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Οικογένεια Ανεμά Анемас (династия) Anemas Família Anemas
Anemas (em grego: Ἀνεμᾶς) foi uma família aristocrática bizantina atestada dos séculos IX ao XV. A origem e etimologia do nome são incertas; pode estar conectado a anemos, "vento", embora o filólogo sugeriu que derivou de aneme, "carretel". Outros, como , sugeriram que a família atestada tardiamente foi descendente de Anemas, filho do último emir de Creta, que converteu-se ao cristianismo e uniu-se ao exército bizantino. Με το όνομα Ανεμάς (πληθ. Ανεμάδες) αναφέρουν οι χρονογράφοι της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας τα μέλη μεγάλης Ρωμαϊκής οικογένειας, που είχε σημαντικό ρόλο στην πολιτική ζωή της Ρωμανίας. Γενάρχης της οικογένειας των Ανεμάδων ήταν ο τελευταίος Άραβας (Σαρακηνός) Εμίρης της Κρήτης, ο , που αιχμαλωτίσθηκε από τον Νικηφόρο Φωκά κατά την εκστρατεία του στη μεγαλόνησο το 961. Ο Αβδούλ Αζίζ, γνωστός και ως «Κουρουπάς», μεταφέρθηκε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, όπου ο γιος του αλ-Νουμάν έγινε Χριστιανός και εξελλήνισε το όνομά του σε Ανεμάς. Ο Κουρουπάς διακρίθηκε στην , το οποίο κατείχαν οι Ρως. Σε αυτή σκότωσε τον υπαρχηγό των Ρως, τον Ίκμορα. Анемас (греч. Ἀνεμᾶς) — византийская аристократическая семья, существовавшая в IX—XV вв. Anemas (Greek: Ἀνεμᾶς) was the name of a Byzantine aristocratic family, attested from the 9th to the 15th centuries. The origin and etymology of the name are uncertain; it may be connected to anemos, "wind", although the philologist suggested a derivation to aneme, "spool". Others, such as , have suggested that the family attested in later times were descendants of Anemas, son of the last Emir of Crete, who converted to Christianity and joined the Byzantine army.
dbr:Phaedon_Koukoules dbr:Emir_of_Crete dbr:Imbros dbr:François_Chalandon dbr:Chartophylax dbc:Byzantine_families dbr:Chalcidice dbr:Alexios_I_Komnenos dbr:Angelos dbr:Komnenian_period dbr:John_II_Komnenos dbr:Byzantine_Empire dbr:The_Alexiad dbr:Manuel_Anemas dbr:Marmara_Sea dbr:Doukas dbr:Blachernae_Palace dbr:Anemas_(died_971) dbr:Prison_of_Anemas
dbpedia-pt:Família_Anemas wikidata:Q41284543 dbpedia-el:Οικογένεια_Ανεμά dbpedia-ru:Анемас_(династия) dbpedia-az:Anemas_ailəsi n15:3pcrn
dbt:Short_description dbt:Citation dbt:Lang-gr dbt:PLP dbt:Oxford_Dictionary_of_Byzantium dbt:Reflist dbt:Sfn dbt:SfnRef dbt:Harvid
Με το όνομα Ανεμάς (πληθ. Ανεμάδες) αναφέρουν οι χρονογράφοι της Ρωμαϊκής Αυτοκρατορίας τα μέλη μεγάλης Ρωμαϊκής οικογένειας, που είχε σημαντικό ρόλο στην πολιτική ζωή της Ρωμανίας. Γενάρχης της οικογένειας των Ανεμάδων ήταν ο τελευταίος Άραβας (Σαρακηνός) Εμίρης της Κρήτης, ο , που αιχμαλωτίσθηκε από τον Νικηφόρο Φωκά κατά την εκστρατεία του στη μεγαλόνησο το 961. Ο Αβδούλ Αζίζ, γνωστός και ως «Κουρουπάς», μεταφέρθηκε στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, όπου ο γιος του αλ-Νουμάν έγινε Χριστιανός και εξελλήνισε το όνομά του σε Ανεμάς. Ο Κουρουπάς διακρίθηκε στην , το οποίο κατείχαν οι Ρως. Σε αυτή σκότωσε τον υπαρχηγό των Ρως, τον Ίκμορα. Αργότερα δύο αδελφοί Ανεμάδες εμφανίζονται κατά την εποχή του Αλεξίου Α΄ Κομνηνού (1081-1118): ο Λέων και ο Μιχαήλ. Ο Μιχαήλ διακρίθηκε