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Activités politiques des frères Koch Political activities of the Koch brothers
Les activités politiques des frères Koch concernent les influences politique et financière de Charles G. et de David H. Koch sur la politique aux États-Unis. Cette influence transparaît tant directement qu'indirectement au travers des multiples organisations politiques que soutiennent les frères Koch. Les frères Koch sont les fils de (en). Fred C. Koch, fondateur des Koch Industries, la deuxième plus grande entreprise privée des États-Unis, qu'ils détiennent à 84 %. Les deux frères sont aussi les principaux contributeurs des fondations de la famille Koch, qui servent leurs intérêts en matière environnementale et politique. The political activities of the Koch brothers include the financial and political influence of Charles G. and David H. Koch (1940–2019) on United States politics. This influence is seen both directly and indirectly via various political and public policy organizations that were supported by the Koch brothers.
n7:David_Koch_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg n7:A_Maze_of_Money.png
dbc:Tea_Party_movement dbc:Politics_of_the_United_States dbc:Politics_of_Kansas dbc:Koch_network dbc:Libertarianism_in_the_United_States
dbr:California_Proposition_23_(2010) dbr:Scientific_opinion_on_climate_change dbr:Heritage_Foundation dbr:Center_to_Protect_Patient_Rights dbr:Citadel_LLC dbr:Institute_for_Humane_Studies dbr:Non-pharmaceutical_intervention_(epidemiology) dbr:Franzia n6:_The_Secret_History_of_Koch_Industries_and_Corporate_Power_in_America dbr:Neil_M._Ferguson dbr:George_C._Marshall_Institute dbc:Tea_Party_movement dbr:Antonin_Scalia dbr:Single-payer_health_care dbr:Climate_change_mitigation dbr:Institute_for_Justice dbr:Barack_Obama dbr:Los_Angeles_Times dbr:Right-Libertarianism dbr:Margot_Roosevelt dbr:White-collar_crime dbr:COVID-19_lockdowns dbr:Clarence_Thomas dbr:Republican_Party_presidential_primaries,_2008 dbr:Social_liberalism dbr:Fred_C._Koch dbr:Economic_freedom dbc:Politics_of_the_United_States dbr:Board_of_directors dbr:Conservative dbr:Think_tank dbr:Superspreader dbr:Tom_Coburn dbr:California dbr:Same-sex_marriage dbr:Emissions_trading dbr:Libertarian_Party_(United_States) dbr:Coalition_for_Public_Safety dbr:Ed_Crane_(political_activist) dbr:Climatology dbr:Richard_A._Muller dbr:Obamacare dbr:Florida_State_University dbr:Stand_Together dbr:Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation dbr:Jerry_Moran dbr:Climate_change_denial dbr:Haley_Barbour dbr:Aspen_Institute dbr:Center_for_American_Progress dbr:Paul_Ryan dbr:Concerned_Women_for_America dbr:Tea_Party_movement dbr:UC_Berkeley dbr:Willie_Soon dbr:Asset_forfeiture dbr:Cato_Institute dbr:David_Koch dbr:Rolling_Stone_(magazine) dbr:Campaign_finance_in_the_United_States dbr:Generation_Opportunity dbr:Mitt_Romney_presidential_campaign,_2012 dbr:John_Birch_Society dbr:ACLU dbr:The_Wall_Street_Journal dbr:Mask_mandate dbr:William_Niskanen dbr:United_States_Libertarian_Party n20:David_Koch_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States) dbr:Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act n20:A_Maze_of_Money.png dbr:Sturgis_Motorcycle_Rally dbr:Right_on_Crime dbr:Mercatus_Center dbr:Energy_Tax_Prevention_Act dbr:Reason_Foundation dbr:Advocacy_group dbr:Cato_institute dbr:Koch_family_foundations dbr:Political_Action_Committee dbr:Conor_Friedersdorf dbr:John_A._Allison_IV dbr:American_University dbr:Health_care_reform_in_the_United_States dbr:Tom_Price_(American_politician) dbr:Abortion-rights_movements dbr:American_Federation_of_State,_County_and_Municipal_Employees dbr:Smithsonian_Institution dbr:Republican_National_Committee