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yago:WikicatFormerPopulatedPlacesInItaly yago:Tract108673395 dbo:City yago:Region108630985 yago:Object100002684 yago:WikicatDestroyedCities yago:UrbanArea108675967 yago:City108524735 yago:WikicatAncientCities yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:GeographicalArea108574314 yago:WikicatRomanTownsAndCities yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity yago:YagoGeoEntity yago:Location100027167 yago:Town108665504 yago:AdministrativeDistrict108491826 yago:District108552138 yago:Municipality108626283 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Site108651247
Suessa Pometia Suessa Pometia Suessa Pomécia Suèssia Pomètia Suessa Pometia
Suèssia Pomètia (Suessia Pometia, Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) fou una antiga ciutat del Latium que ja no existia en temps històrics i la situació de la qual és desconeguda. Virgili diu que fou una colònia d'Alba Longa i Diodor de Sicília la relaciona també a la llista de colònies d'aquesta ciutat. Però molt aviat va passar als volscs i fou arrabassada a aquest poble per Tarquí el Superb, el primer romà que va fer la guerra als volscs. La seva localització resta per trobar. Suessa Pomécia (em grego: Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη; romaniz.: Soúessa Pomentiánē ; em latim: Suessa Pometia) foi uma antiga cidade do Lácio, na península Itálica, que deixou de existir em tempos históricos. Tinha sua fronteira no (em latim, Pomptinus ager, segundo Tito Lívio) ou Pântanos Pomptinos (palus Pomptina (singular) e Pomptinae paludes (plural), segundo Plínio o Velho), de onde teria tirado seu nome. Virgílio a colocou entre as colônias de Alba Longa, e portanto deve tê-la considerado uma cidade latina. Suessa Pometia (in greco antico Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) fu una città del Latium vetus, la cui collocazione è ancora incerta. Suessa Pometia (en grec ancien : Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) était une cité du Latium. Colonie d'Albe la Longue, occupée par les Volsques, elle fut détruite par Tarquin le Superbe. Elle fut conquise par les Romains vers 495 av. J.-C. Suessa Pometia (Greek: Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη; also Pometia) was an ancient city of Latium, which had ceased to exist in historical times. Although the modern city of Pomezia is named after it, the exact location of the ancient city is unknown.
dbc:Destroyed_cities dbc:Former_populated_places_in_Italy dbc:Latin_cities
dbr:Alba_Longa dbr:Roman-Volscian_wars dbr:Cora_(Ancient_Latin_town) dbc:Destroyed_cities dbr:Publius_Servilius_Priscus_Structus dbr:Rome dbr:Pontine_Marshes dbr:Apiolae dbr:Pomezia dbr:Roman-Latin_wars dbr:Volscian dbr:Diodorus dbr:Ancus_Marcius dbr:Tarquinius_Superbus dbr:Servius_Tullius dbr:Capitoline dbc:Latin_cities dbc:Former_populated_places_in_Italy dbr:Virgil dbr:Latium dbr:Aurunci
freebase:m.05f68_b yago-res:Suessa_Pometia dbpedia-ca:Suèssia_Pomètia dbpedia-bg:Суеса_Помеция n18:2XMiB dbpedia-it:Suessa_Pometia dbpedia-fr:Suessa_Pometia dbpedia-no:Suessa_Pometia n22:سايسا_باميتيا wikidata:Q2705623 dbpedia-pt:Suessa_Pomécia
dbt:Reflist dbt:Coord_missing dbt:Short_description
Suessa Pometia (Greek: Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη; also Pometia) was an ancient city of Latium, which had ceased to exist in historical times. Although the modern city of Pomezia is named after it, the exact location of the ancient city is unknown. It bordered on the Pomptinus ager or Pomptinae Paludes, which supposedly took its name. Virgil reckons it among the colonies of Alba, and must therefore have considered it as a Latin city: it is found also in the list of the same colonies given by Diodorus; but it seems certain that it had at a very early period become a Volscian city. It was taken from that people by Tarquinius Superbus, the first of the Roman kings who is mentioned as having made war on the Volsci: Strabo indeed calls it the metropolis of the Volsci, for which we have no other authority; and it is probable that this is a mere inference from the statements as to its great wealth and power. These represent it as a place of such opulence, that it was with the booty derived