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List of countries by past and projected future population قائمة الدول حسب عدد السكان في الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل Daftar populasi negara menurut waktu Liste von Staaten und Territorien nach Bevölkerungsentwicklung
Die Liste von Staaten und Territorien nach Bevölkerungsentwicklung führt Territorien der Erde auf, geordnet nach ihrer für die Jahre 2050 und 2100 vorausgesagten Einwohnerzahl. Außerdem sind die Einwohnerzahlen von 2018 sowie die gegenwärtige Fertilitätsraten angegeben. Die Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahlen ergibt sich maßgeblich aus den Fertilitätsraten. Bei einer Rate von 2,1 Kindern pro Frau bleibt die Bevölkerung tendenziell konstant. Mehr Kinder pro Frau bedeuten eine entsprechend höhere Wachstumsrate. Ausnahmen gibt es naturgemäß bei einer erhöhten Sterblichkeit (etwa infolge von AIDS oder Krieg). In den Prognosen für 2050 und 2100 sind Änderungen in der Fertilitätsrate und Migrationsbewegungen einkalkuliert. Zum Vergleich der Entwicklung in den letzten Jahrzehnten sind die Einwohnerza Berikut ini adalah daftar negara di dunia menurut jumlah penduduk antara tahun 1950 hingga 2050. Data berdasarkan Sensus United States Census Bureau - International Data Base (IDB) pada Juli 2015. Populasi tahun 2020 hingga 2050 diperoleh dari hasil perkiraan (estimasi) perhitungan penduduk. يقدم هذا المقال توضيح حول عدد السكان (المطلق) تقريباً لجميع البلدان السياسية والتبعيات في العالم من عام 1950 وحتى عام 2050. من المتوقع أن تتجاوز الهند الصين كأكبر بلد في العالم من حيث عدد السكان. All the figures shown here have been sourced from the International Data Base (IDB) Division of the United States Census Bureau. Every individual value has been rounded to the nearest thousand, to assure data coherence, particularly when adding up (sub)totals. Although data from specific statistical offices may be more accurate, the information provided here has the advantage of being homogeneous.
dbc:Lists_of_countries_by_population dbc:Population_geography
dbr:Plymouth,_Montserrat dbr:Germany dbr:Western_Europe dbr:Pakistan dbr:World dbr:Europe dbr:Collectivity_of_Saint_Martin dbr:Guadeloupe dbr:Federal_government_of_the_United_States dbr:Gaza_Strip dbr:Martinique dbr:Iron_Curtain dbr:Serbia dbr:Hong_Kong dbr:Types_of_volcanic_eruptions dbr:French_Guiana dbr:Oceania dbr:Ethiopia dbr:Macau dbr:United_States_Census_Bureau dbr:Sub-Saharan_Africa dbr:United_Nations dbr:Japan dbr:Bhutan dbr:German_reunification dbr:Gross_domestic_product dbr:Palestinian_territories dbr:Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo dbr:Kosovo dbr:Population_ageing dbr:Overseas_departments_and_regions_of_France dbc:Lists_of_countries_by_population dbr:Names_of_Myanmar dbr:Macroeconomics dbr:Saint_Barthélemy dbr:Lesser_Antilles dbr:Eastern_Europe dbr:Réunion dbr:China dbr:Inflation dbr:Guesstimate dbr:World_War_II dbr:Tuvalu dbr:Cold_War dbr:Egypt dbr:Italy dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:List_of_countries_by_population_in_1907 dbr:Iraq dbr:World_population dbr:List_of_countries_by_population_in_2000 dbr:Brazzaville dbr:List_of_countries_by_population_in_2005 dbr:List_of_countries_by_population_in_2010 dbr:Western_Sahara dbr:Demography dbr:France dbr:Montenegro dbr:Montserrat dbr:List_of_countries_by_past_and_projected_GDP_(PPP) dbr:Asia dbr:List_of_countries_and_dependencies_by_population dbc:Population_geography dbr:Database dbr:West_Bank dbr:Soviet_Union dbr:Republic_of_the_Congo dbr:Compound_interest dbr:Portugal dbr:Caribbean dbr:Family_planning