dbr:Biotechnology dbr:Congressional_Record dbr:Center_for_Public_Integrity dbr:Independent_Women's_Forum dbr:American_Enterprise_Institute dbr:Political_finance dbr:First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice dbr:Virginia dbr:FreedomWorks dbr:Koch_Industries dbr:Institute_for_Energy_Research dbr:National_Association_of_Criminal_Defense_Lawyers dbr:Tea_Party_Patriots dbr:Politico dbr:Murray_Rothbard dbr:Frederick_R._Koch dbr:Charles_Krauthammer dbr:Koch_Brothers_Exposed dbr:KochPAC dbr:Climate_change_denier dbr:Democracy_in_Chains dbr:United_Negro_College_Fund dbr:Great_Barrington_Declaration dbr:Central_Intelligence_Agency dbr:Mens_rea dbr:COVID-19_pandemic dbr:Amicus_curiae dbr:Fraser_Institute dbr:Affordable_Care_Act dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States dbr:Harry_Reid dbr:Charles_Koch dbr:Free_market dbr:Mark_Holden dbr:Glenn_Beck dbr:Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat dbr:Van_Jones dbr:Texas_Public_Policy_Foundation dbr:Mother_Jones_(magazine) dbc:Politics_of_Kansas dbr:John_Stossel dbr:Critical_race_theory dbr:Citizens_for_a_Sound_Economy dbr:American_Institute_for_Economic_Research dbr:American_Museum_of_Natural_History dbr:Wisconsin_gubernatorial_election,_2010 dbr:Scott_Walker_(politician) dbr:Mitt_Romney dbr:Berkeley_Earth_Surface_Temperature dbr:John_D._and_Catherine_T._MacArthur_Foundation dbr:Trump_tariffs dbr:Fossil-fuel dbr:David_H._Koch dbr:Trump_travel_ban dbr:Eric_Black_(writer) dbc:Koch_network dbr:Vice_President_of_the_United_States dbr:2012_United_States_presidential_election dbr:National_Federation_of_Independent_Business dbr:Individual_and_political_action_on_climate_change dbr:Manhattan_Institute dbr:Bill_Koch_(businessman) dbr:Citizen_Koch dbr:The_Atlantic dbr:Ed_Clark dbr:OpenSecrets dbr:Politics_of_the_United_States dbr:Jeff_Sessions dbr:Aspen,_Colorado dbr:Uncle_Sam dbr:Super-PAC dbr:Competitive_Enterprise_Institute dbr:Rolling_Stone dbr:Global_warming dbr:Climate_change dbr:Foundation_for_Accountability_and_Civic_Trust dbr:National_Bureau_of_Economic_Research dbr:Americans_for_Prosperity dbr:Pacific_Research_Institute dbr:Jim_DeMint dbr:Greenpeace dbr:Bobby_Jindal dbr:Restore_Our_Future dbr:Nancy_MacLean dbr:Chase_Koch dbr:Families_Against_Mandatory_Minimums dbr:National_Committee_for_Responsive_Philanthropy dbr:Rush_Limbaugh dbr:Mike_Pence dbr:Conservatism_in_the_United_States dbr:George_Mason_University dbc:Libertarianism_in_the_United_States dbr:Daily_Dish dbr:Edward_H._Crane dbr:Bowling_Green_State_University dbr:Libertarian dbr:Imperial_College_London dbr:DeBoer_v._Snyder dbr:Federalist_Society dbr:Regulatory_system
n16:inside-the-koch-brothers-toxic-empire-20140924 n17: n19: n21:index.html
freebase:m.0g9th64 dbpedia-fr:Activités_politiques_des_frères_Koch n22:4tMXy wikidata:Q7210246 dbpedia-fa:فعالیت‌های_سیاسی_برادران_کوک
dbt:Use_mdy_dates dbt:' dbt:Koch_family dbt:Short_description dbt:Reflist dbt:Portal dbt:Guardian_topic dbt:By_whom dbt:Main
Les activités politiques des frères Koch concernent les influences politique et financière de Charles G. et de David H. Koch sur la politique aux États-Unis. Cette influence transparaît tant directement qu'indirectement au travers des multiples organisations politiques que soutiennent les frères Koch. Les frères Koch sont les fils de (en). Fred C. Koch, fondateur des Koch Industries, la deuxième plus grande entreprise privée des États-Unis, qu'ils détiennent à 84 %. Les deux frères sont aussi les principaux contributeurs des fondations de la famille Koch, qui servent leurs intérêts en matière environnementale et politique. Les deux frères ont significativement contribué à financer des think tanks libertarien et conservateur. Leur réseau