from thence that Tarquinius was able to commence and carry on the construction of the Capitoline temple at Rome. This was indeed related by some writers of Apiolae, another city taken by Tarquin, but the current tradition seems to have been that connected with Pometia. The name of Suessa Pometia is only once mentioned before this time, as the place where the sons of Ancus Marcius retired into exile on the accession of Servius. It is clear also that it survived its capture by Tarquin, and even appears again in the wars of the Republic with the Volscians, as a place of great power and importance. Livy indeed calls it a Colonia Latina, but we have no account of its having become such. It, however, revolted (according to his account) in 503 BC together with Cora and with the assistance of the Aurunci, and was not taken until the following year, by Sp. Cassius, when the city was destroyed and the inhabitants sold as slaves. It nevertheless appears again a few years afterwards (495 BC) in the hands of the Volscians, at which time children of the leading men of the city were offered as hostages to prevent war, but when war broke out soon afterwards the city was again taken and pillaged by the consul Publius Servilius Priscus Structus. This time the blow seems to have been decisive; for the name of Suessa Pometia is never again mentioned in history, and all trace of it disappears. Pliny notices it among the cities which were in his time utterly extinct. and no record seems to have been preserved even of its site. We are, however, distinctly told that the Pomptinus ager and the Pomptine tribe derived their appellation from this city, and there can therefore be no doubt that it stood in that district or on the verge of it. Suessa Pomécia (em grego: Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη; romaniz.: Soúessa Pomentiánē ; em latim: Suessa Pometia) foi uma antiga cidade do Lácio, na península Itálica, que deixou de existir em tempos históricos. Tinha sua fronteira no (em latim, Pomptinus ager, segundo Tito Lívio) ou Pântanos Pomptinos (palus Pomptina (singular) e Pomptinae paludes (plural), segundo Plínio o Velho), de onde teria tirado seu nome. Virgílio a colocou entre as colônias de Alba Longa, e portanto deve tê-la considerado uma cidade latina. Suessa Pometia (en grec ancien : Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) était une cité du Latium. Colonie d'Albe la Longue, occupée par les Volsques, elle fut détruite par Tarquin le Superbe. Elle fut conquise par les Romains vers 495 av. J.-C. Suessa Pometia (in greco antico Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) fu una città del Latium vetus, la cui collocazione è ancora incerta. Suèssia Pomètia (Suessia Pometia, Σούεσσα Πωμεντιάνη) fou una antiga ciutat del Latium que ja no existia en temps històrics i la situació de la qual és desconeguda. Virgili diu que fou una colònia d'Alba Longa i Diodor de Sicília la relaciona també a la llista de colònies d'aquesta ciutat. Però molt aviat va passar als volscs i fou arrabassada a aquest poble per Tarquí el Superb, el primer romà que va fer la guerra als volscs. Estrabó l'esmenta com a "metròpolis" dels volscs i la presenta com una ciutat opulenta i poderosa, però això podria ser degut a la influència d'anteriors historiadors, ja que segons aquestos amb el botí que el rei romà va fer a la ciutat es va poder construir el temple Capitolí de Roma. Suessia Pometia és esmentada com el lloc on els fills d'Anc Marci es van retirar en exili quan va pujar el tron Servi Tul·li, i encara que també és esmentada la seva retirada a Apiolae (una altra ciutat conquerida per Tarquí) sembla que més aviat fou a Suessia Pometia. A les guerres amb els volscs aparèixer com una ciutat important. Tit Livi l'esmenta com a colònia llatina però podria ser un error. També Livi diu que es va revoltar el 503 aC i fou reconquerida el 502 aC per Espuri Cassi Viscel·lí, i la ciutat fou destruïda i els habitants venuts com esclaus. El 495 aC la ciutat apareix en mans dels volscs, i fou conquerida i saquejada pel cònsol Publi Servili Prisc Estructe. És la darrera vegada que és esmentada. Plini el Vell l'esmenta com una de les ciutats desaparegudes del Latium La seva localització resta per trobar.