| - Xu Haidong (17 Juni 1900 – 25 Maret 1970) adalah seorang dalam Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat Tiongkok. Xu dikenal karena memimpin pasukannya dari garis depan pada Perang Saudara Tiongkok dan Perang Tiongkok-Jepang Kedua. (in)
- Xu Haidong (June 17, 1900 – March 25, 1970) was a senior general in the People's Liberation Army of China. Xu was notable for leading his men from the front lines during the Chinese Civil War and Second Sino-Japanese War. His exploits earned him the nickname "Tiger Xu". He was wounded in battle nine times; and, after contracting tuberculosis, was partially bedridden for the last eighteen years of his life. Xu opposed the radical policies of the Cultural Revolution, and was persecuted to death by the followers of Mao Zedong, Lin Biao and the Gang of Four. (en)
- 徐 海東(じょ かいとう)は、中華人民共和国の軍人。中国人民解放軍の大将。 革命初期から日中戦争にかけての紅軍・八路軍の指揮官。1940年に重病を患い、一線から退いた。 (ja)
- 徐海东(1900年6月17日-1970年3月25日),原名元清,湖北省黄陂县(今属大悟县)人。中国工农红军及中国人民解放军主要领导人之一,军事家、中国人民解放军大将。 徐海东早年加入中国共产党,曾任国民革命军第四军代理排长,参与北伐。此后参与黄麻起义,担任中国工农红军第四军团长、红四方面军独立第四师师长、红二十八军军长等职务,参加长征。抗日战争时期,任八路军115师344旅旅长、新四军江北指挥部副指挥兼第四支队司令员。1940年起,因病长期休养。中华人民共和国成立后,担任人民革命军事委员会委员等职位。1970年于河南郑州逝世。 (zh)
- Xu Haidong (Contea di Dawu, 17 giugno 1900 – Zhengzhou, 25 marzo 1970) è stato un politico, scrittore e generale cinese dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione. Era noto per guidare i suoi uomini direttamente sulle linee del fronte durante la Guerra civile cinese e la Seconda guerra sino-giapponese. Le sue imprese gli valsero il soprannome di "Tigre Xu". Fu ferito in battaglia per nove volte, e dopo aver contratto la Tubercolosi, fu parzialmente costretto a letto per gli ultimi diciott'anni della sua vita. (it)