το 1094 στον πόλεμο κατά των Κουμάνων. Αργότερα όμως οι δύο αδελφοί κατηγορήθηκαν για συνωμοσία κατά του Αυτοκράτορα, οπότε δημεύθηκε η περιουσία τους και λίγο καιρό αργότερα συνελήφθησαν και καταδικάστηκαν σε θάνατο με προηγούμενη διαπόμπευση και τύφλωση. Ωστόσο, με τη μεσολάβηση της Αυτοκράτειρας σώθηκε ο Μιχαήλ, τον οποίο έκλεισαν σε έναν πύργο, που αποκλήθηκε μετά «». Αργότερα, ο Μιχαήλ Ανεμάς πήρε αμνηστία και απελευθερώθηκε. Σώζεται της οικογένειας των Ανεμάδων. Anemas (em grego: Ἀνεμᾶς) foi uma família aristocrática bizantina atestada dos séculos IX ao XV. A origem e etimologia do nome são incertas; pode estar conectado a anemos, "vento", embora o filólogo sugeriu que derivou de aneme, "carretel". Outros, como , sugeriram que a família atestada tardiamente foi descendente de Anemas, filho do último emir de Creta, que converteu-se ao cristianismo e uniu-se ao exército bizantino. Quatro irmãos Anemas participaram numa conspiração contra Aleixo I Comneno (r. 1081–1118) em 1105; dois deles são conhecidos pelo nome, Leão e Miguel. A família, contudo, reteve uma posição proeminente durante o : conseguiu casar-se com a filha de João II Comneno (r. 1118–1143), e outros membros parecem ter se casado com as famílias Ângelo e Ducas, que pertenciam a mais alta aristocracia bizantina. A família declinou depois do final do século XII, mas membros aparecem até o final do império no século XV. Anemas (Greek: Ἀνεμᾶς) was the name of a Byzantine aristocratic family, attested from the 9th to the 15th centuries. The origin and etymology of the name are uncertain; it may be connected to anemos, "wind", although the philologist suggested a derivation to aneme, "spool". Others, such as , have suggested that the family attested in later times were descendants of Anemas, son of the last Emir of Crete, who converted to Christianity and joined the Byzantine army. Four Anemas brothers took part in a conspiracy against Alexios I Komnenos in 1105; two of them are known by name, Michael and Leo. Once the attempt on the life of the emperor had been discovered and foiled, the conspirators were shaven and ritually humiliated. Michael Anemas was due to be punished by blinding, but his bravery moved the emperor's daughters who begged the intercession of their mother. The emperor was persuaded to grant clemency and Michael was merely imprisoned. The tower near the Blachernae Palace where he was incarcerated became known as the 'Prison of Anemas', because of his long residence there. The family retained a prominent position, however, during the Komnenian period: Manuel Anemas was chosen to marry a daughter of John II Komnenos, and other members appear to have made marriage alliances with the Angelos and Doukas families, who belonged to the highest Byzantine aristocracy. The family declined after the late 12th century, but members occur until the end of the empire in the 15th century. An Anemas, landowner in Stomion of Chalcidice, is attested in 1321, an unnamed member of the family drowned in the Marmara Sea in the early 14th century, while a Theodore Anemas was chartophylax at Imbros in 1407. Анемас (греч. Ἀνεμᾶς) — византийская аристократическая семья, существовавшая в IX—XV вв.