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wikidata:Q1656682 dbo:SocietalEvent wikidata:Q40231 n21:Event schema:Event owl:Thing dbo:Event dbo:Election
2001年イギリス総選挙 Britische Unterhauswahl 2001 Eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2001 2001년 영국 총선 2001 United Kingdom general election Парламентские выборы в Великобритании (2001) Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii w 2001 roku Elecciones generales del Reino Unido de 2001 Élections générales britanniques de 2001 Парламентські вибори у Великій Британії 2001 2001年英國大選 Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2001 Elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2001 Eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 2001
Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2001 es van celebrar el 7 de juny de 2001. El Partit Laborista va assolir la seva segona victòria consecutiva, amb 166 diputats de diferència amb el Partit Conservador, només els Liberal demòcrates van guanyar sis escons. Per altra banda, el Sinn Féin assolí representació a Westminster. 2001年英國大選,於2001年6月7日舉行。在首相托尼·布莱尔請求之下,英國女王伊丽莎白二世宣布解散國會。本屆英國大選在全國659個選區(英格蘭有529個選區,蘇格蘭72個選區,威爾士40個選區,北愛爾蘭18個選區)進行,仍使用簡單多數制(First-past-the-post)的選舉方法,即每個選區以得票最多的候選人勝出,成為該區的代表,將在下議院獲得一個席位。獲得最多席位的黨派將組成英國下一屆政府,該黨黨魁則成為下一任首相。 選舉結果,布莱尔領導的工黨繼續取得壓制性勝利蟬聯執政,保守黨黨魁威廉·黑格辭職,成為自1921年以來首位未能出任首相的保守黨黨魁。 2001年イギリス総選挙(2001ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 2001)は、イギリス議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の議員を選出するため、イギリスにおいて2001年6月に行われたイギリス総選挙である。 Les élections législatives britanniques de 2001 se tiennent le 7 juin afin de renouveler les mandats des députés à la Chambre des communes. Le Parti travailliste du Premier ministre Tony Blair conserve la majorité après sa large victoire de 1997. Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 2001 года (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2001) — демократические выборы, происходившие 7 июня 2001 года. На выборах консерваторы и лейбористы практически повторили итоги выборов 1997 года, и разрыв между лейбористами и консерваторами составил 247 мандатов вместо прежних 253. Таким образом, консерваторам не удалось реабилитировать себя в глазах избирателей после полного провала на предыдущих выборах. После выборов Вильям Хейг ушёл с поста лидера консерваторов, и его сменил Иан Дункан Смит. Парламентські вибори в Великої Британії 2001 року (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2001) — демократичні вибори, що відбувалися 7 червня 2001 року. На виборах консерватори та лейбористи практично повторили підсумки виборів 1997 року, і розрив між лейбористами та консерваторами склав 247 мандатів замість колишніх 253. Таким чином, консерваторам не вдалося реабілітувати себе в очах виборців після повного провалу на попередніх виборах. після виборів Вільям Хейг пішов з посади лідера консерваторів, і його змінив Іан Дункан Сміт. Las elecciones generales del Reino Unido de 2001 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el jueves 7 de junio de 2001. El Partido Laborista ganó su segunda victoria consecutiva, disminuyendo muy ligeramente su mayoría a 167, comparado con 179 en las elecciones generales del 1 de mayo de 1997. Die britische Unterhauswahl 2001 vom 7. Juni 2001 wurde von den Medien auch als „stiller Erdrutsch“ bezeichnet. Nachdem die Labour Party bei der Wahl 1997 einen erdrutschartigen Sieg errungen hatte, konnte sie 2001 ihren Sieg wiederholen und ihren großen Vorsprung halten. Tony Blair war der erste Premierminister der Labour Party, der nach einer vollen Amtszeit wiedergewählt wurde. Die Mehrheit für Labour schrumpfte nur unwesentlich von 179 auf 167 Sitze. Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2001 si tennero il 7 giugno e videro la vittoria del Partito Laburista di Tony Blair, che fu confermato Primo Ministro. Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii, 2001, odbyły się 7 czerwca 2001 roku na terenie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Wybory wygrała rządząca Brytyjska Partia Pracy premiera Tony’ego Blaira. As eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 2001 foram realizadas a 7 de junho para eleger os 659 assentos para a Câmara dos Comuns do Reino Unido. Após 4 anos de estabilidade política aliada a um forte crescimento económico, bem como, a contínua forte popularidade de Tony Blair, o Partido Trabalhista obteve uma nova vitória eleitoral, mantendo a maioria absoluta, ao perder, apenas, 5 deputados, em relação a 1997. A vitória dos trabalhistas, como as sondagens indicavam, nunca esteve em causa, o que, causou, um certo desinteresse do eleitorado em relação as eleições. Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2001 skedde den 7 juni 2001. Labour behöll sin majoritet från valet 1997 i stort sett oförändrad. Endast i 21 valkretsar utanför Nordirland förlorade den sittande parlamentsledamoten (eller dennes partikamrat). Liberaldemokraterna gick svagt framåt. I Nordirland vann partier som var motståndare till Långfredagsavtalet mark. Valdeltagandet var lågt, endast 59%, vilket var det lägsta sedan 1918. The 2001 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 7 June 2001, four years after the previous election on 1 May 1997, to elect 659 members to the House of Commons. The governing Labour Party was re-elected to serve a second term in government with another landslide victory with a 167 majority, returning 413 members of Parliament versus 419 from the 1997 general election, a net loss of six seats, though with a significantly lower turnout than before—59.4%, compared to 71.3% at the previous election. The number of votes Labour received fell by nearly three million. Tony Blair went on to become the only Labour Prime Minister to serve two consecutive full terms in office. As Labour retained almost all of their seats won in the 1997 landslide victory, the media dubbed the 2001 electi 2001년 영국 총선은 2001년 6월 7일에 영국 하원의 659석을 선출하기 위해 실시된 선거이다. 원래 5월 3일에 열릴 것으로 예상되었으나 4월 2일에 영국 정부가 같은 해 2월부터 영국에서 일어난 구제역 확산의 여파로 인하여 연기하기로 결정했다. 선거 전 노동당의 토니 블레어 내각은 경제 호황과 균형적인 복지 정책으로 높은 인기를 누리고 있었다. 반대로 지난 1997년 총선 이후 사퇴한 존 메이저의 후임을 이어 보수당의 대표가 된 윌리엄 헤이그는 리더쉽의 부재로 인해 당내에서 지지를 받지 못하고 있었다.
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dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_Scotland_(2001–2005) dbr:Muslim_Party dbr:Eileen_Gordon dbr:Michael_Heseltine dbr:Neath_Port_Talbot_Ratepayers_Association n7:William_Hague_Foreign_Secretary_(2010).jpg dbr:Charles_Kennedy dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Mike_Woodin dbr:Queen_Elizabeth_Hospital_Birmingham dbr:Henry_Bellingham,_Baron_Bellingham dbr:Seán_Neeson dbr:Great_Britain n7:Opinion_polling_for_the_2001_United_Kingdom_general_election.png dbr:Landslide_victory dbr:Ynys_Môn_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:John_MacGregor,_Baron_MacGregor_of_Pulham_Market dbr:The_Sun_(United_Kingdom) dbr:Wales dbr:David_Dimbleby dbr:Patsy_Calton dbr:Norfolk_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:New_Millennium_Bean_Party dbr:Jeffrey_Titford dbr:Norfolk_North_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Castle_Point_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Unionism_in_Ireland dbr:Mo_Mowlam dbr:David_Burnside dbr:Mayor_of_London dbr:Father_of_the_House_(United_Kingdom) dbr:Oldham