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Juego por correo Play-by-mail game 플레이 바이 메일 게임 Postspiel 郵遞型遊戲 プレイバイメール Jeu par correspondance Play by Mail
Ein Postspiel (auch Briefspiel oder Spiel per Post; englisch: Play-by-mail game, PBM) ist ein Spiel, das mittels Briefen gespielt wird, da die am Spiel Beteiligten sich üblicherweise nicht am selben Ort aufhalten und auch nicht gleichzeitig spielen. 플레이 바이 메일 게임(영어: play-by-mail game) 또는 플레이 바이 포스트 게임(영어: play-by-post game)은 우편이나 이메일을 통해 즐길 수 있는 게임이다. 우편 체스는 수세기 동안 우편을 통해 플레이되었다. 라는 보드게임은 1960년대 이후로 우편을 통해 플레이되고 있으며, 이는 에 의해 작성된, 인쇄된 뉴스레터(팬 잡지)와 함께 시작되었다. 부분적으로는 컴퓨터 프로그램들에 의해서나, 아니면 완전히 관리된 더 복잡한 게임들의 선주자는 1970년 게임 《》를 개발한 이다. 주요 이메일 서비스를 통해 제공된 최초의 게임은 1983년 컴퓨서브를 포함한 주요 이메일 서비스들로부터 이메일 턴(e-mail turn)을 수락한 Neolithic Enterprises의 《WebWar II》(웹워 II)이다. 플레이 바이 메일 게임은 PBM 게임이라고도 부르는데, 플레이 바이 메일이 종종 사람과 직접 플레이하는 OTB(오버 더 보드) 게임이나 얼굴 대 얼굴로(face to face, FTF)의 반대의 의미로 PBeM으로 줄여 말하기 때문이다. "플레이 바이 인터넷"(PBI)이나 플레이 바이 웹(PBW)이라는 이름도 쓰인다. Le jeu par correspondance (ou JpC) désigne une façon de jouer par différentes méthodes de communication à distance, généralement par échanges de courriers postaux ou électroniques ; dans ce dernier cas, on parlera de jeu par courriel ou de Play-by-email (abrégé PBEM, PBeM, PbEM, PBM, voire JPeM — Jeu par e-Mail). Il existe plusieurs centaines de jeux par correspondance, des plus confidentiels aux plus connus ; quasiment tous les genres sont représentés : jeux de réflexion, de stratégie, de rôle, de simulation, de sport, etc. Certains jeux sont payants, beaucoup sont gratuits. I Play by Mail ("gioca per posta" in inglese), spesso abbreviato in PbM, sono giochi di ogni tipo giocati attraverso posta. Un esempio su tutti gli scacchi, che sono stati giocati via posta per secoli, semplicemente inviando per iscritto all'avversario la propria mossa (e quando erano giocati in questo modo erano conosciuti come scacchi per corrispondenza). In linea generale, comunque, i PbM/PbEM erano e sono tali attraverso l'intercessione di un moderatore umano, di un software di moderazione o della combinazione degli stessi. プレイバイメール (英:Play-by-mail game、PBM) は、郵便やインターネットなど通信媒体を用いて遠隔地のプレイヤー同士が遊ぶゲームの総称。 狭義にはと呼ばれる、文章(テキスト)によるプレイを主とする多人数同時参加型ゲームを指すことがある。この場合のメールは電子メールではなく通常の手紙のこと。インターネット上の電子メールを使用するゲームはPBeM(play by e-mail) 、或いはインターネット上で文章によるプレイを主としたゲームを総称としてプレイバイウェブ(play by web) ということが多い。通信手段の変化により遊び方にも変化が生じた為、PBWはPBMとは異なるゲームジャンルに転じたと考えるユーザーも存在する。 日本でPBM運営を行っていた企業の一つ遊演体は、郵便によるRPG形式のPBMのことをネットゲームと称したが、現在のオンラインゲームやMMO等の意とは異なる。 