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Aubrey II. de Vere Обри де Вер II Aubrey de Vere II Aubrey II de Vere
Aubrey II. de Vere (lat. Alberic[us] de Ver, * um 1080; † 15. Mai 1141 war der älteste überlebende Sohn von , der mit Wilhelm dem Eroberer 1066 nach England gekommen war. Aubrey II. diente als Sheriff in zahlreichen Grafschaften und als Justiciar unter den Königen Heinrich I. und Stephan. 1133 wurde er von Heinrich I. mit dem Amt des Lord Great Chamberlain betraut, nachdem sein Vorgänger Robert Malet abgesetzt und enteignet worden war. Der Chronist Wilhelm von Malmesbury berichtet, dass Aubrey König Stephan 1139 vertrat, als dieser vor ein Kirchenkonzil gerufen wurde, um zur Beschlagnahme von Burgen des Bischofs Roger von Salisbury auszusagen. 1141 wurde er bei einem Aufstand in London getötet. Aubrey II. de Vere wurde im Familienmausoleum Colne Priory bestattet. Aubrey de Vere (c. 1085 – May 1141) — also known as "Alberic[us] de Ver" and "Albericus regis camerarius" (the king's chamberlain)— was the second of that name in England after the Norman Conquest, being the eldest surviving son of Aubrey de Vere and his wife Beatrice. His eldest son, another Aubrey de Vere, was later created Earl of Oxford, and his descendants held that title and the office that in later centuries was known as Lord Great Chamberlain until the extinction of the Vere male line in 1703. Their known children are: Обри де Вер (англ. Aubrey de Vere; ок. 1080—1141) — англонормандский аристократ, лорд-камергер Англии в период правления Генриха I и Стефана Блуаского, погиб во время восстания в Лондоне против императрицы Матильды. Aubrey II de Vere (entre 1080 et 1085 – 15 mai 1141), seigneur du château de Hedingham, fut un baron et un important administrateur anglo-normand de la fin du règne d'Henri Ier (1100-1135) et des premières années du règne d’Étienne d'Angleterre (1135-1154).
dbc:Sheriffs_of_the_City_of_London dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Cambridgeshire_and_Huntingdonshire dbc:People_from_Essex dbc:1080s_births dbc:Year_of_birth_uncertain dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Hertfordshire dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Essex dbc:De_Vere_family dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Surrey dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Bedfordshire dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Suffolk dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Buckinghamshire dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Norfolk dbc:Anglo-Normans dbc:1141_deaths dbc:Lord_Great_Chamberlains
dbc:Lord_Great_Chamberlains dbr:Rennes dbr:Aubrey_de_Vere,_1st_Earl_of_Oxford dbr:Aubrey_de_Vere_I dbr:Rohese_de_Vere,_Countess_of_Essex dbc:Sheriffs_of_the_City_of_London dbr:Henry_of_Essex dbr:Robert_Malet dbc:People_from_Essex dbr:William_de_Vere dbr:Chamberlain_(office) dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Cambridgeshire_and_Huntingdonshire dbr:Henry_I_of_England dbr:Earl_of_Oxford dbc:1080s_births dbr:Lord_Great_Chamberlain dbr:England dbr:Justiciar dbr:Roger_fitz_Richard dbr:Corrodian dbc:Year_of_birth_uncertain dbr:Hatfield_Broadoak dbr:Knights_Hospitaller dbr:Sheriffs_of_the_City_of_London dbr:Norman_Conquest dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Surrey dbr:William_of_Malmesbury dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Suffolk dbr:Hedingham_Castle dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Hertfordshire dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Essex dbr:Hugh_Bigod,_1st_Earl_of_Norfolk dbc:De_Vere_family dbr:Stephen_of_England dbr:St_Osyth's_Priory dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Bedfordshire dbr:Gilbert_Fitz_Richard dbr:Hatfield_Regis dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Buckinghamshire dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Norfolk dbc:1141_deaths dbc:Anglo-Normans dbr:Colne_Priory,_Essex dbr:Geoffrey_de_Mandeville,_1st_Earl_of_Essex dbr:Colne_Priory
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dbt:Succession_box dbt:Use_dmy_dates dbt:S-end dbt:S-start
