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dbo:Person yago:SocialGroup107950920 yago:WikicatOrganizationsEstablishedIn1986 yago:Company108058098 yago:WikicatNon-profitOrganizations yago:WikicatNon-profitOrganizationsBasedInCalifornia yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Organization108008335 yago:WikicatThinkTanks yago:Group100031264 yago:Association108049401 yago:WikicatInstitutes yago:WikicatOrganizationsBasedInTheUnitedStates yago:WikicatResearchInstitutesInTheUnitedStates yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity yago:YagoLegalActor yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:WikicatNanotechnologyInstitutions yago:ThinkTank108478702 yago:Institution108053576 yago:Institute108407330 owl:Thing
Foresight Institute 前瞻學會 Foresight Institute Foresight Institute Foresight Institute Foresight Institute Istituto Foresight
前瞻學會 (Foresight Institute) 是一家总部位于美國旧金山的非盈利研究机构,該機構的目的是促进纳米技术和其他新兴技术的发展,並將其應用於安全通用人工智慧、生物技术以及延長人類寿命。前瞻學會的创始人之一,K·埃里克·德雷克斯勒因其在纳米技术方面的立场而受到批评。 Foresight Institute — некоммерческая организация в Пало-Альто, штат Калифорния, основанная для продвижения новых технологий. Институт спонсирует конференции по молекулярной нанотехнологии, публикует отчеты и производит рассылку новостей. Foresight Institute основал несколько премий, в том числе ежегодную премию Фейнмана, присуждаемую в двух номинациях — экспериментальной и теоретической и Feynman Grand Prize — премия в размере $ 250,000, которая будет вручена тому, кто впервые продемонстрирует две молекулярные машины, способные совершать различные вычисления и операции на наноуровне. The Foresight Institute (Foresight) is a San Francisco-based research non-profit that promotes the development of nanotechnology and other emerging technologies, such as safe AGI, biotech and longevity. Foresight runs four cross-disciplinary program tracks to research, advance, and govern maturing technologies for the long-term benefit of life and the biosphere: Molecular machines nanotechnology for building better materials, biotechnology for health extension, and computer science and crypto commerce for intelligent global cooperation. Das Foresight Institute ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit dem Ziel, die Öffentlichkeit über Nanotechnologie zu informieren, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten, die mit molekularer Nanotechnologie (MNT) zu erwarten sind. L'Istituto Foresight Nanotech (Foresight Nanotech Institute), ex Foresight Institute è una organizzazione non profit di Palo Alto negli Stati Uniti, per aumentare la consapevolezza sull'uso e le conseguenze della nanotecnologia molecolare e altre tecnologie emergenti, come l'intelligenza artificiale forte e la biotecnologia.Foresight gestisce quattro programmi interdisciplinari per ricercare, far progredire e governare tecnologie mature per il beneficio a lungo termine alla vita ed alla biosfera: macchine molecolari nanotecnologiche per la costruzione di materiali migliori, biotecnologie per l'estensione della salute, informatica e commercio di criptovalute per cooperazioni globali.Promuovono conferenze a tema, pubblicano relazioni e producono un bollettino di informazioni. Het Foresight Institute is een niet-commerciële organisatie die zich ten doel stelt de samenleving voor te bereiden op de komst van nieuwe technologieën, met name de manipulatie van moleculen op nanoniveau. Het instituut werd opgericht door Eric Drexler, samen met Christine Peterson, de huidige voorzitter. Het is in Palo Alto (Californië) gevestigd. Het Foresight Institute heeft twee zusterorganisaties: het Institute for Molecular Manufacturing en het Center for Constitutional Issues in Technology. Foresight Institute – zlokalizowana w Palo Alto (Kalifornia) organizacja non-profit mająca na celu promocję przekształcających technologii. Sponsoruje konferencje dotyczące nanotechnologii molekularnej, publikuje raporty i wydaje newsletter. The Foresight Institute przyznaje kilka rodzajów nagród: doroczne Nagrody Feynmana w kategoriach doświadczalnej i teoretycznej, oraz $250,000 Feynman Grand Prize za zademonstrowanie dwóch urządzeń molekularnych zdolnych do precyzyjnego operowania w nanoskali.