Los juegos por correo son juegos, de cualquier tipo, jugados por correo postal o por correo electrónico (correo electrónico). Un ejemplo, el ajedrez, se ha jugado por correo durante siglos (jugado de esta forma se denomina ajedrez por correspondencia). Otro ejemplo, el juego Diplomacy, se ha jugado por correo desde la década de los 60, comenzando con una noticia impresa (un fanzine) escrita por John Boardman. Otros juegos de guerra más complejos, moderados por programas de ordenador, fueron lanzados por y su empresa, en los 70. El primero de esos juegos ofrecido vía correo electrónico a través de un servicio al público en general fue de la compañía , que debutó en AOL en 1989 (los juegos por correo electrónico en Internet y en BITNET datan de 1989). A play-by-mail game (also known as a PBM game, PBEM game, or a turn-based game) is a game played through postal mail, email or other digital media. Correspondence chess and Go were among the first PBM games. Diplomacy has been played by mail since 1963, introducing a multi-player aspect to PBM games. Flying Buffalo Inc. pioneered the first commercially available PBM game in 1970. A small number of PBM companies followed in the 1970s, with an explosion of hundreds of startup PBM companies in the 1980s at the peak of PBM gaming popularity, many of them small hobby companies—more than 90 percent of which eventually folded. A number of independent PBM magazines also started in the 1980s, including The Nuts & Bolts of PBM, Gaming Universal, Paper Mayhem and Flagship. These magazines eventually 郵遞型遊戲 是指任何一種透過傳統郵寄或電子郵寄方式進行玩樂的遊戲。數世紀以前,人們透過郵寄方式下棋(這種方式被稱為通訊型棋藝)。這就是郵遞型遊戲的初型。 另一個著名的例子即是於1960年代中期由在紙上遊戲雜誌上發明的紙上遊戲。 多年後,由力克.盧美斯於1970年發明的,倡導了一種由電腦程式輔助或控制的複雜郵遞型遊戲。由,美國其中一間家用遊戲開發者,開發了一個名為的遊戲。這是第一個用電郵進行,並經由大型在線服務伺服器進行玩樂的郵遞型遊戲。遊戲於1989年經由推出市面。 在外國,若以遊戲的媒介進行劃分,有以下幾大類型︰ * PBM - 郵遞型遊戲 (Play By Mail) * PBeM - 經過電子郵件傳遞的郵遞型遊戲 (Play By e-Mail) * FTF - 與其他玩家直接面對面進行玩樂的遊戲 (Face To Face) * PBI / PBW - 互聯網遊戲(Play By Internet, PBI or Play By Web, PBW) 在這些例子中,遊戲可以由人手、電腦程式或兩者的互相結合來進行的。 由基斯.夏維及 (現在的英國國會議員)所創立《》現在仍然廣受大眾歡迎。 在1990年代的後期,經由實體郵遞的郵遞型遊戲雖然被電腦遊戲及互聯網遊戲所邊緣化,但這種實體郵遞的活動仍然活躍於全球,目前大約擁有2000-3000名郵遞型遊戲的追隨者。
n18:List_of_Game_Ratings_from_Nov-Dec_1993_Issue_of_Paper_Mayhem_Magazine.jpg n18:Image_of_play-by-mail_game_Starweb.jpg n18:Postcard-for-correspondence-chess_(trimmed_image).png n18:Example_email_Battle_Orders_for_Invasion_in_Xachotl_Province_in_the_game_Hyborian_War.gif n18:Paper_Mayhem_Magazine_cover_logo.jpg n18:Empyrean_Challenge_1000-page_(double-sided)_Simulated_Game_Turn.jpg n18:Lizard_monster_with_battle-axe.jpg
dbc:Correspondence_chess dbc:Play-by-email_video_games dbc:Game_terminology dbc:Play-by-mail_games
