca Mambro, sua compagna sin dagli anni settanta, dalla quale ha avuto una figlia nel 2001, Arianna. (it)