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رفاهية مظهرية 과시여가 Conspicuous leisure
과시여가(Conspicuous leisure)는 노르웨이계 미국 사회학자 소스타인 베블런이 『유한계급론』에서 제안한 개념이다. 과시여가는 자신의 사회적 지위를 내보이고 획득하기 위한 목적으로 수행되는 여가다. 과시여가는 완전히 사회적 요인으로 동기부여되는 것처럼 보이는 여가형태로 구성되며, 예컨대 이색적인 공간으로 장기간의 휴가를 다녀와 사치스러운 기념품을 가져오는 것 따위가 이에 속한다. 과시여가는 계층이라는 것이 존재하는 모든 사회에서 나타난다. 과시여가는 비생산성의 미화에 기여하며, 하층계급이 유한계급을 매도하기보다 부러워하게 만든다. 그래서 여가는 상층계급이 지위와 물질적 위치를 유지하는 데 도움이 된다. 유사하게, 사치스러운 지출을 통해 비생산성을 과시할 때는 베블런의 또다른 개념인 "과시소비"로 설명된다. الرفاهية المظهرية (Conspicuous leisure)هو مصطلح قدمه عالم الاقتصاد الأمريكي ثورستين فيبلين في The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). ويشير هذا المصطلح إلى الرفاهية المرئية الواضحة بغرض الكشف عن الرتبة الاجتماعية. ويتم غالبًا حجز هذا المصطلح للإشارة إلى أشكال الرفاهية التي يبدو أنها ترتبط بشكل كامل بالعوامل الاجتماعية، مثل أخذ إجازات لفترات طويلة والتوجه إلى أماكن غريبة وجلب الهدايا التذكارية عند العودة. والرفاهية المظهرية هي عرض تتم ملاحظته لدى الأشخاص في كل المجتمعات التي تتواجد بها الطبقات الاجتماعية. ويعد «الاستهلاك المظهري» الأكثر شهرة لفيبلين أحد أنواع الرفاهية المظهرية. Conspicuous leisure is a concept introduced by the American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). Conspicuous or visible leisure is engaged in for the sake of displaying and attaining social status.
dbc:Leisure dbc:Narcissism dbc:Institutional_economics dbc:Thorstein_Veblen dbc:Socio-economic_mobility
dbr:Celebrity_culture dbr:Middle_Ages dbr:Wealthy dbr:Affluenza dbr:Serfs dbr:Conspicuous_consumption dbr:The_Theory_of_the_Leisure_Class dbc:Leisure dbr:Thorstein_Veblen dbr:Elite dbr:Manual_labour dbr:Nobility dbr:Social_status dbc:Institutional_economics n17:Godward_Idleness_1900.jpg dbr:Idleness dbr:Social_stratification dbc:Narcissism dbc:Socio-economic_mobility dbr:Internet_celebrity dbc:Thorstein_Veblen
dbpedia-ko:과시여가 dbpedia-ar:رفاهية_مظهرية freebase:m.0822_z n18:4iPk7 dbpedia-vi:Phô_trương_địa_vị wikidata:Q5163412
dbt:Wealth dbt:Short_description dbt:Anti-consumerism dbt:Instecon dbt:Reflist
과시여가(Conspicuous leisure)는 노르웨이계 미국 사회학자 소스타인 베블런이 『유한계급론』에서 제안한 개념이다. 과시여가는 자신의 사회적 지위를 내보이고 획득하기 위한 목적으로 수행되는 여가다. 과시여가는 완전히 사회적 요인으로 동기부여되는 것처럼 보이는 여가형태로 구성되며, 예컨대 이색적인 공간으로 장기간의 휴가를 다녀와 사치스러운 기념품을 가져오는 것 따위가 이에 속한다. 과시여가는 계층이라는 것이 존재하는 모든 사회에서 나타난다. 과시여가는 비생산성의 미화에 기여하며, 하층계급이 유한계급을 매도하기보다 부러워하게 만든다. 그래서 여가는 상층계급이 지위와 물질적 위치를 유지하는 데 도움이 된다. 유사하게, 사치스러운 지출을 통해 비생산성을 과시할 때는 베블런의 또다른 개념인 "과시소비"로 설명된다. Conspicuous leisure is a concept introduced by the American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen in The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). Conspicuous or visible leisure is engaged in for the sake of displaying and attaining social status. The concept comprises those forms of leisure that seem to be fully motivated by social factors, such as taking long vacations to exotic places and bringing souvenirs back. Conspicuous leisure is observed in all societies where stratification exists. Conspicuous leisure contributes to the glorification of non-productivity, thus validating the behavior of the most powerful classes and leading the lower classes to admire rather than revile the leisure class. This aids the leisure class in retaining their status and material position. Veblen's more well-known concept of "conspicuous consumption" is employed when non-productivity can be more effectively