dbr:Paper_Mayhem dbr:Zine dbr:Australia dbr:Heroic_Fantasy dbr:Alliance dbr:Postal_mail n14:Postcard-for-correspondence-chess_(trimmed_image).png dbr:Harlequin_Games n14:Lizard_monster_with_battle-axe.jpg dbr:Breakout_(magazine) dbr:Gaming_Universal dbr:World_Conquest_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:Digital_age dbr:Internet dbr:Nemesis_(boardgame) n14:Empyrean_Challenge_1000-page_(double-sided)_Simulated_Game_Turn.jpg dbr:Barnes_&_Noble dbr:Nick_Palmer dbr:Adventures_by_Mail dbr:Digital_media dbr:Flagship_(magazine) dbr:Monster_Island_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:Flagship n14:Example_email_Battle_Orders_for_Invasion_in_Xachotl_Province_in_the_game_Hyborian_War.gif dbr:Risk_(game) dbr:Play_By_Mail_Association dbr:Origins_Awards dbr:Suspense_&_Decision dbr:German_language dbr:Nuclear_Destruction n14:List_of_Game_Ratings_from_Nov-Dec_1993_Issue_of_Paper_Mayhem_Magazine.jpg dbr:Chess dbr:It's_a_Crime_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:Rick_Loomis_PBM_Games dbr:List_of_play-by-mail_games dbr:Play-by-mail_game dbr:Play-by-post_role-playing_game dbr:The_Space_Gamer dbr:Pellic_Quest dbr:The_Tribes_of_Crane dbr:United_Kingdom dbr:Wired_(magazine) dbr:Mail dbr:Wired_Magazine dbr:Board_games dbr:Stalingrad_(wargame) n14:Paper_Mayhem_Magazine_cover_logo.jpg dbr:Dungeons_and_Dragons dbr:Universe_II dbr:White_Dwarf_(magazine) dbr:Turn-based dbr:Schubel_&_Son dbr:Imagine_(game_magazine) dbr:Hyborian_War dbr:Empyrean_Challenge dbr:Diplomacy_(board_game) dbr:Warp_Force_One dbc:Play-by-email_video_games dbr:Ares_(magazine) n14:Image_of_play-by-mail_game_Starweb.jpg dbr:The_Assassin's_Quest dbr:Sulzberg_(Lower_Bavaria) dbr:CompuServe dbr:Gamemaster dbr:Beyond_the_Stellar_Empire_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:GAMES_Magazine dbc:Game_terminology dbr:Starweb dbr:The_Nuts_&_Bolts_of_PBM dbr:Computer_Gamer dbr:White_Wolf_Magazine dbr:Strategy_&_Tactics dbr:Correspondence_chess dbr:Diplomacy dbr:Wofan dbr:Game dbr:Battle_Plan dbr:Different_Worlds dbr:Turn-based_games dbr:Starmaster_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:Diplomacy_(game) dbr:Shadis dbr:Battleplan_(play-by-mail_game) dbr:United_Kingdom_of_Great_Britain_and_Ireland dbr:Suspense_and_Decision dbr:Dragon_(magazine) dbr:Lords_of_Valetia dbr:Game_master dbr:Flying_Buffalo_Inc. dbr:Alamaze dbr:Superior_Simulations dbr:Fanzine dbc:Play-by-mail_games dbr:Rick_Loomis dbr:Analog_Science_Fiction_and_Fact dbr:Go_(game) dbr:Galaxy_II dbr:Role-playing_game dbr:Email dbr:Monopoly_(game) dbc:Correspondence_chess
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dbt:Refend dbt:Reflist dbt:Snd dbt:Refbegin dbt:Good_article dbt:Short_description dbt:Cite_web dbt:Cite_magazine dbt:Cite_news dbt:Portal dbt:Cite_book dbt:Notelist dbt:Quote_box dbt:Efn
"Rick Loomis is generally recognized as the founder of the PBM industry."
