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owl:Thing schema:Event yago:WikicatMusicFestivalsInTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatTradeShowsInTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatComputerConferences n19:Event yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:SocialGroup107950920 yago:Measure100033615 yago:Celebration100428000 dbo:Event yago:Act100030358 yago:Conference108308497 yago:FundamentalQuantity113575869 dbo:Convention yago:WikicatRockFestivals yago:WikicatFilmFestivalsInTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatRockFestivalsInTheUnitedStates yago:TimePeriod115113229 yago:Diversion100426928 yago:WikicatFestivalsInAustin,Texas yago:WikicatFestivals yago:WikicatAnnualEventsInTexas yago:FilmFestival100517418 yago:Gathering107975026 dbo:SocietalEvent yago:Event100029378 yago:Festival100517728 yago:Festival115162388 wikidata:Q1656682 yago:WikicatMusicConferences yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Show100520257 yago:WikicatCulturalFestivalsInTheUnitedStates yago:Entertainment100429048 yago:WikicatRecurringEventsEstablishedIn1987 yago:WikicatTechnologyConferences yago:Activity100407535 yago:Group100031264 yago:Meeting108307589 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
사우스 바이 사우스웨스트 South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest ساوث باي ساوث ويست South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest South by Southwest サウス・バイ・サウスウエスト South by Southwest South by Southwest 西南偏南 South by Southwest
西南偏南(英語:South by Southwest,簡稱:SXSW)是每年在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的一系列电影、互動式多媒體和音乐的艺术节與大會。首届西南偏南始于1987年,隨著每年舉行規模持續成長。在2011年,西南偏南持續進行了十天,其中互動式多媒體大會持續了五天,音樂節持續了六天,電影節則持續舉行了九天。 西南偏南是由西南偏南公司(SXSW Inc.)負責執行,該公司主要規劃並舉辦各類大會、貿易展、媒體節和其他活動。西南偏南除了主要的三類活動外,該公司亦負責舉辦其他三個大會,其中兩個同樣位於奥斯汀:分別是與教育創新相關的「SXSWedu」,以及環境保護大會「SXSW Eco」 ,另一個大會是在拉斯維加斯舉行的「SXSW V2V」,其內容以創業公司為主。 ساوث باي ساوث ويست (بالإنجليزية: South by Southwest ومعناه جنوب جنوب غربي ويختصر SXSW ويشار إليها كذلك بمجرد ساوث باي South By) هو مجمع سنوي من مهرجانات فيلم وإعلام تفاعلي وموسيقى ومؤتمرات يعقد في منتصف شهر مارس في مدينة أوستن بولاية تكساس الأميركية. انطلق عام 1987 واستمر نموه على مستوى نطاقه وحجمه. في 2017، استغرق المؤتمر عشرة أيام؛ الجزء التفاعلي لخمسة أيام، والجزء الموسيقي لسبعة أيام، والجزء الفيلمي لتسعة أيام بالاقتران. وعنصرا الفكاهية وألعاب الفيديو هما سريعا النمو بصفة خاصة. South by Southwest (SXSW) — ежегодное мероприятие, включающее в себя ряд музыкальных, кино- и медиафестивалей и конференций, проходящее в середине марта в США, в городе Остине, штат Техас. Фестиваль проводится с 1987 года. В последние годы продолжительность мероприятия составляет 10 дней. South by Southwest, abbreviated as SXSW and colloquially referred to as South By, is an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences organized jointly that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas, United States. It began in 1987 and has continued to grow in both scope and size every year. In 2017, the conference lasted for 10 days with the interactive track lasting for five days, music for seven days, and film for nine days. There was no in-person event in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Austin, Texas; both years, there was a smaller online event instead. South by Southwest (SXSW) — щорічний захід, що включає в себе ряд музичних, кіно- і медіафестивалів (SXSW Gaming Awards) і конференцій, що проходить в середині березня в Остіні, Техас, США. Фестиваль проводиться з 1987 року. В останні роки тривалість заходу становить 10 днів. Вперше за всю історію подія 2020 року скасована внаслідок пандемії COVID-19. South by Southwest (SXSW) är en festival som innehåller musik, film och interaktiva medier. De tre olika delfestivalerna anordnas relativt separat med skilda start och slutdatum. Musikfestivalen brukar räknas som världens största i sitt slag, det spelar över 1400 band på festivalen. Festivalen äger rum i Austin, Texas varje år sedan 1987 under drygt en vecka i mars. South by Southwest (SXSW) è un festival musicale e cinematografico, composto anche di un insieme di conferenze e mostre interattive, che ha luogo ogni primavera ad Austin, la capitale del Texas, dal 1987. South by Southwest, SXSW gisa laburtua ohikoan, martxoaren erdialdean Austin hirian (Texas) antolatzen den konferentzia multzo bat da, zeinean film eta musika jaialdiak, topaketak, eta hitzaldi sortak egoten diren. 