d'organisations a dépensé près de 889 millions de dollars entre 2009 et 2016 et il est considéré par Politico comme le principal rival du comité national républicain. Ils supportent activement des organisations qui soutiennent des candidats républicains, et en particulier ceux qui luttent pour la réduction de l'importance de l'État, la réduction des dépenses publiques, notamment en matière de santé avec la sécurité sociale. Dotés d'une fortune basée sur les énergies fossiles, ils sont également de fervents supporters des organisations et scientifiques notables capables de légitimer le climatoscepticisme, afin de pouvoir prolonger leurs activités d'extraction pétrolière avec la Koch Industries. Jusque 2010, ils ont également donné environ 100 millions de dollars à des dizaines d'organisations promouvant le libéralisme économique et la dérégulation des marchés. Les frères Koch sont également omniprésents directement dans la politique américaine. Ainsi en 2013, plus de la moitié des membres du Sénat et de la Chambre des représentants ont reçu de l'argent de la part d'un ou des deux frères. Après l'élection de Donald Trump, pour les élections de mi-mandat pour le congrès, les frères Koch se sont engagés début 2018 à donner 400 millions de dollars pour soutenir les républicains conservateurs. The political activities of the Koch brothers include the financial and political influence of Charles G. and David H. Koch (1940–2019) on United States politics. This influence is seen both directly and indirectly via various political and public policy organizations that were supported by the Koch brothers. The Koch brothers are the sons of Fred C. Koch (1900–1967), who founded Koch Industries, the second-largest privately held company in the United States, of which they own 84% of the stock. Having bought out two other brothers' interests, they remain in control of the family business, the fortune which they inherited from their father, and the Koch family foundations. The brothers have made significant financial contributions to both libertarian and conservative think tanks and, despite being ideologically libertarian, they have donated primarily to Republican Party candidates running for office. According to writer Eric Black, this funding doesn't stem from "a change of heart, but one of tactics" since libertarianism "was costly and could be bad for the family business long term. David Koch who has described himself as a social liberal, had stated in 2012 that "I think the Republican Party has a great chance of being successful and that’s why I support it [...] The Libertarian Party is a great concept. I love the ideals, but it got too far off the deep end, and so I dropped out". A network of like-minded donors organized by the Kochs pledged to spend $889 million from 2009–2016 and its infrastructure has been said by Politico to rival "that of the Republican National Committee." They actively fund and support organizations that contribute significantly to Republican candidates, and in particular that lobby against efforts to expand government's role in health care and climate change mitigation or promote climate change denial. By 2010, they had donated more than $100 million to dozens of free-market and advocacy organizations. In May 2019, the Kochs announced a major restructuring of their philanthropic efforts, stating that the Koch network will henceforth operate under the umbrella of Stand Together, a nonprofit focused on supporting community groups. The stated priorities of the restructured Koch network include efforts aimed at increasing employment, addressing poverty and addiction, ensuring excellent education, building a stronger economy, and bridging divides and building respect.