n14: n15:his_proj.aspx n16: n17:Ifs.aspx n21:informationGateway.php n10: n27: n28:
n7:Աշխարհի_երկրներն_ըստ_նախկին_և_ապագա_գնահատվող_բնակչության dbpedia-de:Liste_von_Staaten_und_Territorien_nach_Bevölkerungsentwicklung n12:فہرست_ممالک_بلحاظ_آبادی_-_ماضی_و_مستقبل wikidata:Q2363479 n20:நாடுகளின்_கடந்த_கால_மற்றும்_வருங்கால_மக்கள்தொகை_மதிப்பீட்டு_பட்டியல் dbpedia-pnb:دیس_لسٹ_بلحاظ_آبادی_-_ماضی_تے_مستقبل n24:2E57n dbpedia-id:Daftar_populasi_negara_menurut_waktu dbpedia-ar:قائمة_الدول_حسب_عدد_السكان_في_الماضي_والحاضر_والمستقبل
dbt:SLE dbt:SKN dbt:TWN dbt:BEN dbt:MWI dbt:SYR dbt:MYA dbt:BDI dbt:BEL dbt:SWZ dbt:SVN dbt:TUV dbt:SWE dbt:SUR dbt:TUN dbt:SVK dbt:TUR dbt:TRI dbt:SUI dbt:TOG dbt:SAM dbt:EST dbt:ETH dbt:ESP dbt:MHL dbt:MLI dbt:ERI dbt:MDG dbt:LIE dbt:SIN dbt:MEX dbt:TAN dbt:MDA dbt:SHN dbt:MCO dbt:MAS dbt:HON dbt:VNM dbt:HUN dbt:SEN dbt:VEN dbt:WLF dbt:MAR dbt:SAU dbt:HAI dbt:BHS dbt:SDN dbt:VCT dbt:MTN dbt:MOZ dbt:MNG dbt:MNP dbt:TLS dbt:MLT dbt:THA dbt:EGY dbt:ECU dbt:MAC dbt:HKG dbt:GIB dbt:LES dbt:Population_country_lists dbt:UZB dbt:IMN dbt:FRO dbt:FIJ dbt:SPM dbt:GGY dbt:KWT dbt:NPL dbt:SXM dbt:NZL dbt:DOM dbt:LAO dbt:KOS dbt:JEY dbt:LIT dbt:AND dbt:Static_row_numbers dbt:GHA dbt:GEO dbt:GER dbt:GAM dbt:GBR dbt:LCA dbt:NER dbt:LBR dbt:LBY dbt:GAB dbt:BER dbt:GUY dbt:LBN dbt:GUI dbt:GUM dbt:LAT dbt:GUA dbt:GRL dbt:NAM dbt:GRD dbt:GRE dbt:GNB dbt:GNQ dbt:NOR dbt:NLD dbt:ZAM dbt:NIC dbt:USA dbt:CUR dbt:NGA dbt:LUX dbt:SOL dbt:CZE dbt:UKR dbt:STP dbt:CYP dbt:CUB dbt:VAN dbt:ZIM dbt:BLZ dbt:SMR dbt:COD dbt:COG dbt:MAF dbt:CMR dbt:CIV dbt:CHN dbt:CRI dbt:TKM dbt:CRO dbt:TON dbt:CPV dbt:TJK dbt:TCA dbt:COL dbt:COM dbt:COK dbt:Reflist dbt:URY dbt:CHA dbt:PYF dbt:KOR dbt:CAY dbt:CAN dbt:CAF dbt:KIR dbt:YEM dbt:VGB dbt:KGZ dbt:KHM dbt:KEN dbt:KAZ dbt:MRI dbt:PER dbt:ARU dbt:AIA dbt:PAK dbt:BRU dbt:PRK dbt:POL dbt:POR dbt:DNK dbt:PNG dbt:PLW dbt:UGA dbt:PHI dbt:DJI dbt:ALB dbt:UAE dbt:ALG dbt:CHL dbt:AFG dbt:AZE dbt:AUS dbt:AUT dbt:ATG dbt:Flag dbt:ASM dbt:ARM dbt:ARG dbt:ANG dbt:PRY dbt:PAN dbt:RWA dbt:Flagicon dbt:BLM dbt:DMA dbt:IRQ dbt:IRL dbt:IRN dbt:PSE dbt:OMN dbt:FSM dbt:ITA dbt:FRA dbt:FIN dbt:ISR dbt:ISL dbt:IND dbt:NRU dbt:PRI dbt:RUS dbt:Short_description dbt:VIR dbt:RSA dbt:IDN dbt:JPN dbt:ROM dbt:BRA dbt:MKD dbt:BRB dbt:BOL dbt:BOT dbt:BLR dbt:BIH dbt:BHR dbt:QAT dbt:SEY dbt:BFA dbt:JOR dbt:JAM dbt:MSR dbt:Webarchive dbt:MNE dbt:BUL dbt:MDV dbt:SSD dbt:BAN dbt:SRB dbt:SRI dbt:SOM dbt:NCL dbt:SLV dbt:BTN
World gazetteer
Berikut ini adalah daftar negara di dunia menurut jumlah penduduk antara tahun 1950 hingga 2050. Data berdasarkan Sensus United States Census Bureau - International Data Base (IDB) pada Juli 2015. Populasi tahun 2020 hingga 2050 diperoleh dari hasil perkiraan (estimasi) perhitungan penduduk. Die Liste von Staaten und Territorien nach Bevölkerungsentwicklung führt Territorien der Erde auf, geordnet nach ihrer für die Jahre 2050 und 2100 vorausgesagten Einwohnerzahl. Außerdem sind die Einwohnerzahlen von 2018 sowie die gegenwärtige Fertilitätsraten angegeben. Die Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahlen ergibt sich maßgeblich aus den Fertilitätsraten. Bei einer Rate von 2,1 Kindern pro Frau bleibt die Bevölkerung tendenziell konstant. Mehr Kinder pro Frau bedeuten eine