dbr:George_Turner_(British_politician) dbr:Peter_Taaffe dbr:The_Independent dbr:Labour_Party_(UK) dbr:West_Tyrone_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Pat_Doherty_(politician) dbr:Tatton_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Free_Party_(UK) dbr:Stephen_Day_(British_politician) dbr:Austen_Chamberlain dbr:Margaret_Thatcher dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_foot-and-mouth_outbreak dbr:Reform_2000_Party dbr:William_McCrea,_Baron_McCrea_of_Magherafelt_and_Cookstown dbr:Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:European_Union dbr:Andrew_Turner_(politician) dbr:The_Times dbr:David_Cameron dbr:1997_Conservative_Party_leadership_election dbr:Robert_Griffiths_(politician) dbr:Michael_Portillo dbr:United_Kingdom_and_the_euro dbr:Paddy_Ashdown dbr:Anthony_King_(political_scientist) dbr:World_War_II dbr:Catmando dbc:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Non-Hodgkin_lymphoma dbr:Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer dbr:Romsey_(constituency) dbr:Isle_of_Wight_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Nick_St_Aubyn dbr:Chesterfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:South_Dorset_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Leeds_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Wyre_Forest_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Upminster_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Cedric_Wilson dbr:Colonel_(United_Kingdom) dbr:United_States dbr:Cheadle_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Lady_Hermon dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election_in_England dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election_in_Northern_Ireland dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election_in_Scotland dbr:Ieuan_Wyn_Jones dbr:Norman_Lamb dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election_in_Wales dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_local_elections dbr:Ross,_Skye_and_Inverness_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Keith_Darvill dbr:Economic_and_Monetary_Union_of_the_European_Union dbr:Carmarthen_East_and_Dinefwr_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:David_Prior,_Baron_Prior_of_Brampton dbr:Peter_Brand_(British_politician) dbr:National_Health_Service dbr:Belfast_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency) 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dbr:Peter_Brooke,_Baron_Brooke_of_Sutton_Mandeville dbr:Irish_nationalism dbr:Andrew_Rosindell dbr:South_Antrim_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sinn_Féin dbr:Eurozone dbr:Dick_Cole_(politician) dbr:Ken_Livingstone dbr:Plaid_Cymru dbr:Scotland dbr:Boris_Johnson dbr:Robert_McCartney_(Northern_Irish_politician) dbr:2001_Oldham_riots dbr:Richmond_(Yorks)_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Dorset_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Lists_of_United_Kingdom_by-elections dbr:Patrick_Nicholls dbr:Howling_Laud_Hope dbr:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election_results_in_Northern_Ireland dbr:Romford_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Dorset_Mid_and_Poole_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Conservative_Party_(UK) dbr:Birmingham dbr:John_Swinney dbr:Arthur_Scargill dbr:Northern_Ireland dbr:Adam_Price dbr:Prescott_punch dbr:Irish_republicanism dbr:Gregory_Campbell_(politician) dbr:Ulster_Unionist_Party dbr:Daily_Mail dbr:Aberavon_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Daily_Mirror dbr:Ian_Paisley dbr:William_Thompson_(Ulster_Unionist_politician) dbr:Alan_Williams_(Carmarthen_MP) dbc:June_2001_events_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Scottish_National_Party