1987an hasi zen eta urtez urte handituz joan da. 2017an, konferentziak 10 egun iraun zuen bost egun alor digitalari eskainiz, zazpi eguneko musika jaialdiarekin eta bederatzi eguneko zinemaldiarekin. サウス・バイ・サウスウエスト(英語:South by Southwest、略記:SXSW)は、毎年3月にアメリカ合衆国テキサス州オースティンで行なわれる、音楽祭・映画祭・インタラクティブフェスティバルなどを組み合わせた大規模イベント。一般的な音楽フェスティバルと異なり、業界人向けの見本市という側面も持つイベントである。1987年に音楽祭として始まり、毎年規模を拡大している。主催はSXSW社。 사우스 바이 사우스웨스트(영어: South by Southwest, SXSW)는 미국의 텍사스주 오스틴에서 매년 봄(보통 3월)에 개최되는 일련의 영화, 인터랙티브, 음악 페스티벌, 컨퍼런스이다. SXSW는 1987년에 시작하였고, 매년 규모가 커져왔으며 평균 50여 개국 2만여 명의 음악관계자들과 2천여 팀의 뮤지션이 참여한다. 2011년의 경우, 컨퍼런스는 10일간, SXSW 인터랙티브는 5일간, 음악은 6일, 그리고 영화는 9일간 개최되었다. SXSW Inc.,는 미국컨퍼런스, 트레이드 쇼, 페스티벌 등의 이벤트를 계획하고 실행하는 회사이다. 현재 SXSW 뮤직, SXSW 영화, SXSW 인터랙티브, SXSW 에듀, SWSXWeco를 주관하고 있다. SXSWeco는 10월에 개최된다. 2020년, 코로나19 범유행으로 인해 사상 최초로 개최가 취소되었다. Das South by Southwest (SXSW) ist eine jährlich im März in Austin, Texas, stattfindende Veranstaltung. Es vereint Festivals, Konferenzen und Fachausstellungen vor allem in den Bereichen Musik, Film und interaktive Medien. Das Festival fand das erste Mal 1987 statt und geht mittlerweile insgesamt über 10 Tage; wenn man die direkt davor stattfindende sxsw-edu-Bildungsmesse und -Konferenz dazuzählt, sogar 14 Tage. South by Southwest (SXSW ) é um conjunto de festivais de cinema, música e tecnologia que acontece toda primavera (normalmente em março) em Austin, Texas, Estados Unidos . Tudo começou em 1987, e tem continuado a crescer a cada ano. Em 2011, a conferência durou 10 dias, com o SXSW Interactive tendo sido por cinco, Música em seis, e Film por nove. SXSW é considerado "evento de assinatura" do Austin Chronicle . South by Southwest (nebo rovněž SXSW) je a hudební festival, jehož první ročník se konal v roce 1987. Probíhá každé jaro v Austinu, hlavním městě státu Texas. Od roku 1993 sídlí v multikulturní budově , kde je konán každoročně dodnes. V roce 2006 zde měl svůj program Jimmy Wales, zakladatel Wikipedie. South by Southwest (abreujat SXSW i col·loquialment dit South By) és un festival anual de cinema, mitjans interactius, música i cicles de conferències que té lloc en març a Austin (Texas), Estats Units. Va començar la seua activitat el 1987 i va continuar creixent cada any. El 2017 les conferències van tindre una durada de 10 dies, la pista interactiva va estar oberta cinc dies, es van fer concerts durant set dies, i les projeccions van durar nou dies. South by Southwest (SXSW) est un ensemble de festivals de musique (SXSW Music), de cinéma (SXSW Film) et de médias interactifs (SXSW Interactive) se tenant chaque année depuis 1987 au mois de mars à Austin (Texas, États-Unis), principalement au Austin Convention Center. Les trois parties sont relativement indépendantes et peuvent donc commencer ou se terminer à des dates différentes. South by Southwest (afgekort tot SXSW) is een festival dat sinds 1987 jaarlijks in de lente wordt gehouden in Austin (Texas) in de Verenigde Staten. Het festival draait om muziek-optredens, film, interactieve media, tentoonstellingen en educatieve bijeenkomsten. Het zwaartepunt bij de muziek ligt vooral op onafhankelijke muziek. Er treden jaarlijks ongeveer 1500 bands en artiesten op. In de beginjaren kende SXSW uitsluitend muzikale optredens. In 1994 breidde het festival uit naar film en interactieve media. El South by Southwest (abreviado como SXSW y traducido al español como Al sur por el suroeste)​ es un evento que congrega diversos eventos y conferencias de películas, medios interactivos y música, que tienen lugar cada primavera (por lo general en marzo) en Austin, Texas, Estados Unidos. SXSW comenzó en 1987, y ha seguido creciendo en tamaño cada año. En 2011, el evento se prolongó durante 20 días, con una duración de SXSW Interactive durante cinco días, música durante seis, y el cine durante nueve días.​