dbc:Organizations_based_in_Palo_Alto,_California dbc:Nanotechnology_institutions dbc:Organizations_established_in_1986 dbc:Transhumanist_organizations dbc:Non-profit_organizations_based_in_California dbc:1986_establishments_in_California
dbr:Biotech dbc:1986_establishments_in_California dbr:Foresight_Institute_Feynman_Prize_in_Nanotechnology dbr:There's_Plenty_of_Room_at_the_Bottom dbr:Toby_Ord dbr:Center_on_Nanotechnology_and_Society dbr:Nonprofit_organization dbc:Organizations_based_in_Palo_Alto,_California dbr:K._Eric_Drexler dbr:Orteig_Prize dbr:Molecular_nanotechnology dbr:Mitch_Kapor dbr:Nanotechnology dbc:Nanotechnology_institutions dbr:L5_Society dbc:Organizations_established_in_1986 dbr:Richard_Feynman dbr:Biotechnology dbr:Nanomedicine dbc:Transhumanist_organizations dbr:Feynman_Prize_in_Nanotechnology dbr:Christine_Peterson dbr:Peter_Diamandis dbr:Kremer_prize dbr:Eric_Drexler dbr:COVID-19_pandemic dbr:Computer_science dbc:Non-profit_organizations_based_in_California dbr:Longitude_prize dbr:X-Prize_Foundation dbr:Longevity dbr:Ansari_X_Prize dbr:Transhumanism dbr:James_C._Bennett dbr:Artificial_general_intelligence
dbpedia-pl:Foresight_Institute dbpedia-ru:Foresight_Institute dbpedia-de:Foresight_Institute dbpedia-zh:前瞻學會 yago-res:Foresight_Institute freebase:m.033g2 n22:Sfsx dbpedia-it:Istituto_Foresight dbpedia-nl:Foresight_Institute wikidata:Q1437171
dbt:Blockquote dbt:Reflist dbt:Transhumanism_footer dbt:Molecular_nanotechnology_footer dbt:Authority_control dbt:Update dbt:Main dbt:Multiple_issues dbt:More_citations_needed dbt:Official dbt:Short_description dbt:Nbsp dbt:About
Das Foresight Institute ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation mit dem Ziel, die Öffentlichkeit über Nanotechnologie zu informieren, vor allem im Hinblick auf die Möglichkeiten, die mit molekularer Nanotechnologie (MNT) zu erwarten sind. 前瞻學會 (Foresight Institute) 是一家总部位于美國旧金山的非盈利研究机构,該機構的目的是促进纳米技术和其他新兴技术的发展,並將其應用於安全通用人工智慧、生物技术以及延長人類寿命。前瞻學會的创始人之一,K·埃里克·德雷克斯勒因其在纳米技术方面的立场而受到批评。 Foresight Institute – zlokalizowana w Palo Alto (Kalifornia) organizacja non-profit mająca na celu promocję przekształcających technologii. Sponsoruje konferencje dotyczące nanotechnologii molekularnej, publikuje raporty i wydaje newsletter. The Foresight Institute przyznaje kilka rodzajów nagród: doroczne Nagrody Feynmana w kategoriach doświadczalnej i teoretycznej, oraz $250,000 Feynman Grand Prize za zademonstrowanie dwóch urządzeń molekularnych zdolnych do precyzyjnego operowania w nanoskali. Foresight Institute — некоммерческая организация в Пало-Альто, штат Калифорния, основанная для продвижения новых технологий. Институт спонсирует конференции по молекулярной нанотехнологии, публикует отчеты и производит рассылку новостей. Foresight Institute основал несколько премий, в том числе ежегодную премию Фейнмана, присуждаемую в двух номинациях — экспериментальной и теоретической и Feynman Grand Prize — премия в размере $ 250,000, которая будет вручена тому, кто впервые продемонстрирует две молекулярные машины, способные совершать различные вычисления и операции на наноуровне. L'Istituto Foresight Nanotech (Foresight Nanotech Institute), ex Foresight Institute è una organizzazione non profit di Palo Alto negli Stati Uniti, per aumentare la consapevolezza sull'uso e le conseguenze della nanotecnologia molecolare e altre tecnologie emergenti, come l'intelligenza artificiale forte e la biotecnologia.Foresight gestisce quattro programmi interdisciplinari per ricercare, far progredire e governare tecnologie mature per il beneficio a lungo termine alla vita ed alla biosfera: macchine molecolari nanotecnologiche per la costruzione di materiali migliori, biotecnologie per l'estensione della salute, informatica e commercio di criptovalute per cooperazioni globali.Promuovono conferenze a tema, pubblicano relazioni e producono un bollettino di informazioni. Het Foresight Institute is een niet-commerciële organisatie die zich ten doel stelt de samenleving voor te bereiden op de komst van nieuwe technologieën, met name de manipulatie van moleculen op nanoniveau. Het instituut werd opgericht door Eric Drexler, samen met Christine Peterson, de huidige voorzitter. Het is in Palo Alto (Californië) gevestigd. Het Foresight Institute heeft twee zusterorganisaties: het Institute for Molecular Manufacturing en het Center for Constitutional Issues in Technology. The Foresight Institute (Foresight) is a San Francisco-based research non-profit that promotes the development of nanotechnology and other emerging technologies, such as safe AGI, biotech and longevity. Foresight runs four cross-disciplinary program tracks to research, advance, and govern maturing technologies for the long-term benefit of life and the biosphere: Molecular machines nanotechnology for building better materials, biotechnology for health extension, and computer science and crypto commerce for intelligent global cooperation. Foresight also runs a program on "existential hope", pushing forward the concept coined by Toby Ord and Owen Cotton-Barrett in their 2015 paper "Existential risk and Existential hope: Definitions", in which they wrote we want to be able to refer to the chance of an existential eucatastrophe; upside risk on a large scale. We could call such a chance an existential hope. ... Some people are trying to identify and avert specific threats to our future – reducing existential risk. Others are trying to steer us towards a world where we are robustly well-prepared to face whatever obstacles come – they are seeking to increase existential hope. Foresight's stated strategy is to focus on creating a community that promotes beneficial uses of new technologies and reduce misuse and accidents potentially associated with them. Foresight runs a one-year Fellowship program aimed at giving researchers and innovators the support and mentorship to accelerate their projects while they continue to work in their existing career. Since 2021, Foresight has hosted a podcast about grand futures called "The Foresight Institute Podcast" and shares all their material as open source via YouTube with lectures from scientists and other relevant actors within their fields of interest. In addition, Foresight hosts Vision Weekend, an annual conferences focused on envisioning positive, long-term futures enabled by science and technology. The institute holds conferences on molecular nanotechnology and awards yearly prizes for developments in the field. One of Foresight's founders, Eric Drexler was criticized for his position on nanotechnology. Critics asserted that Drexler's view ignored quantum effects in nanotechnology design, lacking practical output and technical obsolescence.