| - Wajelech (Biblisches Hebräisch וַיֵּלֶךְ ‚Und er ging‘) ist ein Leseabschnitt (Parascha oder Sidra) der Tora und umfasst den Text Deuteronomium/Dewarim 31 . Der Abschnitt ist benannt nach dem Anfangswort „Und er [Moses] ging und redete zu ganz Israel“.Es ist die Sidra des 1. Schabbats im Monat Tischri (oder – wenn mit Nizawim verbunden – des 4. Schabbats im Monat Elul). (de)
- Vayelech, Vayeilech, VaYelech, Va-yelech, Vayelekh, Va-yelekh, atau Vayeleh (וַיֵּלֶךְ) adalah Bacaan Taurat Mingguan (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) ke-52 dalam siklus Yahudi tahunan dan kesembilan dalam Kitab Ulangan. Bacaan tersebut meliputi Ulangan 31:1–30. (in)
- Ва-Йелех (ивр. וַיֵּלֶךְ) — одна из 54 недельных глав-отрывков, на которые разбит текст Пятикнижия (Хумаша). 52-й раздел Торы, 9-й раздел книги Второзакония. (ru)
- Vayelekh, Vayeilekh, VaYelekh ou Va-yelekh (וילך — héb. pour « il alla », le premier mot de la parasha) est la 52e section hebdomadaire du cycle annuel de lecture de la Torah et la neuvième du Livre du Deutéronome. Elle correspond à Deutéronome 31:1-30. Les Juifs de la Diaspora la lisent généralement en septembre ou au début d'octobre. Avec 30 versets, c'est la plus courte des sections hebdomadaires. (fr)
- Vayelech, Vayeilech, VaYelech, Va-yelech, Vayelekh, Wayyelekh, Wayyelakh, or Va-yelekh (וַיֵּלֶךְ — Hebrew for "then he went out", the first word in the parashah) is the 52nd weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the ninth in the Book of Deuteronomy. It constitutes Deuteronomy 31:1–30. In the parashah, Moses told the Israelites to be strong and courageous, as God and Joshua would soon lead them into the Promised Land. Moses commanded the Israelites to read the law to all the people every seven years. God told Moses that his death was approaching, that the people would break the covenant, and that God would thus hide God's face from them, so Moses should therefore write a song to serve as a witness for God against them. (en)
- Vayelech, Vayeilech, VaYelech, Va-yelech, Vayelekh, Va-yelekh, o Vayeleh (ebraico: וַיֵּלֶךְ — tradotto in italiano: "e se ne andò", incipit di questa parashah) 52ª porzione settimanale della Torah (ebr. פָּרָשָׁה – parashah o anche parsha/parscià) nel ciclo annuale ebraico di letture bibliche dal Pentateuco, nona nel Libro del Deuteronomio. Rappresenta il passo Deuteronomio 31:1-30, che gli ebrei leggono generalmente in settembre o ai primi di ottobre. Con soli 30 versetti, questa è la parashah più breve. (it)