South by Southwest
South by Southwest
n27:Crayon_Pop_filming_at_SXSW_Austin_Texas_2015_--2.jpg n27:(L_to_R)_IGN's_Laura_Prudom,_Dan_Jurgens,_Jim_Lee,_Frank_Miller,_Brian_Michael_Bendis_at_SXSW_2018.jpg n27:SXSW_Stack_logo.svg n27:SXSW2020CommunityMeetupWeWorkTheHub.jpg n27:Foursquare-logo.png n27:Conan_O'Brien_-_SXSW_-_Mar_2011.jpg n27:Sixth_Street_SXSW_2013-025426539592444897.jpg
dbr:Austin,_Texas dbr:United_States
dbc:1987_establishments_in_Texas dbc:Rock_festivals_in_the_United_States dbc:Conferences_in_the_United_States dbc:Computer_conferences dbc:Film_festivals_in_Austin,_Texas dbc:Annual_events_in_Texas dbc:Music_festivals_in_Texas dbc:Music_conferences dbc:Festivals_in_Austin,_Texas dbc:Film_festivals_established_in_1987 dbc:Electronic_music_festivals_in_the_United_States dbc:Music_festivals_established_in_1987 dbc:Technology_conferences dbc:March_events
dbr:Salt-N-Pepa dbr:Linda_Perry dbr:Dolly_Parton dbr:Furious_7 dbr:Sadiq_Khan dbr:Dear_Mr._Brody dbr:U.S._Customs_and_Border_Protection dbr:Bay_of_All_Saints_(film) dbr:Ta-Nehisi_Coates dbr:Everybody_Wants_Some!!_(film) dbr:Willie_Nelson dbr:The_Shins dbr:Kelis dbr:Darren_Aronofsky dbr:Migos dbr:Johnny_Cash dbr:Festival dbr:National_Geographic_Society dbr:BuzzFeed dbr:Bart_Bull dbr:Joe_Biden dbr:Lana_Del_Rey dbr:Meerkat_(app) dbr:Alejandro_Jodorowsky dbr:Rae_Sremmurd dbr:Final_Portrait dbr:Lady_Gaga dbr:Julian_Castro dbr:The_Avett_Brothers dbr:The_Chainsmokers dbr:Hysterical_(2021_film) dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States) dbr:God_of_War_(2018_video_game) dbr:Andrew_Yang dbr:IBM dbr:Halo_(franchise) dbr:St._Patrick's_Day dbr:The_Incredible_Burt_Wonderstone dbr:The_Flaming_Lips dbr:The_Tall_Man_(2012_film) dbr:Jimmy_Kimmel_Live! dbr:Entertainment_Weekly dbr:Foo_Fighters dbr:Times_Square dbr:Al_Gore dbr:American_Film_Institute dbc:Rock_festivals_in_the_United_States dbr:Big_Star dbr:John_Delaney_(Maryland_politician) dbr:United_States dbr:Tyler,_the_Creator dbr:Wasting_Light dbr:Mike_Tyson dbr:Nebula_Genomics dbr:New_York_City dbr:Two_Nice_Girls dbr:Four_Eyed_Monsters dbr:2017_NCAA_Division_I_men's_basketball_tournament dbr:Record_label dbr:Girls_Against_Boys_(film) dbr:The_Beach_Bum dbr:Austin_serial_bombings dbr:Gimme_the_Loot_(film) dbr:David_Byrne dbc:1987_establishments_in_Texas dbr:Wearable_technology dbr:Pee-wee's_Big_Holiday dbr:Spring_Breakers dbr:Jay_Inslee dbr:Time_(magazine) dbr:Atomic_Blonde dbr:Blood_donation dbr:Amazon_Prime dbr:Austin_Convention_Center dbr:Los_Pollos_Hermanos dbr:Dallas–Fort_Worth_Metroplex dbr:Custard_Records dbr:Startup_company dbr:Grumpy_Cat dbr:Girls_(TV_series) dbr:Cowboy_del_Amor dbr:Kissing_on_the_Mouth dbr:Seth_MacFarlane dbr:David_Makes_Man dbr:Winning_America dbr:Cloak_&_Dagger_(TV_series) dbr:Here_Before_(film) dbr:Rana_el_Kaliouby dbr:Guy_Kawasaki dbr:Conference n23:_The_Man_in_the_Machine dbr:Elvis_and_Anabelle dbr:Good_Omens_(TV_series) dbr:MoSo dbr:AMC_(TV_channel) dbc:Conferences_in_the_United_States dbr:The_Austin_Chronicle dbr:The_Hurt_Locker dbr:Said_the_Whale dbr:Rita_Coolidge dbr:6_Years dbr:Monsters_(2010_film) dbr:Alfred_Hitchcock dbr:Aware_Records dbr:Amazon_Prime_Video dbr:Eric_Masunaga dbr:Peacock_(streaming_service) dbr:Cincinnati,_Ohio dbr:Shawn_Mendes dbr:Academy_Award_for_Best_Documentary_Feature dbr:45365 dbr:Lil'_Wayne dbr:Space_Station_76 dbr:Food_(Kelis_album) dbr:Academy_Award_for_Best_Picture