dbc:2001_elections_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Daily_Express dbr:Tony_Benn dbr:Newark_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:John_Morris,_Baron_Morris_of_Aberavon dbr:David_Lock dbr:Conservative_Party_Conference_(UK) dbr:Hugh_Smyth dbr:The_Daily_Telegraph dbr:Jim_Knight dbr:Cecil_Walker dbr:UK_Unionist_Party dbr:Christine_Butler dbr:Pearl_Sagar dbr:Fermanagh_and_South_Tyrone_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Tom_King,_Baron_King_of_Bridgwater dbr:1994_Labour_Party_leadership_election dbr:Mid_Dorset_and_North_Poole_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:North_Belfast_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Bookmaker dbr:Richard_Younger-Ross dbr:Martin_Bell dbr:Strangford_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:BBC_One dbr:Fuel_protests_in_the_United_Kingdom dbr:British_National_Party dbr:Nigel_Dodds dbr:North_Down_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:George_Osborne dbr:John_Major dbr:Oliver_Letwin dbr:1999_Liberal_Democrats_leadership_election dbr:Romsey_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Bethnal_Green_and_Bow_(UK_Parliament_constituency) n7:Tony_Blair_in_2002.jpg dbr:Bone_marrow dbr:William_Ross_(Unionist_politician) dbr:Brentwood_and_Ongar_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Independent_politician dbr:Angela_Watkinson dbr:Peter_Snow dbr:1999_Kensington_and_Chelsea_by-election dbr:Oldham_West_and_Royton_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Gallagher_Index dbr:Patrick_Mercer dbr:The_Guardian dbr:Margaret_Wright_(British_politician) dbr:Abstentionism dbr:Bob_Spink dbr:Sue_Doughty dbr:East_Londonderry_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Dead_Parrot_sketch dbr:Taunton_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:House_of_Commons_Library dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom dbr:Good_Friday_Agreement dbr:Glasgow_Springburn_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Democratic_Unionist_Party dbr:Galloway_and_Upper_Nithsdale_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Edward_Heath dbr:Independent_Kidderminster_Hospital_and_Health_Concern dbr:Ynys_Mon_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Tyrone_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) n7:Charles_Kennedy_MP_(cropped).jpg dbr:Captain_Beany dbr:1997_United_Kingdom_general_election dbr:Prime_Minister's_Questions dbr:The_Honourable dbr:Andrew_Marr dbr:List_of_MPs_for_constituencies_in_Wales_(2001–2005) dbr:Ludlow_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Gerry_Adams n7:Results_of_the_UK_General_Election,_2001.svg dbr:Londonderry_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Rhyl dbr:Eric_Pickles
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dbt:Infobox_election dbt:Tony_Blair dbt:Increase dbt:Party_name_with_color dbt:Legend-line dbt:British_elections dbt:Decrease dbt:2001_United_Kingdom_general_election dbt:Import-blanktable dbt:Citation_needed dbt:UK_general_election_opinion_polling dbt:Short_description dbt:Columns-list dbt:Cite_web dbt:Bar_box dbt:Party_color dbt:UK_general_election_navigation dbt:Election_summary_with_leaders dbt:Election_summary_party_with_leaders dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Election_summary_begin_with_leaders dbt:New_Labour dbt:Use_British_English dbt:Main dbt:Reflist dbt:Bar_percent dbt:William_Hague
List of MPs elected in the 2001 United Kingdom general election
8 9 2 3 0 1
1999-08-09 1994-07-21 1997-06-19
8 0 1 2 5
Composition of the House of Commons after the election
