| - Wacław „Vogg” Kiełtyka (ur. 17 grudnia 1981 w Krośnie) – polski muzyk, kompozytor i multiinstrumentalista. Absolwent szkoły muzycznej I i II stopnia oraz Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie w klasie akordeonu. Współzałożyciel i gitarzysta grupy Decapitated, a także członek blackmetalowej formacji Lux Occulta. W latach 2008-2009 gitarzysta sesyjny deathmetalowej grupy Vader. Kiełtyka współpracował ponadto z wokalistką Renatą Przemyk i zespołem Sceptic. Żonaty, ma dwoje dzieci. (pl)
- Wacław "Vogg" Kiełtyka (born 17 December 1981) is a Polish musician, best known as the guitarist of the death metal band Decapitated. In addition to Decapitated, Wacław has been the guitarist of Lux Occulta since 1998, as well as a former member of the Krakow group Sceptic. He also worked with the death metal band Vader. He is a graduate of musical school in the first and second degree, and attended the Academy of Music in Kraków as an accordionist. In September 2019, Kiełtyka was named as the new Machine Head lead guitarist in a post on the band's Facebook page by founding member Robb Flynn. (en)
- Wacław "Vogg" Kieltyka, nascido em 17 dezembro de 1981, é um músico e compositor polonês. Ele é graduado pelaescola musical no primeiro e segundo grau, além de ter frequentado a Academia de Música de Cracóvia como acordeonista. Profissionalmente, Vogg é o guitarrista e, também, o único músico da formação original do Decapitated, grupo de death metal. Além disso, já foi membro da Lux Occulta. (pt)