dbr:Interactive_media dbr:Beto_O'Rourke dbr:Virtual_reality dbr:Hulu dbr:Facebook dbr:University_of_Arizona dbr:Bill_Murray dbr:Veronica_Mars_(film) dbr:Austin,_Texas dbr:Bruce_Springsteen dbr:KEXP-FM n31:_A_Second_Coming dbr:I_Love_My_Dad dbr:Frank_(film) dbr:Mercury_Records dbr:Kathy_Griffin dbr:SpaceX dbr:Hanson_(band) dbr:Deportation dbr:Big_Sean dbr:Exists_(film) dbr:MTV dbr:Willamette_Week n32:Crayon_Pop_filming_at_SXSW_Austin_Texas_2015_--2.jpg dbr:Michelle_Shocked dbr:Edie_Brickell_&_New_Bohemians n33:_Shadows_Die_Twice dbr:Tiny_Furniture dbr:Nintendo dbr:The_Last_Movie_Stars dbr:Atlanta_(TV_series) dbr:Executive_Order_13769 dbr:Video_game dbr:Made_in_China_(2009_film) dbr:Non-fungible_token dbr:Nick_Barbaro dbr:Elon_Musk dbr:Music_festival dbr:Wyclef_Jean dbc:Computer_conferences dbr:Oculus_Rift n36:_The_Series dbr:Song_to_Song dbr:Aidy_Bryant dbr:Mazda dbr:The_Divide_(2011_film) dbr:XOXO_(festival) dbr:Toronto dbr:Breach_of_the_peace dbr:MusicfestNW dbr:Christopher_Sabec dbr:Target_Corporation dbr:The_Fallout_(film) dbr:Palm_Springs,_California dbr:Michael_Mignano dbr:John_Mayer dbc:Film_festivals_in_Austin,_Texas dbr:Lee_Daniels dbr:Back_and_Forth_(documentary) dbr:Jimmy_Wales dbr:Jakob's_Wife dbc:Annual_events_in_Texas dbr:Craigslist dbr:The_Lost_Sons dbr:MENEW dbr:A_Quiet_Place_(film) dbr:Samsung dbr:Twitter dbr:Mashable dbr:Haunter_(film) dbr:Laurieann_Gibson dbr:The_Ballad_of_Lefty_Brown dbr:RZA dbr:England dbr:Tinashe dbr:The_University_of_Texas_at_Austin dbr:Run,_Rose,_Run dbr:Trainwreck_(film) dbr:Edward_Snowden dbc:Music_conferences dbr:The_Last_O.G. dbc:Music_festivals_in_Texas dbr:India dbr:Richard_Linklater dbr:AeroMobil dbr:Solange_Knowles dbr:Trent_Reznor dbr:Sydney dbr:Apple_TV+ dbr:Cheap_Thrills_(film) dbr:Drinking_Buddies dbr:Points_of_the_compass dbc:Festivals_in_Austin,_Texas dbr:New_Music_Seminar dbc:Film_festivals_established_in_1987 dbr:North_by_Northeast dbr:Skills_Like_This dbr:Long_Shot_(2019_film) dbr:Highlight_(application) dbr:Christine_Vachon dbr:Catherine_Hardwicke dbr:Metro_Silicon_Valley dbr:Better_Call_Saul dbr:Uber dbr:Samantha_Bee dbr:Alternative_weekly dbr:Seattle–Tacoma_International_Airport dbr:Oprah_Winfrey_Network dbr:Capital_murder dbr:CBS dbr:Breaking_Bad dbr:Cory_Booker dbr:Matthew_McConaughey dbr:Taraji_P._Henson dbr:Cesar_Chavez_(film) dbr:Nile_Rodgers dbr:Elizabeth_Warren dbr:Christiane_Amanpour dbr:Talib_Kweli dbr:American_Red_Cross dbr:The_Washington_Post dbr:SAP_SE dbr:Richard_Branson dbr:Spring_break dbr:African_American dbr:Lesbian dbr:Fruits_of_Labor dbr:Chiquis_Rivera dbr:Brighton,_England dbr:Halo_(TV_series) dbr:David_Banner dbr:Ethan_Hawke dbr:Khalid_(singer) dbr:Sally_Field dbr:Mark_Zuckerberg dbr:Bridesmaids_(2011_film) dbc:Electronic_music_festivals_in_the_United_States dbr:Robert_Rodriguez dbr:United_States_vs._Reality_Winner dbr:Super_Bowl_LI dbr:Baby_Driver dbr:Plea_agreement dbr:Neil_Gaiman dbr:Cardiel dbr:Open_Windows_(film) dbr:Universal_Music_Group dbr:Kanye_West dbr:Berlin dbr:YouTube dbr:Maria_Shriver dbr:The_Disaster_Artist_(film) dbr:Godzilla_(2014_film) dbr:Armani dbr:Game_of_Thrones dbr:John_Hickenlooper dbr:Mazie_Hirono dbr:Us_(2019_film) dbr:Undefeated_(2011_film) dbr:Julian_Assange dbr:Intel dbr:C2SV dbr:Chef_(2014_film) dbr:Germany dbr:The_Cabin_in_the_Woods dbr:Sarah_Lacy dbr:Magnolia_Pictures dbr:Netflix dbr:AT&T dbr:Dawn_Ostroff dbr:Inciting_to_riot dbr:Stockholm dbr:The_Lost_City_(2022_film) dbr:Alternative_newspaper dbc:Music_festivals_established_in_1987 dbr:David_Gordon_Green dbr:COVID-19_pandemic_in_Austin,_Texas dbr:Vevo dbr:Tilda_Swinton dbr:FBI–Apple_encryption_dispute dbr:Neal_Stephenson dbr:The_Son_(TV_series) dbr:Square_Enix dbr:Keanu_(film) dbr:Tim_Ellis_(engineer) dbr:Priscilla_Chan dbr:Indeed dbr:Sweden dbr:Tilburg,_Netherlands dbr:Tulsi_Gabbard dbr:The_Great_Escape_Festival dbr:Evan_Williams_(Internet_entrepreneur) dbr:Penske_Media_Corporation