| - Vincenzo Dandolo (22. Oktober 1758 in Venedig; † 12. Dezember 1819 in Varese) war ein venezianischer Chemiker und Apotheker, Aufklärer und Politiker sowie Agrarwissenschaftler. (de)
- Vincenzo Dandolo (Venecia, 12 de octubre de 1758 – Varese, 13 de diciembre 1819) fue un médico, químico y político liberal italiano. (es)
- Vincenzo, comte Dandolo (né à Venise, en 1758 et mort à Varèse le 12 décembre 1819), est un médecin, chimiste, agronome et homme politique italien des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. (fr)
- Vincenzo Dandolo (Venezia, 22 o 26 ottobre 1758 – Varese, 12 dicembre 1819) è stato uno scienziato, politico e agronomo italiano. (it)
- Count Vincenzo Dandolo (1758–1819) was an Italian chemist and agriculturist. He was born in Venice of good family, though not of the same house as the famous doges, and began his career as a physician. Dandolo published in Italian several treatises on agriculture, vine-cultivation, and the rearing of cattle and sheep; a work on silkworms, which was translated into French by Fontanelle; a work on the discoveries in chemistry which were made in the last quarter of the 18th century (published 1796); and translations of several of the best French works on chemistry. (en)
- Vincenzo Dandolo, född den 12 oktober 1758 i Venedig, död den 13 december 1819 i Varese, var en italiensk greve, kemist och agronom. Han var far till Tullio Dandolo. Dandolo var medlem av cisalpinska republikens stora råd och därefter guvernör i Dalmatien, varefter han levde på sina gods vid Varese. Han förbättrade , åkerbruket och vinodlingen i Lombardiet. Han är författare till Fondamenti della fisico-chimica applicati alla formazione de' corpi et de' fenomeni della natura (1796), Les hommes nouveaux, ou moyens d'opérer une régénération morale (1799), Enologia (1812), Il buon governo de' bachi da seta (1816), Storia de' bachi da seta (1818-19). Hans memoarer utgavs av (1820). (sv)