File:House of Commons elected members, 2001.svg
−6 +1 −4 +6 −1 0 +3 +2
Opinion polling for the United Kingdom general election, 2001
List of MPs elected in the 1997 United Kingdom general election
+0.1 +0.3 −2.5 −0.2 +0.4 N/A 0 +1.5 +0.2 +1.2 +1.0 −0.1
4814321 8357615 10724953
62.5 0.8 0.2 0.6 7.9 0.9 0.5 25.2 0
1.0 1.5 2.5
1.8 18.3 1.5 0.7 0.8 0 0.4 0.2 0.1 40.7 31.6 0.3 0.6
Labour Party
Labour Party
72 137 145 428 37 33 40 639 6 7 4 5 2 3 1 14 15 13 10 18 17 98 114 643 640
United Kingdom
418 165 46
dbr:Seán_Neeson dbr:Tom_Holmes_(politician) dbr:Charles_Kennedy Bob Dobbs Mike Davies Danny Houston Philip Murray Shaukat Ali Khan dbr:Nick_Griffin dbr:Dick_Cole_(politician) Sheila Torrance dbr:Arthur_Scargill dbr:Michael_Meadowcroft dbr:Gerry_Adams dbr:Ian_Paisley Dennis Delderfield Erol Basarik dbr:John_Swinney Alun Buffry dbr:Robert_Griffiths_(politician) N/A Margaret Wright and Mike Woodin Paul Evans Howling Laud Hope and Catmando dbr:Tony_Blair dbr:William_Hague dbr:Jeffrey_Titford dbr:Tommy_Sheridan dbr:Captain_Beany dbr:Seán_Garland dbr:David_Trimble dbr:Cedric_Wilson dbr:John_Hume dbr:Peter_Taaffe dbr:Ieuan_Wyn_Jones Bruno Quintavalle dbr:Richard_Taylor_(British_politician) dbr:Robert_McCartney_(Northern_Irish_politician) dbr:Hugh_Smyth Paul Williams Monica McWilliams and Pearl Sagar Chris Driver
dbr:Richmond_(Yorks)_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Ross,_Skye_and_Inverness_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency) dbr:Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
Colours denote the winning party, as shown in the main table of results.
UK General Election, 2001.svg
Communist Party of Britain Liberal Democrats Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Speaker of the House of Commons Scottish National Party Legalise Cannabis Alliance Independent politician dbr:Isle_of_Wight_Party Scottish Socialist Party ProLife Alliance Northern Ireland Unionist Party Sinn Féin dbr:Tatton_Group Green Party of England and Wales Official Monster Raving Loony Party Northern Ireland Women's Coalition Socialist Labour Party Social Democratic and Labour Party Scottish Unionist Party UK Independence Party Democratic Unionist Party British National Party Progressive Unionist Party dbr:New_Millennium_Bean_Party dbr:Free_Party_(UK) Plaid Cymru Rock 'n' Roll Loony Party Socialist Alliance UK Unionist Party Liberal Party New Britain Party Socialist Party National Front dbr:Muslim_Party dbr:Neath_Port_Talbot_Ratepayers_Association Workers Revolutionary Party Ulster Unionist Party Workers' Party of Ireland Labour Party Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern Leeds Left Alliance Conservative Party People's Justice Party Mebyon Kernow dbr:Reform_2000_Party
18.3 40.7 31.7
Prime Minister after election
1 6
166 0 1 3 4 5 6 52 412 413
All 659 seats to the House of Commons
Popular vote dbr:Prime_Minister_of_the_United_Kingdom Parliamentary seats
16053 195893 3199 8677 505 216839 166477 13685 607 1960 10724953 1418 181999 1454 2352 2968 4781 727 390563 2484 464314 7443 28487 1150 169865 72516 6655 4814321 770 1164 2634 57553 832 13509 888 98917 9453 47129 175933 2728 1794 28999 8357615 57288 1003