dbr:Activity_tracker dbr:South_Lawn dbr:FX_(TV_channel) dbr:Not_Going_Quietly dbr:Web_Summit dbr:MidPoint_Music_Festival dbr:Augmented_reality n47:_Endwalker dbr:The_Handmaid's_Tale_(TV_series) dbr:The_Roots dbr:Houston,_Texas dbr:The_Unbearable_Weight_of_Massive_Talent dbr:Steve_Adler_(politician) dbr:Spy_(2015_film) dbr:Tim_Ferriss dbr:Danny_Boyle dbr:Life_without_parole dbr:Louis_Black dbr:Booking_agent dbr:Apple_Inc. dbr:Tech_Open_Air dbr:Arnold_Schwarzenegger dbr:Fred_Armisen dbr:The_Final_Girls dbr:Awful_Nice dbr:Danny_Says_(film) dbr:Social_media dbr:Neighbors_(2014_film) dbr:2020_United_States_presidential_election dbr:Goa dbr:TechfestNW dbr:Cassius_Khan dbr:Adriene_Mishler dbr:Dance_of_the_Dead_(film) dbr:Lisbon,_Portugal dbr:Panasonic dbr:Westworld_(TV_series) dbr:Insidious_(film) dbr:Bob_Schneider dbr:Sausage_Party dbr:Lyft dbr:Tucson,_Arizona dbc:March_events dbr:Convention_(meeting) dbr:Penny_Pritzker dbr:Valerie_Jarrett dbr:Henry_Rollins dbr:Who_We_Are_Now dbr:CNN dbr:CNN+ dbr:Foursquare_(social_network) dbr:Ozzy_Osbourne dbr:Amazon_(company) dbr:Disorderly_conduct dbr:Adobe_Systems dbr:Introducing,_Selma_Blair dbr:Flight_of_the_Conchords dbr:Lonelyland dbc:Technology_conferences dbr:Bill_Nye dbr:Sarah_Green_(film_producer) dbr:Örebro,_Sweden n53:_A_Space_Age_Childhood dbr:Paramount+ dbr:CNET dbr:Booksmart_(film) n54:_Life_After_ISIS dbr:Trevor_Noah n55:_Austin dbr:2022_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine dbr:Zoe_Saldana dbr:General_Electric dbr:Dear_White_People_(TV_series) n57:_Dancing_with_the_Devil dbr:The_Polyphonic_Spree dbr:Shrill_(TV_series) dbr:Short_Term_12 n32:Conan_O'Brien_-_SXSW_-_Mar_2011.jpg dbr:HBO dbr:Misdemeanor dbr:Get_Hard dbr:Gareth_Edwards_(director) dbr:Silicon_Valley_(TV_series) dbr:San_Jose,_California dbr:TikTok dbr:Krypton_(TV_series) dbr:RockLive dbr:What_We_Do_in_the_Shadows_(TV_series) dbr:Barry_Jenkins n62:_Breath_of_the_Wild dbr:What_We_Leave_Behind_(2022_film) dbr:Spellbound_(2002_film) n32:Foursquare-logo.png dbr:Las_Vegas dbr:Wigan dbr:Gemini_(2017_film) dbr:Incubate_(festival) dbr:Audio_engineering dbr:WeCrashed dbr:Amy_Schumer dbr:Ridesharing_company dbr:Ryan_Gosling dbr:Lil_Yachty dbr:Secretary_of_Commerce dbr:North_by_Northwest dbr:Sonic_Mania_Plus dbr:Moby_Grape dbr:Vox_Media dbr:Roadable_aircraft dbr:Michelle_K._Lee dbr:Hooligans_(film) dbr:Post-punk dbr:American_Gods_(TV_series) dbr:Mumblecore dbr:Don't_Think_Twice_(film) dbr:Mercedes-Benz dbr:Mark_Duplass dbr:NSA dbr:Craig_Newmark dbr:United_States_Patent_and_Trademark_Office dbr:Nicolas_Cage dbr:Ashanti_(singer) dbr:Australia dbr:Porsche dbr:3M n64:_Live dbr:South_Bend,_Indiana dbr:SXSW_Gaming_Awards dbr:SCVNGR n32:SXSW2020CommunityMeetupWeWorkTheHub.jpg dbr:SXSW_V2V dbr:Fasten_(company) dbr:Ready_Player_One_(film) dbr:Denton,_Texas dbr:Visa_Waiver_Program dbr:Now_(newspaper) dbr:Mutual_Appreciation dbr:Alex_Chilton dbr:21_Jump_Street_(film) dbr:Barry_(TV_series) dbr:35_Denton dbr:Amy_Klobuchar dbr:Beastie_Boys dbr:Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez dbr:Bernie_Sanders dbr:Moonwalkers_(film) dbr:White_House dbr:Mobile_app dbr:Beck dbr:Manito_(film) dbr:Jon_Favreau dbr:American_Airlines dbr:Ava_DuVernay dbr:Carole_&_Tuesday dbr:Garth_Brooks dbr:Violet_(2021_film) dbr:IPhone dbr:Thunder_Road_(2018_film) dbr:Blockers_(film) dbr:James_Patterson dbr:Fort_Tilden_(film) dbr:The_Highwaymen_(film) n32:Sixth_Street_SXSW_2013-025426539592444897.jpg dbr:James_Blunt dbr:WarnerMedia dbr:Social_discovery_platform dbr:Harmony_Korine dbr:Van_Jones dbr:Stacey_Abrams dbr:TV3_(New_Zealand) dbr:Portland,_Oregon dbr:Barack_Obama dbr:Steven_Spielberg dbr:Spettacolo dbr:Lizzo dbr:Evil_Dead_(2013_film) dbr:Ludacris n32:(L_to_R)_IGN's_Laura_Prudom,_Dan_Jurgens,_Jim_Lee,_Frank_Miller,_Brian_Michael_Bendis_at_SXSW_2018.jpg dbr:University_of_Texas_at_Austin dbr:Alexi_Pappas dbr:Jeffrey_Katzenberg dbr:Pete_Buttigieg dbr:Joss_Whedon dbr:Everything_Everywhere_All_at_Once dbr:Crowd_control dbr:Frankfurt dbr:Penny_Dreadful_(TV_series) dbr:Ex_Machina_(film) dbr:Lily_Topples_the_World dbr:The_Puffy_Chair dbr:Saskatoon,_Canada dbr:Computerworld
