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Клаузула о верховенстве 至高條款 Clause de suprématie (États-Unis) Clausola di supremazia Supremacy Clause
The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws. It provides that state courts are bound by, and state constitutions subordinate to, the supreme law. However, federal statutes and treaties must be within the parameters of the Constitution; that is, they must be pursuant to the federal government's enumerated powers, and not violate other constitutional limits on federal power, such as the Bill of Rights—of particular interest is the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that the federal government has only those powers delegat La deuxième clause de l'article VI de la Constitution américaine, plus communément désignée sous le nom de clause de suprématie, statue que la Constitution des États-Unis, ainsi que les lois et traités adoptés par le gouvernement fédéral, constituent « la loi suprême de la nation » (« the supreme law of the land » en anglais). Cela signifie que les États des États-Unis ne sont pas souverains et qu'en dernier recours, c'est toujours l'autorité de l'Union qui prime sur la constitution et les lois de chacun des États de l'Union. 至高條款(Supremacy Clause)是在美國憲法第六條第二款的條款。此條款明確表示了憲法、聯邦法律及美國對外條約為「全國之最高法律」("the supreme law of the land")。此條款確立它們為美國法律體系的最高層次法律,強制各州法官捍衛它們,即使它們抵觸州憲法及州法律。 La clausola di supremazia dell'Articolo VI della Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d'America, è il principio che stabilisce che la Costituzione, le leggi federali emanate in virtù di essa e i trattati stipulati sotto la sua autorità, costituiscano la "legge suprema dello Stato", e quindi assumano priorità su qualsiasi legge in diretto conflitto emanata dagli Stati federati degli Stati Uniti d'America. La clausola di supremazia prevede che i tribunali degli Stati federati siano vincolati, e che le loro costituzioni siano subordinate, alla legge suprema federale. Клаузула о верховенстве (англ. Supremacy Clause) — формулировка в Конституции США, предусматривающая, что конституция и законы Соединённых Штатов, а также международные договоры, заключённые Соединёнными Штатами, являются верховным правом страны. Клаузула также обязывает судей штатов руководствоваться Конституцией, законами и международными договорами США, даже если конституции и законы отдельных штатов противоречат федеральному праву. Конституции штатов также признают верховенство федеральной Конституции США. Так, ныне действующая Конституция Калифорнии 1879 года указывает: «Штат Калифорния составляет неотъемлемую часть Американского Союза, и Конституция Соединённых Штатов является высшим законом страны». Клаузула содержится в статье VI Конституции США. Заключённый в ней принцип верховенс
dbc:Article_Six_of_the_United_States_Constitution dbc:Legal_history_of_the_United_States dbc:Clauses_of_the_United_States_Constitution
dbr:States'_rights dbr:Congress_of_the_Confederation dbr:Regulatory_agencies dbr:United_States_Senate dbr:Necessary_and_Proper_Clause dbr:Advice_and_consent dbr:New_Jersey_Plan dbr:Constitution_of_the_United_States dbr:Constitution_of_Australia dbr:Cohens_v._Virginia dbr:State_governments_of_the_United_States dbr:Missouri_v._Holland dbr:James_Madison dbr:Federalist_No._33 dbr:U.S._state dbr:Chy_Lung_v._Freeman dbr:Self-executing_right dbr:Federalist_No._44 dbr:Fugitive_Slave_Act dbr:Voting_Rights_Act_of_1965 dbr:Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States dbr:California_v._ARC_America_Corp. dbr:Head_Money_Cases dbr:Ableman_v._Booth dbr:Prescription_drug dbr:European_Union_law dbr:United_States_Code dbr:Commonwealth_Edison_Co._v._Montana dbr:Article_Six_of_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:Medellín_v._Texas dbc:Article_Six_of_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:Treaty dbr:Maryland dbr:Brown_v._Board_of_Education dbr:Legislation dbr:Supermajority dbr:Marbury_v._Madison dbr:Crosby_v._National_Foreign_Trade_Council dbr:Tenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:John_Marshall dbr:Luther_Martin dbr:Law_of_the_United_States dbr:Treaty_Clause dbr:Articles_of_Confederation dbr:Pennsylvania dbr:United_States_Bill_of_Rights dbr:Commonwealth_Edison_Company dbr:Federalism_in_the_United_States dbr:Judicial_interpretation dbr:Villas_at_Parkside_Partners_v._City_of_Farmers_Branch dbr:Utility_company dbr:Judiciary_Act_of_1789 dbr:Interposition dbr:Intergovernmental_immunity_(United_States) dbr:Medical_Device_Regulation_Act dbr:Food_and_Drug_Administration dbr:LULAC_v._Wilson dbr:Alexander_Hamilton dbr:Reid_v._Covert dbr:Judicial_review dbr:Conflict-of-laws dbr:Canadian_constitutional_law dbc:Legal_history_of_the_United_States dbr:Federal_government_of_the_United_States dbr:Paramountcy_(Canada) dbr:McCulloch_v._Maryland dbr:International_law dbr:Arkansas dbr:Wisconsin dbc:Clauses_of_the_United_States_Constitution dbr:State_law_(United_States) dbr:Martin_v._Hunter's_Lessee dbr:Sub-bituminous_coal dbr:Notes_of_Debates_in_the_Federal_Convention_of_1787 dbr:State_of_Montana dbr:Edgar_v._MITE_Corp. dbr:State_constitution_(United_States) dbr:1994_California_Proposition_187 dbr:State_court_(United_States) dbr:Section_109_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia dbr:Primacy_of_European_Union_law dbr:Pennsylvania_v._Nelson dbr:Cooper_v._Aaron dbr:Ware_v._Hylton dbr:Federal_preemption dbr:Enumerated_powers
