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yago:CausalAgent100007347 yago:Poet110444194 yago:WikicatMoorishWriters yago:WikicatArabic-languagePoets yago:Person100007846 yago:Organism100004475 yago:WikicatPeopleFromSicily yago:Writer110794014 yago:YagoLegalActor yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:LivingThing100004258 yago:Whole100003553 owl:Thing yago:WikicatPeopleFromNoto yago:Object100002684 yago:WikicatPoetsOfAl-Andalus yago:Communicator109610660
Ibn Hamdís Ibn Hamdis Ибн Хамдис Ibn Hamdis ابن حمديس Ibn Hamdis Ibn Hamdís
أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي المعروف بـ ابن حمديس الصقلي (447 - 527 هـ) (1055 - 1133)، شاعر عربي ولد ونشأ في صقلية، ثم تركها ورحل إلى الأندلس سنة 471 هـ، وأقام فيها لفترة ثم انتقل إلى المغرب الأوسط وإفريقية حتى توفي في جزيرة ميورقة سنة 527 هـ، وقد تميز بثقافة دينية جعلت منه حكيمًا من حكماء الحياة، وانعكس ذلك على قصائده. Ibn Hamdís (en árabe: ابن حمديس ibn ḥamdīs) (c. 1056 – c. 1133) fue un poeta siciliano que escribía en lengua árabe. Ibn Ḥamdīs al-ʾAzdī al-Ṣīqillī (Arabic: ابن حمديس الصقلي) (c. 1056 – c. 1133) was a Sicilian Arab poet. Ibn Hamdis was born in Syracuse, south eastern Sicily, around 447 AH (1056 AD). Little is known of his youth, which can be reconstructed only through a literal reading of scattered verses in his dīwān. His poetry displays a thorough mastery of the Arabic poetic canon, as well as a sophisticated linguistic knowledge, which points to an elite education. It is probable that Ibn Hamdis was raised in a prosperous family, likely landed gentry, who settled the Val di Noto early after the Muslim conquest of Sicily in the 9th century. Ibn Hamdis enjoyed the benefits and reaped the fruits of such privileged upbringing. Abu-Muhàmmad Abd-al-Jabbar ibn Abi-Bakr as-Siqil·lí (àrab: أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Jabbar ibn Abī Bakr aṣ-Ṣiqillī), més conegut com a Ibn Hamdís as-Siqil·lí (àrab: ابن حمديس الصقلي, Ibn Ḥamdīs aṣ-Ṣiqillī) o, senzillament, Ibn Hamdís (Noto, Sicília c. 1056 – Mayurqa c. 1133) fou un poeta sicilià de llengua àrab. ʿAbd al-Jabbār ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥamdīs (in arabo: عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن حمديس الأزدي الصقلي أبو محمد‎; Siracusa o Noto, 1056 circa – Maiorca, 1133) è stato un poeta arabo in lingua siculo-araba, massimo esponente della poesia araba di Sicilia a cavallo tra l'XI e il XII secolo. Абу Мухаммад Абд аль-Джаббар ибн Абу Бакр аль-Азди ас-Сакал(л)и (араб. أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي‎), более известный как Ибн Хамди́с (араб. ابن حمديس‎; ок. 1055, Ното — ок. 1132) — арабский поэт, уроженец Сицилии (араб. Сакаллия), выдающийся мастер куртуазной лирики. В поэтическом мастерстве прославился любовными и застольными песнями, стихами о природе. Ibn Hamdis (né en 1056 à Noto en Sicile, mort en 1133 à Mallorca), de son nom complet Abd El Jabbar Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Mouhammed Ibn Hamdis El-Azdi Es-Siqli Abou Mouhammed (arabe : عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن حمديس الأزدي الصقلي أبو محمد), est un poète arabe sicilien du Moyen Âge.