dbpedia-pt:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-uk:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-ar:ساوث_باي_ساوث_ويست dbpedia-cs:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-he:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-commons:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-sv:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-ca:South_by_Southwest wikidata:Q959755 dbpedia-no:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-fr:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-ja:サウス・バイ・サウスウエスト freebase:m.0bkr4x dbpedia-es:South_by_Southwest n30:56rFP freebase:m.0jt4wx2 dbpedia-da:South_by_Southwest n38:סאַוט-ביי-סאַוטוועסט dbpedia-simple:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-tr:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-it:South_by_Southwest n42:South%20by%20Southwest%20Music%20and%20Media%20Conference dbpedia-zh:西南偏南 dbpedia-eu:South_by_Southwest yago-res:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-nl:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-de:South_by_Southwest n51:128472184 dbpedia-fy:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-fi:South_by_Southwest dbpedia-ko:사우스_바이_사우스웨스트 dbpedia-ru:South_by_Southwest n60:7755132-1 dbpedia-fa:جنوب_از_جنوب_غربی dbpedia-vi:South_by_Southwest
dbt:Austin dbt:Ubl dbt:Infobox_recurring_event dbt:Use_American_English dbt:Url dbt:Update_after dbt:Use_mdy_dates dbt:Reflist dbt:Age dbt:Blockquote dbt:%22' dbt:Official_website dbt:About dbt:Music_venues_of_Texas dbt:Commons_category dbt:Short_description dbt:Citation_needed
Logo since 2017
Roland Swenson, Louis Jay Meyers, Louis Black, Nick Barbaro
Conference and festival
Austin, Texas, United States
March 2023
South by Southwest (SXSW ) é um conjunto de festivais de cinema, música e tecnologia que acontece toda primavera (normalmente em março) em Austin, Texas, Estados Unidos . Tudo começou em 1987, e tem continuado a crescer a cada ano. Em 2011, a conferência durou 10 dias, com o SXSW Interactive tendo sido por cinco, Música em seis, e Film por nove. SXSW é considerado "evento de assinatura" do Austin Chronicle . サウス・バイ・サウスウエスト(英語:South by Southwest、略記:SXSW)は、毎年3月にアメリカ合衆国テキサス州オースティンで行なわれる、音楽祭・映画祭・インタラクティブフェスティバルなどを組み合わせた大規模イベント。一般的な音楽フェスティバルと異なり、業界人向けの見本市という側面も持つイベントである。1987年に音楽祭として始まり、毎年規模を拡大している。主催はSXSW社。 El South by Southwest (abreviado como SXSW y traducido al español como Al sur por el suroeste)​ es un evento que congrega diversos eventos y conferencias de películas, medios interactivos y música, que tienen lugar cada primavera (por lo general en marzo) en Austin, Texas, Estados Unidos. SXSW comenzó en 1987, y ha seguido creciendo en tamaño cada año. En 2011, el evento se prolongó durante 20 días, con una duración de SXSW Interactive durante cinco días, música durante seis, y el cine durante nueve días.​ 西南偏南(英語:South by Southwest,簡稱:SXSW)是每年在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的一系列电影、互動式多媒體和音乐的艺术节與大會。首届西南偏南始于1987年,隨著每年舉行規模持續成長。在2011年,西南偏南持續進行了十天,其中互動式多媒體大會持續了五天,音樂節持續了六天,電影節則持續舉行了九天。 西南偏南是由西南偏南公司(SXSW Inc.)負責執行,該公司主要規劃並舉辦各類大會、貿易展、媒體節和其他活動。西南偏南除了主要的三類活動外,該公司亦負責舉辦其他三個大會,其中兩個同樣位於奥斯汀:分別是與教育創新相關的「SXSWedu」,以及環境保護大會「SXSW Eco」 ,另一個大會是在拉斯維加斯舉行的「SXSW V2V」,其內容以創業公司為主。 