entsprechend höhere Wachstumsrate. Ausnahmen gibt es naturgemäß bei einer erhöhten Sterblichkeit (etwa infolge von AIDS oder Krieg). In den Prognosen für 2050 und 2100 sind Änderungen in der Fertilitätsrate und Migrationsbewegungen einkalkuliert. Zum Vergleich der Entwicklung in den letzten Jahrzehnten sind die Einwohnerzahlen von 1950 angegeben. يقدم هذا المقال توضيح حول عدد السكان (المطلق) تقريباً لجميع البلدان السياسية والتبعيات في العالم من عام 1950 وحتى عام 2050. من المتوقع أن تتجاوز الهند الصين كأكبر بلد في العالم من حيث عدد السكان. All the figures shown here have been sourced from the International Data Base (IDB) Division of the United States Census Bureau. Every individual value has been rounded to the nearest thousand, to assure data coherence, particularly when adding up (sub)totals. Although data from specific statistical offices may be more accurate, the information provided here has the advantage of being homogeneous. Population estimates, as long as they are based on recent censuses, can be more easily projected into the near future than many macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP, which are much more sensitive to political and/or economic crises. This means that demographic estimates for the next five (or even ten) years can be more accurate than the projected evolution of GDP over the same time period (which may also be distorted by inflation). However, no projected population figures can be considered exact. As the IDB states, "figures beyond the years 2020-2025 should be taken with caution", as the "census way towards those years has yet to be paved". Thus projections can be said to be looking through a kind of "cloudy glass" or a "misty window": realistically, the projections are "guesstimates". To make things complicated, not all countries carry out censuses regularly, especially some of the poorer, faster-growing sub-Saharan African nations (whose evolution may be more interesting, from a demographer's point of view, than the "stagnated" populations of countries like Germany or Italy). As is well known from the statistics, the population of many sub-Saharan nations, as well as other nations like Egypt, Iraq, and Pakistan, with their low level of family planning, are growing much faster than in the aging European nations or Japan. On the other hand, some other countries, like the small Asian state of Bhutan, have only recently had a thorough census for the first time: In Bhutan's case in particular, before its national 2005 population survey, the IDB estimated its population at over 2 million; this was drastically reduced when the new census results were finally included in its database. Besides, the IDB usually takes some time before including new data, as happened in the case of Indonesia. That country was reported by the IDB to have an inflated population of some 242 million by mid-2005, because it had not still processed the final results of the 2000 Indonesian census. There was a similar discrepancy with the relatively recent Ethiopian 2007 census, which gave a preliminary result of "only" 73,918,505 inhabitants. The largest absolute potential discrepancies are naturally related to the most populous nations. However, smaller states, such as Tuvalu, can have large relative discrepancies. For instance, the 2002 census in that Oceanian island, which gave a final population of 9,561 shows that IDB estimates can be significantly off.