| - 張光輔(?-689年8月24日),唐朝长安(今陕西省西安市)人。少年明辩,有官吏的才干。历任司农少卿、文昌右丞。 687年五月初三,时任夏官侍郎(兵部侍郎)的张光辅被任命为凤阁侍郎(中书侍郎)、同鳳閣鸞臺平章事。688年九月初一,越王李贞起兵反对武则天,左豹韬大将军麴崇裕为中军大总管,岑长倩为后军大总管,领兵十万人讨伐,张光辅为诸军节度,为同鳳閣鸞臺三品。张光辅在豫州,部下向刺史狄仁杰要钱,狄仁杰不理。张光辅大怒:“州将轻元帅邪?”狄仁杰说:“乱河南者一越王贞耳,今一贞死,万贞生!”张光辅问他这话什么意思,狄仁杰说:“明公总兵三十万,所诛者止于越王贞。城中闻官军至,逾城出降者四面成蹊,明公纵将士暴掠,杀已降以为功,流血丹野,非万贞而何!恨不得尚方斩马剑,加于明公之颈,虽死如归耳!”张光辅无法反驳,回朝上奏说狄仁杰不恭顺。狄仁杰被降为复州刺史。689年三月十一,张光辅守纳言(侍中)。三月二十,张光辅守内史(中书令)。徐敬业的弟弟徐敬真准备逃亡突厥。得到洛州司马弓嗣业(《旧唐书》作房嗣業)、洛阳令张嗣明的资助。徐敬真到定州被抓获,弓嗣业闻讯,自缢而死。张嗣明、徐敬真希望多诬告一些有名望的人,期望这样自己能免除死罪。张嗣明诬告张光辅“征讨豫州时,他私下议论图谶、天文,在朝廷和李贞间两头讨好。”八月初四,张光辅和徐敬真、张嗣明等一起被处死,籍没家产。 (zh)
- Zhang Guangfu (張光輔) (died August 24, 689) was a Chinese military general and politician of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, serving as chancellor during the first reign of Emperor Ruizong. It is not known when Zhang Guangfu was born, but it is known that he was from the Tang capital Chang'an. He was said to be intelligent and good at rhetoric in his youth, and also capable as an official. He was eventually promoted to the posts of deputy minister of agriculture (司農少卿, Sinong Shaoqing) and then Wenchang Zuo Cheng (文昌左丞), one of the secretaries general of the executive bureau of government (文昌臺, Wenchang Tai). In 687, he was made Fengge Shilang (鳳閣侍郎), the deputy head of the legislative bureau of government (鳳閣, Fengge), and given the designation Tong Fengge Luantai Pinzhangshi (同鳳閣鸞臺平章事), (en)
has abstract
| - Zhang Guangfu (張光輔) (died August 24, 689) was a Chinese military general and politician of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, serving as chancellor during the first reign of Emperor Ruizong. It is not known when Zhang Guangfu was born, but it is known that he was from the Tang capital Chang'an. He was said to be intelligent and good at rhetoric in his youth, and also capable as an official. He was eventually promoted to the posts of deputy minister of agriculture (司農少卿, Sinong Shaoqing) and then Wenchang Zuo Cheng (文昌左丞), one of the secretaries general of the executive bureau of government (文昌臺, Wenchang Tai). In 687, he was made Fengge Shilang (鳳閣侍郎), the deputy head of the legislative bureau of government (鳳閣, Fengge), and given the designation Tong Fengge Luantai Pinzhangshi (同鳳閣鸞臺平章事), making him a chancellor de facto. In 688, when Emperor Ruizong's uncle Li Zhen the Prince of Yue rebelled against the rule of Emperor Ruizong's powerful mother and regent Empress Dowager Wu (later known as Wu Zetian), Empress Dowager Wu commissioned Zhang to command the troops against Li Zhen, assisted by fellow chancellor Cen Changqian and Qu Chongyu (麴崇裕). Li Zhen was quickly defeated. Thereafter, Empress Dowager Wu