South by Southwest (SXSW) — ежегодное мероприятие, включающее в себя ряд музыкальных, кино- и медиафестивалей и конференций, проходящее в середине марта в США, в городе Остине, штат Техас. Фестиваль проводится с 1987 года. В последние годы продолжительность мероприятия составляет 10 дней. Фестиваль проводится компанией SXSW Inc., которая планирует и проводит конференции, выставки, фестивали и прочие мероприятия. В дополнение к трём основным фестивалям, компания управляет тремя другими крупными конференциями. Две из них проходят в Остине: SXSWedu, конференция по инновациям в образовании, SXSW Eco, конференция по проблемам окружающей среды. Еще одна конференция проводится в Лас-Вегасе — SXSW V2V фокусируется на инновационных стартапах. South by Southwest (SXSW) är en festival som innehåller musik, film och interaktiva medier. De tre olika delfestivalerna anordnas relativt separat med skilda start och slutdatum. Musikfestivalen brukar räknas som världens största i sitt slag, det spelar över 1400 band på festivalen. Festivalen äger rum i Austin, Texas varje år sedan 1987 under drygt en vecka i mars. South by Southwest (SXSW) est un ensemble de festivals de musique (SXSW Music), de cinéma (SXSW Film) et de médias interactifs (SXSW Interactive) se tenant chaque année depuis 1987 au mois de mars à Austin (Texas, États-Unis), principalement au Austin Convention Center. Les trois parties sont relativement indépendantes et peuvent donc commencer ou se terminer à des dates différentes. South by Southwest, auquel on se réfère aussi par le sigle « SXSW » a contribué au rayonnement de la scène musicale d'Austin. Il s'agit d'un des rendez-vous musicaux les plus importants aux États-Unis, avec plus de 2 000 artistes jouant dans plus de 90 sites autour du centre-ville d'Austin. SXSW est l'évènement le plus important pour l'économie d'Austin, avec un impact économique estimé à au moins 110 millions de dollars en 2008. South by Southwest (SXSW) — щорічний захід, що включає в себе ряд музичних, кіно- і медіафестивалів (SXSW Gaming Awards) і конференцій, що проходить в середині березня в Остіні, Техас, США. Фестиваль проводиться з 1987 року. В останні роки тривалість заходу становить 10 днів. Фестиваль проводиться компанією SXSW Inc., яка планує і проводить конференції, виставки, фестивалі та інші заходи. На додаток до трьох основних фестивалям, компанія управляє трьома іншими великими конференціями. Дві з них проходять в Остіні: SXSWedu, конференція з інновацій в освіті, SXSW Eco, конференція з проблем навколишнього середовища. Ще одна конференція проводиться в Лас-Вегасі — SXSW V2V фокусується на інноваційних стартапи. Вперше за всю історію подія 2020 року скасована внаслідок пандемії COVID-19. ساوث باي ساوث ويست (بالإنجليزية: South by Southwest ومعناه جنوب جنوب غربي ويختصر SXSW ويشار إليها كذلك بمجرد ساوث باي South By) هو مجمع سنوي من مهرجانات فيلم وإعلام تفاعلي وموسيقى ومؤتمرات يعقد في منتصف شهر مارس في مدينة أوستن بولاية تكساس الأميركية. انطلق عام 1987 واستمر نموه على مستوى نطاقه وحجمه. في 2017، استغرق المؤتمر عشرة أيام؛ الجزء التفاعلي لخمسة أيام، والجزء الموسيقي لسبعة أيام، والجزء الفيلمي لتسعة أيام بالاقتران. وعنصرا الفكاهية وألعاب الفيديو هما سريعا النمو بصفة خاصة. تدير المجمع شركة ساوث باي ساوث واست ذات المسؤولية المحدودة التي تنظم مؤتمرات ومعارض تجارية ومهرجانات ومناسبات أخرى. South by Southwest (afgekort tot SXSW) is een festival dat sinds 1987 jaarlijks in de lente wordt gehouden in Austin (Texas) in de Verenigde Staten. Het festival draait om muziek-optredens, film, interactieve media, tentoonstellingen en educatieve bijeenkomsten. Het zwaartepunt bij de muziek ligt vooral op onafhankelijke muziek. Er treden jaarlijks ongeveer 1500 bands en artiesten op. In de beginjaren kende SXSW uitsluitend muzikale optredens. In 1994 breidde het festival uit naar film en interactieve media. Jaarlijks ondersteunt het Muziek Centrum Nederland een selectie van Nederlandse artiesten in hun deelname aan het festival. Das South by Southwest (SXSW) ist eine jährlich im März in Austin, Texas, stattfindende Veranstaltung. Es vereint Festivals, Konferenzen und Fachausstellungen vor allem in den Bereichen Musik, Film und interaktive Medien. Das Festival fand das erste Mal 1987 statt und geht mittlerweile insgesamt über 10 Tage; wenn