dbc:1133_deaths dbc:1050s_births dbc:History_of_Syracuse,_Sicily dbc:Sicilian_Arabic_poets dbc:Poets_of_Al-Andalus dbc:People_from_Syracuse,_Sicily dbc:Panegyrists dbc:Poets_from_Sicily dbc:11th-century_Arabs
dbr:Sicilian_Arab dbr:Bijaya dbr:Hijri_year dbr:Leonardo_Sciascia dbc:1133_deaths dbr:Ibn_al-Thumna dbr:Asiatic_Museum dbr:Mahdiya dbr:Vatican_Library dbr:Taifa_kingdoms dbr:List_of_Italian-language_poets dbr:Pan-Arabism dbc:1050s_births dbr:Abu'l-Hasan_al-Hasan_ibn_Ali dbr:Islam dbr:Zirid dbr:Italy dbr:Emirate_of_Sicily dbr:Musician dbc:Sicilian_Arabic_poets dbr:Muslim_conquest_of_Sicily dbr:Norman-Arab-Byzantine_culture dbr:Sicilian_language dbr:Majorca dbr:Normans dbr:Indie_label dbc:Poets_of_Al-Andalus dbc:History_of_Syracuse,_Sicily dbr:Siculo-Arabic dbr:Yahya_ibn_Tamim dbr:Almoravid dbr:Compagnia_Nuove_Indye dbr:Messina dbr:Tamim_ibn_al-Mu'izz dbr:Al-Mu'tamid_ibn_Abbad dbr:Corrao dbr:Ali_ibn_Yahya dbc:People_from_Syracuse,_Sicily dbr:Panegyrists dbr:Diwan_(poetry) dbr:Antonino_Reitano dbr:Ibn_Bassam n27:Poet_Musician_Muslim_Saracen_Cappella_Palatina_Sicily_003.png dbr:Palermo dbc:Panegyrists dbr:Anno_Domini dbr:Yusuf_ibn_Tashufin dbr:Sicily dbr:Catania dbr:Etta_Scollo dbr:Ibn_Zafar_al_Siqilli dbr:Norman_conquest_of_Sicily dbr:Sfax dbr:1969 dbr:Franco_Battiato dbc:11th-century_Arabs dbr:Al-Andalus dbr:Hammadid dbr:Germany dbc:Poets_from_Sicily dbr:Hajji_Khalifa dbr:Val_di_Noto dbr:Al-Mansur_ibn_al-Nasir dbr:Kalbid dbr:Syracuse,_Sicily
freebase:m.03gqnn5 wikidata:Q2473936 yago-res:Ibn_Hamdis dbpedia-it:Ibn_Hamdis n15:2L2et dbpedia-ar:ابن_حمديس n19:1145612555 n20:100102258 dbpedia-ca:Ibn_Hamdís n23:p100803040 n24:Ibn_Hamdis dbpedia-vi:Ibn_Hamdis n19:154504076 n20:118947000 n19:109025671X dbpedia-es:Ibn_Hamdís n19:119312441 dbpedia-ru:Ибн_Хамдис dbpedia-fr:Ibn_Hamdis
dbt:Circa dbt:Authority_control dbt:Short_description dbt:Arabic_literature dbt:Reflist
Абу Мухаммад Абд аль-Джаббар ибн Абу Бакр аль-Азди ас-Сакал(л)и (араб. أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي‎), более известный как Ибн Хамди́с (араб. ابن حمديس‎; ок. 1055, Ното — ок. 1132) — арабский поэт, уроженец Сицилии (араб. Сакаллия), выдающийся мастер куртуазной лирики. В поэтическом мастерстве прославился любовными и застольными песнями, стихами о природе. Ibn Hamdís (en árabe: ابن حمديس ibn ḥamdīs) (c. 1056 – c. 1133) fue un poeta siciliano que escribía en lengua árabe. Ibn Hamdis (né en 1056 à Noto en Sicile, mort en 1133 à Mallorca), de son nom complet Abd El Jabbar Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Mouhammed Ibn Hamdis El-Azdi Es-Siqli Abou Mouhammed (arabe : عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن حمديس الأزدي الصقلي أبو محمد), est un poète arabe sicilien du Moyen Âge. ʿAbd al-Jabbār ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥamdīs (in arabo: عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر بن محمد بن حمديس الأزدي الصقلي أبو محمد‎; Siracusa o Noto, 1056 circa – Maiorca, 1133) è stato un poeta arabo in lingua siculo-araba, massimo esponente della poesia araba di Sicilia a cavallo tra l'XI e il XII secolo. Ibn Ḥamdīs al-ʾAzdī al-Ṣīqillī (Arabic: ابن حمديس الصقلي) (c. 1056 – c. 1133) was a Sicilian Arab poet. Ibn Hamdis was born in Syracuse, south eastern Sicily, around 447 AH (1056 AD). Little is known of his youth, which can be reconstructed only through a literal reading of scattered verses in his dīwān. His poetry displays a thorough mastery of the Arabic poetic canon, as well as a sophisticated linguistic knowledge, which points to an elite education. It is probable that Ibn Hamdis was raised in a prosperous family, likely landed gentry, who settled the Val di Noto early after the Muslim conquest of Sicily in the 9th century. Ibn Hamdis enjoyed the benefits and reaped the fruits of such privileged upbringing. However, the prosperity of the Muslims of Sicily was not to last. In the second half of the 11th century the political stability of Muslim Sicily had been severely compromised by decades of internecine struggle. The Kalbid court of Palermo and its