— The Editors of Space Gamer Magazine, 1985.
I Play by Mail ("gioca per posta" in inglese), spesso abbreviato in PbM, sono giochi di ogni tipo giocati attraverso posta. Un esempio su tutti gli scacchi, che sono stati giocati via posta per secoli, semplicemente inviando per iscritto all'avversario la propria mossa (e quando erano giocati in questo modo erano conosciuti come scacchi per corrispondenza). In tempi recenti, con l'avvento di internet e della corrispondenza elettronica (e-mail), anche i giochi Play by Mail si sono evoluti adattandosi ai nuovi e migliori mezzi di comunicazione per diventare giochi Play by e-Mail. Per questi è stata introdotta la sigla PbEM (o PBeM o simili), ma per semplicità viene utilizzata spesso la sigla PbM anche nel caso della posta elettronica. Altre diciture improprie per indicare in particolare i Play by e-Mail furono anche Play by Internet (PbI) e Play by Web (PbW). Tutte queste diciture appaiono in contrapposizione ai giochi FtF (Face to Face, "faccia a faccia" in inglese) giocati in prima persona. In linea generale, comunque, i PbM/PbEM erano e sono tali attraverso l'intercessione di un moderatore umano, di un software di moderazione o della combinazione degli stessi. 郵遞型遊戲 是指任何一種透過傳統郵寄或電子郵寄方式進行玩樂的遊戲。數世紀以前,人們透過郵寄方式下棋(這種方式被稱為通訊型棋藝)。這就是郵遞型遊戲的初型。 另一個著名的例子即是於1960年代中期由在紙上遊戲雜誌上發明的紙上遊戲。 多年後,由力克.盧美斯於1970年發明的,倡導了一種由電腦程式輔助或控制的複雜郵遞型遊戲。由,美國其中一間家用遊戲開發者,開發了一個名為的遊戲。這是第一個用電郵進行,並經由大型在線服務伺服器進行玩樂的郵遞型遊戲。遊戲於1989年經由推出市面。 在外國,若以遊戲的媒介進行劃分,有以下幾大類型︰ * PBM - 郵遞型遊戲 (Play By Mail) * PBeM - 經過電子郵件傳遞的郵遞型遊戲 (Play By e-Mail) * FTF - 與其他玩家直接面對面進行玩樂的遊戲 (Face To Face) * PBI / PBW - 互聯網遊戲(Play By Internet, PBI or Play By Web, PBW) 在這些例子中,遊戲可以由人手、電腦程式或兩者的互相結合來進行的。 由於《Gaming Universal》及第一本集中於郵遞型遊戲的專業雜誌--《》的出現,郵遞型遊戲在1980年代達到高峰。(另一本較早出現的雜誌--Nuts & Bolts of PBM即是第一本全面覆蓋郵遞型遊戲的出版作品。)當時很多領導市場的主流遊戲雜誌都刊登《Gaming Universal》的出版人及總編輯博.麥拉恩的文章,令郵遞型遊戲再度推向高峰。不久後,《》收購了《Gaming Universal》的海外版權,令《Gaming Universal》成為了郵遞型遊戲界刊物的領導者。 由基斯.夏維及 (現在的英國國會議員)所創立《》現在仍然廣受大眾歡迎。 在1990年代的後期,經由實體郵遞的郵遞型遊戲雖然被電腦遊戲及互聯網遊戲所邊緣化,但這種實體郵遞的活動仍然活躍於全球,目前大約擁有2000-3000名郵遞型遊戲的追隨者。 Ein Postspiel (auch Briefspiel oder Spiel per Post; englisch: Play-by-mail game, PBM) ist ein Spiel, das mittels Briefen gespielt wird, da die am Spiel Beteiligten sich üblicherweise nicht am selben Ort aufhalten und auch nicht gleichzeitig spielen. A play-by-mail game (also known as a PBM game, PBEM game, or a turn-based game) is a game played through postal mail, email or other digital media. Correspondence chess and Go were among the first PBM games. Diplomacy has been played by mail since 1963, introducing a multi-player aspect to PBM games. Flying Buffalo Inc. pioneered the first commercially available PBM game in 1970. A small number of PBM companies followed in the 1970s, with an explosion of hundreds of startup PBM companies in the 1980s at the peak of PBM gaming popularity, many of them small hobby companies—more than 90 percent of which eventually folded. A number of independent PBM magazines also started in the 1980s, including The Nuts & Bolts of PBM, Gaming Universal, Paper Mayhem and Flagship. These magazines eventually went out of print, replaced in the 