man die direkt davor stattfindende sxsw-edu-Bildungsmesse und -Konferenz dazuzählt, sogar 14 Tage. South by Southwest, abbreviated as SXSW and colloquially referred to as South By, is an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences organized jointly that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas, United States. It began in 1987 and has continued to grow in both scope and size every year. In 2017, the conference lasted for 10 days with the interactive track lasting for five days, music for seven days, and film for nine days. There was no in-person event in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Austin, Texas; both years, there was a smaller online event instead. SXSW is run by the company SXSW, LLC, which organizes conferences, trade shows, festivals, and other events. In addition to SXSW, the company runs the conference SXSW Edu and the upcoming SXSW Sydney festival, and co-runs North by Northeast in Toronto. It has previously run or co-run the events North by Northwest (1995-2001), West by Southwest (2006-2010), SXSW Eco (2011-2016), SXSW V2V (2013-2015), and the me Convention (2017-2019). In addition, a large number of other events, past and present, sometimes collectively referred to as "four-letter festivals", have been inspired by SXSW. In April 2021, Penske Media Corporation purchased a 50% stake in SXSW. 사우스 바이 사우스웨스트(영어: South by Southwest, SXSW)는 미국의 텍사스주 오스틴에서 매년 봄(보통 3월)에 개최되는 일련의 영화, 인터랙티브, 음악 페스티벌, 컨퍼런스이다. SXSW는 1987년에 시작하였고, 매년 규모가 커져왔으며 평균 50여 개국 2만여 명의 음악관계자들과 2천여 팀의 뮤지션이 참여한다. 2011년의 경우, 컨퍼런스는 10일간, SXSW 인터랙티브는 5일간, 음악은 6일, 그리고 영화는 9일간 개최되었다. SXSW Inc.,는 미국컨퍼런스, 트레이드 쇼, 페스티벌 등의 이벤트를 계획하고 실행하는 회사이다. 현재 SXSW 뮤직, SXSW 영화, SXSW 인터랙티브, SXSW 에듀, SWSXWeco를 주관하고 있다. SXSWeco는 10월에 개최된다. 2020년, 코로나19 범유행으로 인해 사상 최초로 개최가 취소되었다. South by Southwest (SXSW) è un festival musicale e cinematografico, composto anche di un insieme di conferenze e mostre interattive, che ha luogo ogni primavera ad Austin, la capitale del Texas, dal 1987. South by Southwest (nebo rovněž SXSW) je a hudební festival, jehož první ročník se konal v roce 1987. Probíhá každé jaro v Austinu, hlavním městě státu Texas. Od roku 1993 sídlí v multikulturní budově , kde je konán každoročně dodnes. V roce 2006 zde měl svůj program Jimmy Wales, zakladatel Wikipedie. South by Southwest (abreujat SXSW i col·loquialment dit South By) és un festival anual de cinema, mitjans interactius, música i cicles de conferències que té lloc en març a Austin (Texas), Estats Units. Va començar la seua activitat el 1987 i va continuar creixent cada any. El 2017 les conferències van tindre una durada de 10 dies, la pista interactiva va estar oberta cinc dies, es van fer concerts durant set dies, i les projeccions van durar nou dies. SXSW és portat per la companyia SXSW, LLC que organitza conferències, trade shows, festivals, i altres esdeveniments. A més dels tres festivals principals South by Southwest, la companyia munta altres cicles de conferències: SXSW EDU, una conferència sobre innovació educativa, que es fa Austin, i la convenció "me" (començada el 2017), i feta a Frankfurt del Main (Alemanya) en col·laboració amb Mercedes-Benz. Altres antigues conferències muntades per l'organització SXSW eren SXSW Eco, una conferència sobre temes mediambientals que es va fer a Austin del 2011 al 2016; i una a Las Vegas dita , una conferència centrada en empreses emergents innovadores feta del 2013 al 2015. South by Southwest, SXSW gisa laburtua ohikoan, martxoaren erdialdean Austin hirian (Texas) antolatzen den konferentzia multzo bat da, zeinean film eta musika jaialdiak, topaketak, eta hitzaldi sortak egoten diren. 1987an hasi zen eta urtez urte handituz joan da. 2017an, konferentziak 10 egun iraun zuen bost egun alor digitalari eskainiz, zazpi eguneko musika jaialdiarekin eta bederatzi eguneko zinemaldiarekin.
dbr:Festival dbr:Conference