ephemeral splendour had long been effaced by squabbles between contender warlords, who had partitioned the island into three fiefdoms. The Normans were taking advantage of this political weakness, and advancing steadily in their conquest of the island. Ibn Hamdis was about five years old when the Norman armies, aided and abetted by the Sicilian Arab warlord , disembarked at Messina and moved westward to Palermo. When the city fell in 1072, the hopes for a revival of Muslim sovereignty on the island began to wane, and a diaspora of Muslim Sicilians began. Ibn Hamdis, like so many others, set sail with his wife and sons to North Africa, to reach some of his relatives in Sfax. Not long after, the poet travelled again to al-Andalus, attracted by al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad's reputation as a generous patron of the arts. Ibn Hamdis made his way to Seville and was received by al-Mu'tamid, who admitted the young poet to his entourage of panegyrists. The poet spent thirteen years in al-Andalus, participating in the political events that involved the taifa kingdoms; the Christian onslaught coming from the North, and the looming Almoravid conquest. In 1091, Ibn Hamdis witnessed, together with the dismayed population of Seville, the arrest and deportation of his patron and friend al-Mu'tamid to North Africa. Also in 1091, as the Andalusian taifas fell to ’s armies, Sicily fell irremediably to the Normans, who, in that year, completed their conquest of the island. The new lords of al-Andalus, the Almoravids (from the Arabic al-murābiṭūn, or “inhabitants of monasteries”) were suspicious of poetry and other urban refinements, deemed religiously reproachable. Ibn Hamdis elected to leave again. After a perilous sea-journey, in which his boat was shipwrecked, causing his beloved slave-girl, Jawhara, to drown (to her he devoted some of his finest elegies), the poet settled once again in North Africa. He found new patrons at the Zirid court of Mahdiya, in modern-day Tunis. There he eulogized the Zirids Tamim ibn al-Mu'izz (1062-1108), (1108–1131), (1115–1121) and the latter's son al-Hasan ibn Ali (1121–1152). He also praised the Hammadid al-Mansur ibn al-Nasir at Bijaya (modern-day Algeria) although his exact movements between the two courts are not clear. According to Hajji Khalifa's Kashf al-ẓunūn ʾan asāmī al-kutub wa-al-funūn, Ibn Hamdis died in 527 AH (1132/33 AD), aged seventy-seven, in Majorca (to the amir of the island he dedicated two panegyrics), although the many poems on old age penned by Ibn Hamdis suggest that the poet was over eighty years old. He may have been buried close to his old friend of the Seville brigade Ibn al-Labbana (d.1113), and to his compatriot, Abu al-Arab. The Sicilian scholar Ibn Zafar (d. ca. 1169) states that Ibn Hamdis compiled his dīwān by his own hand. Two manuscript copies of the dīwān are extant and were both used by ʾIḥsān ʿAbbās to establish his edition (Beirut 1960). The first copy is kept at the Vatican Library, Rome (447). The second is preserved in the Asiatic Museum in Saint Petersburg (294). Other scattered poems by Ibn Hamdis are found in Ibn Bassam's Dhakhīra fī Maḥāsin ʾAhl al-Jazīra. Some of these poems are taken directly from the dīwān, others are unique, while others still are variant readings which differ from the dīwān. أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي المعروف بـ ابن حمديس الصقلي (447 - 527 هـ) (1055 - 1133)، شاعر عربي ولد ونشأ في صقلية، ثم تركها ورحل إلى الأندلس سنة 471 هـ، وأقام فيها لفترة ثم انتقل إلى المغرب الأوسط وإفريقية حتى توفي في جزيرة ميورقة سنة 527 هـ، وقد تميز بثقافة دينية جعلت منه حكيمًا من حكماء الحياة، وانعكس ذلك على قصائده. Abu-Muhàmmad Abd-al-Jabbar ibn Abi-Bakr as-Siqil·lí (àrab: أبو محمد عبد الجبار بن أبي بكر الصقلي, Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Jabbar ibn Abī Bakr aṣ-Ṣiqillī), més conegut com a Ibn Hamdís as-Siqil·lí (àrab: ابن حمديس الصقلي, Ibn Ḥamdīs aṣ-Ṣiqillī) o, senzillament, Ibn Hamdís (Noto, Sicília c. 1056 – Mayurqa c. 1133) fou un poeta sicilià de llengua àrab.