gave him the greater chancellor designation of Tong Fengge Luantai Sanpin (同鳳閣鸞臺三品). (It was said, however, that Zhang's soldiers, without any discouragement from him, pillaged the people of Yu Prefecture (豫州, roughly modern Zhumadian, Henan), and that Zhang further demanded all kinds of supplies from the new prefect of Yu Prefecture, Di Renjie, leading to an intense argument between Zhang and Di in which Di stated that if he had the authority to do so, he would have beheaded Zhang on the spot, even if it meant his own death.) In 689, Empress Dowager Wu made Zhang acting Nayan (納言) -- the head of the examination bureau (鸞臺, Luantai) and a post considered one for a chancellor. Later that year, she made him acting Neishi (內史) -- the head of the legislative bureau and a post also considered one for a chancellor. He was considered capable at both positions. However, his fall would come in the fall of that year. Xu Jingzhen (徐敬真), the younger brother of Xu Jingye the Duke of Ying, who had led an unsuccessful rebellion against Empress Dowager Wu in 684, had been exiled to Xiu Prefecture (繡州, roughly modern Guigang, Guangxi), but fled from the place of exile and intended to flee north to Eastern Tujue. When he went through the eastern capital Luoyang, the officials Gong Siye (弓嗣業) and Zhang Siming (張嗣明) gave him money to use in flight. When Xu went through Ding Prefecture (定州, roughly modern Baoding, Hebei), he was captured and brought back to Luoyang for interrogation. Gong committed suicide, but both Xu and Zhang Siming, in interrogation, implicated many officials, hoping that by doing so they could ingratiate Empress Dowager Wu and her secret police officials so that they could be spared. Zhang Siming, in particular, claimed that when Zhang Guangfu was attacking Li Zhen, he secretly consulted fortunetelling books to try to see what the future might hold, and intentionally slowed to see whether Li Zhen's rebellion had any hope. As a result of Zhang Siming's claims, Zhang Guangfu was arrested and executed with Xu and Zhang Siming, and his assets were seized. (en)
- 張光輔(?-689年8月24日),唐朝长安(今陕西省西安市)人。少年明辩,有官吏的才干。历任司农少卿、文昌右丞。 687年五月初三,时任夏官侍郎(兵部侍郎)的张光辅被任命为凤阁侍郎(中书侍郎)、同鳳閣鸞臺平章事。688年九月初一,越王李贞起兵反对武则天,左豹韬大将军麴崇裕为中军大总管,岑长倩为后军大总管,领兵十万人讨伐,张光辅为诸军节度,为同鳳閣鸞臺三品。张光辅在豫州,部下向刺史狄仁杰要钱,狄仁杰不理。张光辅大怒:“州将轻元帅邪?”狄仁杰说:“乱河南者一越王贞耳,今一贞死,万贞生!”张光辅问他这话什么意思,狄仁杰说:“明公总兵三十万,所诛者止于越王贞。城中闻官军至,逾城出降者四面成蹊,明公纵将士暴掠,杀已降以为功,流血丹野,非万贞而何!恨不得尚方斩马剑,加于明公之颈,虽死如归耳!”张光辅无法反驳,回朝上奏说狄仁杰不恭顺。狄仁杰被降为复州刺史。689年三月十一,张光辅守纳言(侍中)。三月二十,张光辅守内史(中书令)。徐敬业的弟弟徐敬真准备逃亡突厥。得到洛州司马弓嗣业(《旧唐书》作房嗣業)、洛阳令张嗣明的资助。徐敬真到定州被抓获,弓嗣业闻讯,自缢而死。张嗣明、徐敬真希望多诬告一些有名望的人,期望这样自己能免除死罪。张嗣明诬告张光辅“征讨豫州时,他私下议论图谶、天文,在朝廷和李贞间两头讨好。”八月初四,张光辅和徐敬真、张嗣明等一起被处死,籍没家产。 (zh)