Aubrey II. de Vere (lat. Alberic[us] de Ver, * um 1080; † 15. Mai 1141 war der älteste überlebende Sohn von , der mit Wilhelm dem Eroberer 1066 nach England gekommen war. Aubrey II. diente als Sheriff in zahlreichen Grafschaften und als Justiciar unter den Königen Heinrich I. und Stephan. 1133 wurde er von Heinrich I. mit dem Amt des Lord Great Chamberlain betraut, nachdem sein Vorgänger Robert Malet abgesetzt und enteignet worden war. Der Chronist Wilhelm von Malmesbury berichtet, dass Aubrey König Stephan 1139 vertrat, als dieser vor ein Kirchenkonzil gerufen wurde, um zur Beschlagnahme von Burgen des Bischofs Roger von Salisbury auszusagen. 1141 wurde er bei einem Aufstand in London getötet. Aubrey II. de Vere wurde im Familienmausoleum Colne Priory bestattet. Aubrey II. de Vere heiratete Adeliza/Alice, Tochter von Gilbert de Clare, Lord of Clare and Tonbridge. Ihre bekannten Kinder sind: * Aubrey de Vere, 1. Earl of Oxford * Rohese de Vere ∞ Geoffrey de Mandeville, 1. Earl of Essex * Robert * Alice "of Essex;" * Geoffrey; * Juliana, Countess of Norfolk; * William de Vere, Bischof von Hereford; * Gilbert, Prior des Johanniterordens in England; * Tochter; ∞ Roger de Ramis. Sein ältester Sohn Aubrey III. wurde später zum Earl of Oxford ernannt, er und seine Nachkommen hielten das Master-Amt des Vaters, das zum Lord Great Chamberlain aufgewertet wurde, bis zum Erlöschen der Familie in männlicher Linie 1703. Обри де Вер (англ. Aubrey de Vere; ок. 1080—1141) — англонормандский аристократ, лорд-камергер Англии в период правления Генриха I и Стефана Блуаского, погиб во время восстания в Лондоне против императрицы Матильды. Aubrey II de Vere (entre 1080 et 1085 – 15 mai 1141), seigneur du château de Hedingham, fut un baron et un important administrateur anglo-normand de la fin du règne d'Henri Ier (1100-1135) et des premières années du règne d’Étienne d'Angleterre (1135-1154). Aubrey de Vere (c. 1085 – May 1141) — also known as "Alberic[us] de Ver" and "Albericus regis camerarius" (the king's chamberlain)— was the second of that name in England after the Norman Conquest, being the eldest surviving son of Aubrey de Vere and his wife Beatrice. Aubrey II served as one of the king's chamberlains and as a justiciar under kings Henry I and Stephen. Henry I also appointed him as sheriff of London and Essex and co-sheriff with Richard Basset of eleven counties. In 1130 he owed the king for various offenses including the escape of prisoners under his custody, 550 pounds and four palfreys. This implies he would have been in charge of prisoners on a regular basis. In June 1133, that king awarded the office of Lord Great Chamberlain to Aubrey and his heirs. A frequent witness of royal charters for Henry I and Stephen, he appears to have accompanied Henry to Normandy only once. The chronicler William of Malmesbury reports that in 1139, Aubrey was King Stephen's spokesman to the church council at Winchester, when the king had been summoned to answer for the seizure of castles held by Roger, Bishop of Salisbury and his nephews, the bishops of Ely and Lincoln. In May 1141, during the English civil war, Aubrey was killed by a London mob and was buried in the family mausoleum at Colne Priory, Essex. In addition to his patronage of Colne Priory, the new master chamberlain either founded a cell of the Benedictine abbey St. Melanie in Rennes, Brittany, at Hatfield Broadoak or Hatfield Regis, Essex, or took on the primary patronage of that community soon after it was founded. His eldest son, another Aubrey de Vere, was later created Earl of Oxford, and his descendants held that title and the office that in later centuries was known as Lord Great Chamberlain until the extinction of the Vere male line in 1703. His wife Adeliza, daughter of Gilbert fitz Richard of Clare, survived her husband for twenty-two years. For most of that time she was a corrodian at St. Osyth's Priory, Chich, Essex. Their known children are: * a daughter (name unknown) who married Roger de Ramis. * Alice "of Essex" (married 1. Henry of Essex, 2. Roger fitz Richard) * Aubrey de Vere, 1st Earl of Oxford (married 1. Beatrice, countess of Guisnes, 2. Eufemia, 3. Agnes of Essex) * Geoffrey (married 1. widow of Warin fitz Gerold, 2. Isabel de Say) * Gilbert, prior of the Knights Hospitaller in England (1195–1197) * Juliana Countess of Norfolk (married 1. Hugh Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk, 2. Walkelin Maminot) * Robert (married 1. Matilda de Furnell, 2. Margaret daughter of Baldwin Wake) * Rohese de Vere, Countess of Essex (married 1. Geoffrey de Mandeville, 1st Earl of Essex, 2. Payn de Beauchamp) * William de Vere, Bishop of Hereford (1186–1198)