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Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories Lista nera (economia) Financial Action Task Force blacklist
In economia la lista nera (blacklist) è una lista stilata nazionalmente da vari paesi, e internazionalmente dall'Ocse, contenente paesi con particolari regimi fiscali, detti anche paradisi fiscali. La lista nera è stata pubblicata dal GAFI dal 2000 ed elenca i paesi che il GAFI ritiene non cooperativi nella lotta globale contro il riciclaggio di denaro e il finanziamento del terrorismo, chiamandoli "Paesi o territori non cooperativi" (NCCT). The Financial Action Task Force blacklist (often abbreviated to FATF blacklist, and officially known as the "Call for action"), is a blacklist maintained by the Financial Action Task Force. The blacklist has been issued by the FATF since 2000, and lists countries which FATF judges to be non-cooperative in the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, calling them "Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories" (NCCTs). Die Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories (Abkürzung NCCT) ist eine Länderliste, die von der Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) geführt wird. Aufgeführt sind Länder, deren Gesetzgebung zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung nicht den anerkannten Standards entspricht. Diese Schwarze Liste ist öffentlich und Mittel einer Politik des name and shame. Wesentlicher jedoch ist, dass die Kreditinstitute der OECD-Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet sind, Transaktionen in und Geschäfte mit diesen Ländern gesondert zu überwachen (Know your customer).
dbc:Blacklisting dbc:Commercial_crimes dbc:Financial_regulation dbc:International_finance dbc:Taxation-related_lists dbc:Funding_of_terrorism dbc:Anti-money_laundering_measures dbc:Tax_evasion dbc:Offshore_finance dbc:International_economics_lists
dbr:Hawala dbr:Brazil dbr:Denmark dbr:Terrorism_financing dbr:Turkey dbr:Costa_Rica dbr:Gibraltar dbr:San_Marino dbr:Aruba dbr:Hamas dbr:Hong_Kong dbr:G7 dbr:New_Zealand dbr:United_States dbr:Qatar dbr:British_Virgin_Islands dbr:Antigua_and_Barbuda dbr:Money_laundering dbr:Philippines dbr:Bermuda dbr:Al-Islah_(Yemen) dbr:Uruguay dbr:Saudi_Arabia dbr:Netherlands_Antilles dbr:Ghana dbr:India dbr:Offshore_financial_centre dbr:South_Sudan dbr:Global_Forum_on_Transparency_and_Exchange_of_Information_for_Tax_Purposes dbr:Japan dbc:Blacklisting dbr:US_Virgin_Islands dbr:Cyprus dbr:Spain dbr:Canada dbr:Haiti dbr:Netherlands dbr:Slovakia dbr:Luxembourg dbr:Germany dbr:Zimbabwe dbr:Finland dbr:South_Korea dbr:Liechtenstein dbr:Iran dbc:Financial_regulation dbr:Israel dbc:Commercial_crimes dbr:South_Africa dbr:Minbar dbr:Brunei dbr:Tax_haven dbr:Botswana dbr:Financial_crisis_of_2007–08 dbr:Liberia dbr:Proliferation_(nuclear_weapons) dbr:Chile dbr:Guatemala dbr:Malaysia dbr:Italy dbr:Argentina dbc:International_finance dbr:Blacklisting dbr:North_Korea dbr:Myanmar dbr:Panama dbr:Sweden dbc:Taxation-related_lists dbr:Norway dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:Pakistan dbr:Bahrain dbc:Funding_of_terrorism dbr:Poland dbr:Iceland dbr:Grenada dbr:Austria n19:OECD_gray_list.png dbr:Belgium dbr:United_Arab_Emirates dbr:Montserrat dbr:Barbados dbr:Czech_Republic dbr:Malta dbr:Isle_of_Man dbr:G20 n21:Pacific_Group_on_Money_Laundering dbr:Anguilla dbc:Anti-money_laundering_measures dbc:Offshore_finance dbr:Bahamas dbr:Slovenia dbr:Muslim_Brotherhood dbr:St._Lucia dbr:Russian_Federation dbr:Riba dbc:Tax_evasion dbr:Seychelles dbr:Cook_Islands dbr:Hungary dbr:Cayman_Islands dbr:France dbr:Mauritius dbr:Samoa dbr:Greece dbc:International_economics_lists dbr:Niue dbr:St._Kitts_and_Nevis dbr:Vanuatu dbr:Ireland dbr:Turks_and_Caicos_Islands dbr:Guernsey dbr:Egypt dbr:Nauru dbr:Andorra dbr:Dominica dbr:Marshall_Islands dbr:Financial_Action_Task_Force dbr:Singapore dbr:Switzerland dbr:Macao dbr:Mexico dbr:Australia dbr:Portugal dbr:Remittance dbr:St._Vincent_and_the_Grenadines dbr:Jersey dbr:Estonia dbr:Belize dbr:Monaco dbr:Informal_value_transfer_system dbr:Indonesia dbr:Taliban dbr:China
n5: n6:aboutthenon-cooperativecountriesandterritoriesncctinitiative.html n24:
n10:वित्तीय_कार्रवाई_कार्यदल_की_काली_सूची dbpedia-it:Lista_nera_(economia) dbpedia-fa:فهرست_سیاه_اف‌ای‌تی‌اف n20:4nrYQ wikidata:Q607466 dbpedia-de:Non-Cooperative_Countries_and_Territories
dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Div_col dbt:Div_col_end dbt:Portal dbt:Short_description dbt:Anchor dbt:Primary_sources dbt:Reflist dbt:Flag dbt:Legend dbt:See_also dbt:Details dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:Col_div_end
