| - Sir William ap Thomas († 1445 in London), auch Sir William Herbert of Raglan oder auf walisisch Margoah Glas oder Gumrhi genannt, war ein walisischer Adliger. Er war der Erbauer von Raglan Castle. (de)
- William ap Thomas (... – Londra, 1445) è stato un nobile gallese, noto per aver costruito il Raglan Castle uno dei più bei castelli tardo medioevali del Galles. (it)
- Уильям ап Томас (англ. William ap Thomas; ум. 1446) — сеньор Раглана, валлийский землевладелец, политик, рыцарь и придворный, рыцарь-бакалавр, сын сэра Томаса ап Гвиллима и Мод Морли, дочери сэра Джона Морли. Из-за цвета своих доспехов был известен под прозвищем «Голубой рыцарь из Гвента» (валл. Y Marchog Glas o Went). Он был отцом Уильяма Герберта, 1-го графа Пембрука, принявшего родовое именование . (ru)
- Sir William ap Thomas (died 1445) was a Welsh nobleman, politician, knight, and courtier. He was a member of the Welsh gentry family that came to be known as the Herbert family through his son William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke (8th creation) and is the agnatic ancestor, via an illegitimate descendant of the 1st Earl of the 8th creation, of the current Herbert family of the Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, and also of the Herbert Earl of Carnarvon. William served King Henry V of England during his first French campaign and in numerous subsequent capacities and was knighted in 1426. (en)