Парламентские выборы в Великобритании 2001 года (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2001) — демократические выборы, происходившие 7 июня 2001 года. На выборах консерваторы и лейбористы практически повторили итоги выборов 1997 года, и разрыв между лейбористами и консерваторами составил 247 мандатов вместо прежних 253. Таким образом, консерваторам не удалось реабилитировать себя в глазах избирателей после полного провала на предыдущих выборах. После выборов Вильям Хейг ушёл с поста лидера консерваторов, и его сменил Иан Дункан Смит. Le elezioni generali nel Regno Unito del 2001 si tennero il 7 giugno e videro la vittoria del Partito Laburista di Tony Blair, che fu confermato Primo Ministro. Парламентські вибори в Великої Британії 2001 року (англ. United Kingdom general election of 2001) — демократичні вибори, що відбувалися 7 червня 2001 року. На виборах консерватори та лейбористи практично повторили підсумки виборів 1997 року, і розрив між лейбористами та консерваторами склав 247 мандатів замість колишніх 253. Таким чином, консерваторам не вдалося реабілітувати себе в очах виборців після повного провалу на попередніх виборах. після виборів Вільям Хейг пішов з посади лідера консерваторів, і його змінив Іан Дункан Сміт. The 2001 United Kingdom general election was held on Thursday 7 June 2001, four years after the previous election on 1 May 1997, to elect 659 members to the House of Commons. The governing Labour Party was re-elected to serve a second term in government with another landslide victory with a 167 majority, returning 413 members of Parliament versus 419 from the 1997 general election, a net loss of six seats, though with a significantly lower turnout than before—59.4%, compared to 71.3% at the previous election. The number of votes Labour received fell by nearly three million. Tony Blair went on to become the only Labour Prime Minister to serve two consecutive full terms in office. As Labour retained almost all of their seats won in the 1997 landslide victory, the media dubbed the 2001 election "the quiet landslide". There was little change outside Northern Ireland, with 620 out of the 641 seats in Great Britain electing candidates from the same party as they did in 1997. Factors contributing to the Labour victory included a strong economy, falling unemployment, and public perception that the Labour government had delivered on many key election pledges that it had made in 1997. The opposition Conservative Party, under William Hague's leadership, was still deeply divided on the issue of Europe and the party's policy platform had drifted considerably to the right. The party put the issue of European monetary union (and in particular, the prospect of the UK joining the Eurozone) at the centre of its campaign, but it failed to resonate with the electorate. A series of publicity stunts that backfired also harmed Hague, and he immediately announced his resignation as party leader when the election result was clear, formally stepping down three months later, therefore becoming the first leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party in the House of Commons since Austen Chamberlain nearly eighty years prior not to serve as prime minister. The election was largely a repeat of the 1997 general election, with Labour losing only six seats overall and the Conservatives making a net gain of one seat (gaining nine seats but losing eight). The Conservatives gained a seat in Scotland, which ended the party's status as an "England-only" party in the prior parliament, but failed again to win any seats in Wales. Although they did not gain many seats, three of the few new MPs elected were future Conservative Prime Ministers David Cameron and Boris Johnson and future Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne; Osborne would serve in the same Cabinet as Cameron from 2010 to 2016. The Liberal Democrats made a net gain of six seats. The 2001 general election is the last to date in which any government has held an overall majority of more than 100 seats in the House of Commons, and the second of only two since the Second World War (the other being 1997) in which a single party won over 400 