Die Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories (Abkürzung NCCT) ist eine Länderliste, die von der Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) geführt wird. Aufgeführt sind Länder, deren Gesetzgebung zur Bekämpfung der Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung nicht den anerkannten Standards entspricht. Diese Schwarze Liste ist öffentlich und Mittel einer Politik des name and shame. Im ersten Bericht der FATF wurden im Februar 2000 die wünschenswerten Standards, Kriterien und Gegenmaßnahmen auf legislativer und Verwaltungsebene festgelegt, um den Missbrauch legaler Finanzströme zum Zweck der Geldwäsche zu identifizieren und zu unterbinden. Wesentlicher jedoch ist, dass die Kreditinstitute der OECD-Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet sind, Transaktionen in und Geschäfte mit diesen Ländern gesondert zu überwachen (Know your customer). In der Europäischen Union gilt hierzu seit 2015 die ; die Vorgängerregelung von Januar 2007 bis 2015 war die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1781/2006 (Geldtransferverordnung). In economia la lista nera (blacklist) è una lista stilata nazionalmente da vari paesi, e internazionalmente dall'Ocse, contenente paesi con particolari regimi fiscali, detti anche paradisi fiscali. La lista nera è stata pubblicata dal GAFI dal 2000 ed elenca i paesi che il GAFI ritiene non cooperativi nella lotta globale contro il riciclaggio di denaro e il finanziamento del terrorismo, chiamandoli "Paesi o territori non cooperativi" (NCCT). Sebbene la mancata apparizione nella lista nera fosse percepita come un segno di approvazione per i centri finanziari offshore (o "paradisi fiscali") che sono sufficientemente ben regolamentati per soddisfare tutti i criteri del GAFI, in pratica l'elenco includeva paesi che non operavano come centri finanziari offshore. Il GAFI aggiorna regolarmente la lista nera, aggiungendo o eliminando voci. Il GAFI descrive le "giurisdizioni ad alto rischio soggette a un invito all'azione" come dotate di "deficit strategiche significative nei loro regimi per contrastare il riciclaggio di denaro, il finanziamento del terrorismo e il finanziamento della proliferazione. Per tutti i paesi identificati come ad alto rischio, il GAFI invita tutti i membri ed esorta tutte le giurisdizioni ad applicare una due diligence rafforzata e, nei casi più gravi, i paesi sono chiamati ad applicare contromisure per proteggere il sistema finanziario internazionale dai rischi in corso di riciclaggio di denaro, finanziamento del terrorismo e finanziamento della proliferazione derivanti dal paese". Al 21 febbraio 2020, solo due paesi erano nella lista nera del GAFI: Corea del Nord e Iran. Il GAFI è stato caratterizzato come efficace nello spostamento di leggi e regolamenti per combattere i flussi finanziari illeciti. Il GAFI incentiva normative più severe attraverso la sua lista pubblica di non conformità, che porta le istituzioni finanziarie a spostare risorse e servizi lontano dai paesi nella lista nera. Questo a sua volta motiva gli attori economici e politici nazionali nei paesi elencati a fare pressione sui loro governi affinché introducano regolamenti conformi al GAFI. The Financial Action Task Force blacklist (often abbreviated to FATF blacklist, and officially known as the "Call for action"), is a blacklist maintained by the Financial Action Task Force. The blacklist has been issued by the FATF since 2000, and lists countries which FATF judges to be non-cooperative in the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, calling them "Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories" (NCCTs). Although non-appearance on the blacklist was perceived to be a mark of approbation for offshore financial centres (or "tax havens") who are sufficiently well regulated to meet all of the FATF's criteria, in practice, the list included countries that did not operate as offshore financial centres. The FATF updates the blacklist regularly, adding or deleting entries. The FATF describes "High-risk jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action" as having "significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation. For all countries identified as high-risk, the FATF calls on all members and urges all jurisdictions to apply enhanced due diligence, and in the most serious cases, countries are called upon to apply counter-measures to protect the international financial system from the ongoing money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation financing risks emanating from the country". As of November 2022, only three countries were on the FATF blacklist: North Korea, Iran, and Myanmar. The FATF has been characterized as effective in shifting laws and regulations to combat illicit financial flows. FATF incentivizes stricter regulations through its public noncomplier list, which leads financial institutions to shift resources and services away from the countries on the blacklist. This in turn motivates domestic economic and political actors in the listed countries to pressure their governments to introduce regulations that are compliant with the FATF.