Zari Tomaz and Zari Tarazi are fictional characters portrayed by Tala Ashe in The CW's Arrowverse franchise, primarily the television series Legends of Tomorrow. Loosely inspired by the characters Andrea Thomas and Adrianna Tomaz, both of whom use the moniker Isis, Zari was created by Phil Klemmer and Marc Guggenheim, with the Tomaz incarnation introduced in the series' third season episode "Zari". She is a hacktivist from a dystopian 2042 and joins the time-travelling Legends of Tomorrow, assisting them on their numerous adventures through season four. Due to the events of the season four finale, Tomaz's history is changed in a way that she never lived in a dystopian future; after she is erased from reality, a new alternate timeline version of Zari introduced in season five, Tarazi, is in