MPs. Notable departing MPs included former Prime Ministers Edward Heath (also Father of the House) and John Major, former Deputy Prime Minister Michael Heseltine, former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown, former Cabinet ministers Tony Benn, Tom King, John Morris, Mo Mowlam, John MacGregor and Peter Brooke, Teresa Gorman, and then Mayor of London Ken Livingstone. Change was seen in Northern Ireland, with the moderate unionist Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) losing four seats to the more hardline Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). A similar transition appeared in the nationalist community, with the moderate Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) losing votes to the more staunchly republican and abstentionist Sinn Féin. Exceptionally low voter turnout, which fell below 60% for the first (and so far, only) time since 1918, also marked this election. The election was broadcast live on BBC One and presented by David Dimbleby, Jeremy Paxman, Andrew Marr, Peter Snow, and Tony King. The 2001 general election was notable for being the first in which pictures of the party logos appeared on the ballot paper. Prior to this, the ballot paper had only displayed the candidate's name, address, and party name. 2001년 영국 총선은 2001년 6월 7일에 영국 하원의 659석을 선출하기 위해 실시된 선거이다. 원래 5월 3일에 열릴 것으로 예상되었으나 4월 2일에 영국 정부가 같은 해 2월부터 영국에서 일어난 구제역 확산의 여파로 인하여 연기하기로 결정했다. 선거 전 노동당의 토니 블레어 내각은 경제 호황과 균형적인 복지 정책으로 높은 인기를 누리고 있었다. 반대로 지난 1997년 총선 이후 사퇴한 존 메이저의 후임을 이어 보수당의 대표가 된 윌리엄 헤이그는 리더쉽의 부재로 인해 당내에서 지지를 받지 못하고 있었다. 선거 결과, 노동당은 413석을 차지해 단 5석만 줄어드는 압승을 거두었다. 선거 후 매스컴은 이 선거를 '조용한 압승'이라 평한 후 투표율이 59.4%에 불과한 점을 들어 유권자의 정치적 무관심이 커졌다고 보도하였다. 보수당은 1석만을 추가해 166석을 얻는데 그쳤다. 선거 후 윌리엄 헤이그는 곧바로 대표직에서 사퇴해 보수당 대표로서 오스틴 체임벌린 이후 처음으로 총리가 되지 못하였다. 반대로 자유민주당의 찰스 케네디는 이전 대표인 패디 애시다운이 거둔 46석보다 6석이 더 높은 의석을 차지했으며, 자유민주당이 전후 최대 의석을 확보하게 되었다. 기타 정당에 경우 SNP는 기존 6석에서 5석으로 줄어들었다. 북아일랜드의 경우, 지난 선거에서 다수당을 차지해 온 얼스터 통합당이 4석이 줄어들고 반대로 민주연합당과 신페인이 얼스터 통합당의 의석을 차지하게 되었다. Les élections législatives britanniques de 2001 se tiennent le 7 juin afin de renouveler les mandats des députés à la Chambre des communes. Le Parti travailliste du Premier ministre Tony Blair conserve la majorité après sa large victoire de 1997. 2001年イギリス総選挙(2001ねんイギリスそうせんきょ、英語:United Kingdom general election, 2001)は、イギリス議会(正式名称:グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国議会)の議員を選出するため、イギリスにおいて2001年6月に行われたイギリス総選挙である。 2001年英國大選,於2001年6月7日舉行。在首相托尼·布莱尔請求之下,英國女王伊丽莎白二世宣布解散國會。本屆英國大選在全國659個選區(英格蘭有529個選區,蘇格蘭72個選區,威爾士40個選區,北愛爾蘭18個選區)進行,仍使用簡單多數制(First-past-the-post)的選舉方法,即每個選區以得票最多的候選人勝出,成為該區的代表,將在下議院獲得一個席位。獲得最多席位的黨派將組成英國下一屆政府,該黨黨魁則成為下一任首相。 選舉結果,布莱尔領導的工黨繼續取得壓制性勝利蟬聯執政,保守黨黨魁威廉·黑格辭職,成為自1921年以來首位未能出任首相的保守黨黨魁。 Les eleccions al Parlament del Regne Unit de 2001 es van celebrar el 7 de juny de 2001. El Partit Laborista va assolir la seva segona victòria consecutiva, amb 166 diputats de diferència amb el Partit Conservador, només els Liberal demòcrates van guanyar sis escons. Per altra banda, el Sinn Féin assolí representació a Westminster. As eleições gerais no Reino Unido em 2001 foram realizadas a 7 de junho para eleger os 659 assentos para a Câmara dos Comuns do Reino Unido. Após 4 anos de estabilidade política aliada a um forte crescimento económico, bem como, a contínua forte popularidade de Tony Blair, o Partido Trabalhista obteve uma nova vitória eleitoral, mantendo a maioria absoluta, ao perder, apenas, 5 deputados, em relação a 1997. A vitória dos trabalhistas, como as sondagens indicavam, nunca esteve em causa, o que, causou, um certo desinteresse do eleitorado em relação as eleições. O Partido Conservador, apesar de ter um novo líder, William