demonstrated through lavish spending. Veblen argued that conspicuous leisure had deep historical roots reaching back into prehistory, and that it "evolved" into different forms as time passed. One example he gave was how, during the Middle Ages, the nobility was exempted from manual labor, which was reserved for serfs. Like owning land, abstaining from labor is a typical display of wealth and one that becomes more problematic as society develops into an industrial one. With the emergence of individual ownership, the leisure class completely stops contributing to the wellbeing of their community. They no longer perform honor-positions, thus totally negating their usefulness to the society. And as society moves away from hunting and agriculture, and towards industrialization, the leisure class can no longer simply take resources from others. This is where Veblen offers us an image of the decaying Lord or Lady who has lost his or her fortune but is unable to engage in labor in order to live. These wealthy elite see labor as menial and vulgar, yet once they can no longer live their worthy life of leisure they suffer from an inability to preserve themselves. Veblen defines leisure as the non-productive consumption of time. The wealthy consume time unproductively due to a disgust of menial labor but also as evidence of their pecuniary ability to live idle lives. But there are moments when even the noble is not viewed publicly and then he must give a satisfactory account of his use of time. Often his account will manifest through the appearance of servants or some sort of craftsmen. A material proof of leisure is another way that the noble demonstrates his wealth even when he is out of the public's eye. Objects or trophies or knowledge that has no real-world application are all examples of the things that the wealthy use to demonstrate their wealth and their leisure. Also, wearing high fashion garments is an example of display of consumption. Displaying rules of etiquette and breeding, and formal and ceremonial observances are other demonstrations of unproductive (and therefore leisurely) uses of time. It is also not enough for the leisure class to live a life of idleness; their servants must also engage in the performance of leisure despite their position as hired help. They are given uniforms, spacious quarters and other material items that signal the wealth of their employer: the more lavish the servants' dress and quarters, the more money the master has to spend freely. This is an example of "conspicuous consumption", a form of conspicuous leisure. House servants give the illusion of "pecuniary decency" to the household, despite the physical discomfort that the leisure class feels at the sight of servants, who produce labor. الرفاهية المظهرية (Conspicuous leisure)هو مصطلح قدمه عالم الاقتصاد الأمريكي ثورستين فيبلين في The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). ويشير هذا المصطلح إلى الرفاهية المرئية الواضحة بغرض الكشف عن الرتبة الاجتماعية. ويتم غالبًا حجز هذا المصطلح للإشارة إلى أشكال الرفاهية التي يبدو أنها ترتبط بشكل كامل بالعوامل الاجتماعية، مثل أخذ إجازات لفترات طويلة والتوجه إلى أماكن غريبة وجلب الهدايا التذكارية عند العودة. والرفاهية المظهرية هي عرض تتم ملاحظته لدى الأشخاص في كل المجتمعات التي تتواجد بها الطبقات الاجتماعية. ويعد «الاستهلاك المظهري» الأكثر شهرة لفيبلين أحد أنواع الرفاهية المظهرية.