21st century by the online PBM journal . Play-by-mail games—becoming known as "turn-based games" in the digital age—have a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to other gaming genres. PBM games have wide ranges for turn lengths. Some games allow turnaround times of a day or less—even hourly. Other games structure multiple days or weeks for players to consider moves or turns and players never run out of opponents to face. If desired, some PBM games can be played for years. Additionally, the complexity of PBM games can be far beyond that allowed by a board game in an afternoon, and pit players against live opponents in these conditions—a challenge some players enjoy. PBM games allow the number of opponents or teams in the dozens—with some previous examples over a thousand players. PBM games also allow gamers to interact with others globally. Games with low turn costs compare well with expensive board or video games. Drawbacks include the price for some PBM games with high setup and/or turn costs, and the lack of the ability for face-to-face roleplaying. Additionally, for some players, certain games can be overly complex, and delays in turn processing can be a negative. Play-by-mail games are multifaceted. In their earliest form they involved two players mailing each other directly by postal mail, such as in correspondence chess. Multi-player games, such as Diplomacy or more complex games available today, involve a game master who receives and processes orders and adjudicates turn results for players. These games also introduced the element of diplomacy in which participants can discuss gameplay with each other, strategize, and form alliances. In the 1970s and 1980s, some games involved turn results adjudicated completely by humans. Over time, partial or complete turn adjudication by computer became the norm. Games also involve open- and closed-end variants. Open-ended games do not normally end and players can develop their positions to the fullest extent possible; in closed-end games, players pursue victory conditions until a game conclusion. PBM games enable players to explore a diverse array of roles, such as characters in fantasy or medieval settings, space operas, inner city gangs, or more unusual ones such as assuming the role of a microorganism or monster. Le jeu par correspondance (ou JpC) désigne une façon de jouer par différentes méthodes de communication à distance, généralement par échanges de courriers postaux ou électroniques ; dans ce dernier cas, on parlera de jeu par courriel ou de Play-by-email (abrégé PBEM, PBeM, PbEM, PBM, voire JPeM — Jeu par e-Mail). Les parties se déroulent tour après tour, soit directement entre les joueurs, soit par l'entremise d'un arbitre qui, après réception et traitement des messages, renvoie les résultats aux joueurs. Cette forme de jeu a pour avantages de réunir des personnes qui n'habitent pas aux mêmes endroits et ne sont pas disponibles aux mêmes moments, et permet à ses participants de faire plusieurs parties simultanément. Il existe plusieurs centaines de jeux par correspondance, des plus confidentiels aux plus connus ; quasiment