Hague, continuava a sofrer com fortes divisões internas, em muito, causadas pela linha a seguir em relação à União Europeia. Os conservadores voltaram a obter um resultado desastroso, conquistando, apenas, mais 1 deputado em relação a 1997, ficando-se pelos 166 deputados. Os Liberal Democratas continuaram com o seu crescimento eleitoral, chegando aos 18,5% dos votos e 52 deputados, e, assim, confirmando o seu estatuto de terceiro maior partido britânico. Por fim, importa realçar a grande mudança na Irlanda do Norte, onde o Partido Unionista Democrático e o Sinn Féin obtiveram fortes ganhos à custa dos partidos mais moderado como o Partido Unionista do Ulster e o Partido Social Democrata e Trabalhista. Importa realçar que, em muito devido à previsibilidade quanto ao resultado final, estas eleições provocaram um forte desinteresse, culminando na taxa de participação mais baixa em eleições britânicas desde 1918, com apenas 59,4% dos eleitores britânicos votando nestas eleições. Die britische Unterhauswahl 2001 vom 7. Juni 2001 wurde von den Medien auch als „stiller Erdrutsch“ bezeichnet. Nachdem die Labour Party bei der Wahl 1997 einen erdrutschartigen Sieg errungen hatte, konnte sie 2001 ihren Sieg wiederholen und ihren großen Vorsprung halten. Tony Blair war der erste Premierminister der Labour Party, der nach einer vollen Amtszeit wiedergewählt wurde. Die Mehrheit für Labour schrumpfte nur unwesentlich von 179 auf 167 Sitze. Diese Wahl war von großer Stabilität geprägt. 620 der 641 Sitze in England, Wales und Schottland blieben bei derselben Partei wie 1997. Die Conservative Party konnte netto nur einen Sitzgewinn verbuchen und ihr katastrophales Ergebnis von 1997 nur marginal verbessern. Die Liberal Democrats gewannen sechs Sitze dazu und waren mit total 52 Sitzen so gut wie seit den 1920er Jahren nicht mehr, als sie letztmals in der Regierung waren. Ursprünglich war die Wahl für den 3. Mai vorgesehen. Doch aufgrund der Maul- und Klauenseuche, von der Großbritannien damals stark betroffen war, ordnete Premierminister Tony Blair eine Verschiebung um einen Monat an. Die Wahl stieß bei der Bevölkerung auf geringes Interesse. Die Wahlbeteiligung betrug nur gerade 59 %, der tiefste Wert seit 1918. Labour hatte in den Meinungsumfragen einen derart komfortablen Vorsprung, dass einige Buchmacher die Gewinne für Wetten auf einen Labour-Wahlsieg bereits vor dem Wahltag auszahlten. In Nordirland war die Wahl weitaus spannender. Dabei gewannen diejenigen Parteien, die das Karfreitagsabkommen bekämpften. Die moderaten Parteien UUP und SDLP verloren Sitze an die extremen Parteien DUP und Sinn Féin. Die verlor ihren einzigen Sitz. Parlamentsvalet i Storbritannien 2001 skedde den 7 juni 2001. Labour behöll sin majoritet från valet 1997 i stort sett oförändrad. Endast i 21 valkretsar utanför Nordirland förlorade den sittande parlamentsledamoten (eller dennes partikamrat). Liberaldemokraterna gick svagt framåt. I Nordirland vann partier som var motståndare till Långfredagsavtalet mark. Valdeltagandet var lågt, endast 59%, vilket var det lägsta sedan 1918. Las elecciones generales del Reino Unido de 2001 en el Reino Unido fueron celebrados el jueves 7 de junio de 2001. El Partido Laborista ganó su segunda victoria consecutiva, disminuyendo muy ligeramente su mayoría a 167, comparado con 179 en las elecciones generales del 1 de mayo de 1997. Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii, 2001, odbyły się 7 czerwca 2001 roku na terenie Zjednoczonego Królestwa Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej. Wybory wygrała rządząca Brytyjska Partia Pracy premiera Tony’ego Blaira.
2001 United Kingdom general election