n5:4viuM freebase:m.04q91h dbpedia-zh:至高條款 wikidata:Q7644794 dbpedia-fr:Clause_de_suprématie_(États-Unis) dbpedia-it:Clausola_di_supremazia dbpedia-ru:Клаузула_о_верховенстве
dbt:US_Constitution dbt:Use_mdy_dates dbt:Ussc dbt:United_States_constitutional_law dbt:Use_American_English dbt:Reflist dbt:Quote dbt:Short_description
La deuxième clause de l'article VI de la Constitution américaine, plus communément désignée sous le nom de clause de suprématie, statue que la Constitution des États-Unis, ainsi que les lois et traités adoptés par le gouvernement fédéral, constituent « la loi suprême de la nation » (« the supreme law of the land » en anglais). Cela signifie que les États des États-Unis ne sont pas souverains et qu'en dernier recours, c'est toujours l'autorité de l'Union qui prime sur la constitution et les lois de chacun des États de l'Union. 至高條款(Supremacy Clause)是在美國憲法第六條第二款的條款。此條款明確表示了憲法、聯邦法律及美國對外條約為「全國之最高法律」("the supreme law of the land")。此條款確立它們為美國法律體系的最高層次法律,強制各州法官捍衛它們,即使它們抵觸州憲法及州法律。 The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution of the United States (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the "supreme Law of the Land", and thus take priority over any conflicting state laws. It provides that state courts are bound by, and state constitutions subordinate to, the supreme law. However, federal statutes and treaties must be within the parameters of the Constitution; that is, they must be pursuant to the federal government's enumerated powers, and not violate other constitutional limits on federal power, such as the Bill of Rights—of particular interest is the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution. The Supremacy Clause is essentially a conflict-of-laws rule specifying that certain federal acts take priority over any state acts that conflict with federal law. Some jurists further argue that the clause also nullifies federal law that is in conflict with the Constitution, although this is disputed. The Supremacy Clause follows Article XIII of the Articles of Confederation, the predecessor of the Constitution, which provided that "Every State shall abide by the determination of the [Congress], on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them." As a constitutional provision announcing the supremacy of federal law, the Supremacy Clause assumes the underlying priority of federal authority, albeit only when that authority is expressed in the Constitution itself; no matter what the federal or state governments might wish to do, they must stay within the boundaries of the Constitution. Consequently, the Supremacy Clause is considered a cornerstone of the United States' federal political structure. Клаузула о верховенстве (англ. Supremacy Clause) — формулировка в Конституции США, предусматривающая, что конституция и законы Соединённых Штатов, а также международные договоры, заключённые Соединёнными Штатами, являются верховным правом страны. Клаузула также обязывает судей штатов руководствоваться Конституцией, законами и международными договорами США, даже если конституции и законы отдельных штатов противоречат федеральному праву. Конституции штатов также признают верховенство федеральной Конституции США. Так, ныне действующая Конституция Калифорнии 1879 года указывает: «Штат Калифорния составляет неотъемлемую часть Американского Союза, и Конституция Соединённых Штатов является высшим законом страны». Клаузула содержится в статье VI Конституции США. Заключённый в ней принцип верховенства федерального права является одним из краеугольных в федеративной системе США. La clausola di supremazia dell'Articolo VI della Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d'America, è il principio che stabilisce che la Costituzione, le leggi federali emanate in virtù di essa e i trattati stipulati sotto la sua autorità, costituiscano la "legge suprema dello Stato", e quindi assumano priorità su qualsiasi legge in diretto conflitto emanata dagli Stati federati degli Stati Uniti d'America. La clausola di supremazia prevede che i tribunali degli Stati federati siano vincolati, e che le loro costituzioni siano subordinate, alla legge suprema federale. Tuttavia, le leggi e i trattati federali possono avvalersi della clausola di supremazia solo se non violano la Costituzione. Alla sola magistratura federale spetta il potere e compito di interpretare la Costituzione e l'autorità di giudicare le leggi federali in fatto di costituzionalità.