tous les genres sont représentés : jeux de réflexion, de stratégie, de rôle, de simulation, de sport, etc. Certains jeux sont payants, beaucoup sont gratuits. Los juegos por correo son juegos, de cualquier tipo, jugados por correo postal o por correo electrónico (correo electrónico). Un ejemplo, el ajedrez, se ha jugado por correo durante siglos (jugado de esta forma se denomina ajedrez por correspondencia). Otro ejemplo, el juego Diplomacy, se ha jugado por correo desde la década de los 60, comenzando con una noticia impresa (un fanzine) escrita por John Boardman. Otros juegos de guerra más complejos, moderados por programas de ordenador, fueron lanzados por y su empresa, en los 70. El primero de esos juegos ofrecido vía correo electrónico a través de un servicio al público en general fue de la compañía , que debutó en AOL en 1989 (los juegos por correo electrónico en Internet y en BITNET datan de 1989). En inglés los juegos por correo postal se denominan PBM games, y los juegos por correo electrónico PBeM, en contraste con los cara a cara (FTF) realizados directamente entre personas. Otras variaciones incluyen (PBI) or (PBW). En cualquier caso, los movimientos del jugador pueden ser realizados por un humano, un programa informático, o una combinación de ambos. En la década de los 80, los juegos por correo alcanzaron su cima de popularidad con la llegada de Gaming Universal, la primera revista profesional dedicada a juegos por correo. Una revista similar, Flagship, se centraba en juegos por correo postales en Inglaterra. Bob McLain, editor de Gaming Universal, popularizó aún más este hobby escribiendo artículos que aparecían en muchas de las revistas de juegos más importantes de la época. A finales de los 90, los juegos de ordenador y por Internet hicieron que los juegos por correo postal disminuyeran, aunque continúan teniendo seguidores en todo el mundo. Como Internet misma, estos juegos nacieron en el mundo anglosajón y posteriormente llegaron al resto de comunidades. 플레이 바이 메일 게임(영어: play-by-mail game) 또는 플레이 바이 포스트 게임(영어: play-by-post game)은 우편이나 이메일을 통해 즐길 수 있는 게임이다. 우편 체스는 수세기 동안 우편을 통해 플레이되었다. 라는 보드게임은 1960년대 이후로 우편을 통해 플레이되고 있으며, 이는 에 의해 작성된, 인쇄된 뉴스레터(팬 잡지)와 함께 시작되었다. 부분적으로는 컴퓨터 프로그램들에 의해서나, 아니면 완전히 관리된 더 복잡한 게임들의 선주자는 1970년 게임 《》를 개발한 이다. 주요 이메일 서비스를 통해 제공된 최초의 게임은 1983년 컴퓨서브를 포함한 주요 이메일 서비스들로부터 이메일 턴(e-mail turn)을 수락한 Neolithic Enterprises의 《WebWar II》(웹워 II)이다. 플레이 바이 메일 게임은 PBM 게임이라고도 부르는데, 플레이 바이 메일이 종종 사람과 직접 플레이하는 OTB(오버 더 보드) 게임이나 얼굴 대 얼굴로(face to face, FTF)의 반대의 의미로 PBeM으로 줄여 말하기 때문이다. "플레이 바이 인터넷"(PBI)이나 플레이 바이 웹(PBW)이라는 이름도 쓰인다. 1980년대에 플레이 바이 메일 게임들은 게이밍 유니버설, Paper Mayhem, (플레이 바이 메일 게임에 공헌한 최초의 프로페셔널 잡지)의 출현과 함께 인기가 절정에 치달았다. (초기의 팬 잡지인 PBM의 는 이러한 취미를 예외적으로 다루는 최초의 출판물이었다) プレイバイメール (英:Play-by-mail game、PBM) は、郵便やインターネットなど通信媒体を用いて遠隔地のプレイヤー同士が遊ぶゲームの総称。 狭義にはと呼ばれる、文章(テキスト)によるプレイを主とする多人数同時参加型ゲームを指すことがある。この場合のメールは電子メールではなく通常の手紙のこと。インターネット上の電子メールを使用するゲームはPBeM(play by e-mail) 、或いはインターネット上で文章によるプレイを主としたゲームを総称としてプレイバイウェブ(play by web) ということが多い。通信手段の変化により遊び方にも変化が生じた為、PBWはPBMとは異なるゲームジャンルに転じたと考えるユーザーも存在する。 日本でPBM運営を行っていた企業の一つ遊演体は、郵便によるRPG形式のPBMのことをネットゲームと称したが、現在のオンラインゲームやMMO等の意とは異なる。