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owl:Thing dbo:Star dbo:CelestialBody dbo:Location schema:Place dbo:Place
KQ Velorum HD 94660 HD94660 KQ Velorum KQ de la Vela 船帆座KQ
HD 94660 è una stella ipergigante bianca di magnitudine 6,08 situata nella costellazione delle Vele. Dista 492 anni luce dal sistema solare. HD94660 — хімічно пекулярна зоря спектрального класу A0, що має видиму зоряну величину в смузі V приблизно 6,1.Вона розташована на відстані близько 495,7 світлових років від Сонця. KQ Velorum (KQ Vel / HD 94660 / HR 4263)​ es una estrella variable en la constelación de Vela.Tiene magnitud aparente media +6,09 y se encuentra a 496 años luz de distancia del Sistema Solar. De tipo espectral A0p, KQ Velorum es una estrella peculiar con sobreabundancia de ciertos elementos químicos y con un campo magnético intenso y variable.Su campo magnético efectivo alcanza el valor de 2089 G.​Es también una variable Alfa2 Canum Venaticorum —como Alioth (ε Ursae Majoris) o IM Velorum—, cuya fluctuación de brillo, de 0,02 magnitudes,​ es casi imperceptible. KQ Velorum is a variable star system in the southern constellation of Vela. It has the identifier HD 94660 in the Henry Draper Catalogue; KQ Vel is the variable star designation. This appears as a sixth magnitude star with an apparent visual magnitude of 6.112, and thus is dimly visible to the naked eye under suitable viewing conditions. The system is located at a distance of approximately 373 light years from the Sun based on parallax measurements, and is drifting further away with a radial velocity of around 23 km/s. 船帆座KQ,又名CD-41 6220,HD 94660、SAO 222422、HR 4263,是船帆座的一颗恒星,视星等为6.11,位于銀經280.98,銀緯15.6,其B1900.0坐标为赤經10h 50m 28.8s,赤緯-41° 15.6′ 5″。 KQ de la Vela (KQ Velorum) és un estel variable en la constel·lació de Vela.Té magnitud aparent mitjana +6,09 i es troba a 496 anys llum de distància del Sistema Solar. De tipus espectral A0p, KQ de la Vela és un estel peculiar amb sobreabundància de certs elements químics i amb un camp magnètic intens i variable. El seu camp magnètic efectiu, Be aconsegueix el valor de 2089 G. És també una variable Alfa² Canum Venaticorum —com Alioth (ε Ursae Majoris) o IM Velorum—, de qui la lluentor fluctua 0,02 magnituds, i és gairebé imperceptible.
dbc:Ap_stars dbc:Vela_(constellation) dbc:Spectroscopic_binaries dbc:Durchmusterung_objects dbc:Neutron_stars dbc:Hipparcos_objects dbc:Bright_Star_Catalogue_objects dbc:Henry_Draper_Catalogue_objects dbc:Objects_with_variable_star_designations
dbr:Quadropole dbr:Chandra_X-ray_Observatory dbr:Silicon dbr:Henry_Draper_Catalogue dbr:Gautier_Mathys dbc:Vela_(constellation) dbr:Stellar_classification dbr:Pierre_Renson dbr:Light_curve dbr:Supernova n14:KQVelLightCurve.png dbr:W_Ursae_Majoris_variable dbr:Main_sequence dbr:H_band_(infrared) dbr:Black_hole dbr:Ap_star dbr:Carlos_Jaschek dbr:Photometry_(astronomy) dbr:Europium dbr:Sun dbr:X-ray_astronomy dbr:Dipole_magnet dbr:Chromium dbc:Durchmusterung_objects dbr:Absorption_bands dbr:Binary_mass_function dbr:White_dwarf dbr:Apparent_visual_magnitude dbr:Herman_Hensberge dbr:Electron_capture_supernova dbr:Spectroscopic_binary dbr:Vela_(constellation) dbc:Spectroscopic_binaries dbr:Effective_temperature dbc:Neutron_stars dbr:Alpha2_Canum_Venaticorum_variable dbr:Magnetic_moment dbr:PIONIER_(VLTI) dbr:Radial_velocity dbr:A-type_main-sequence_star dbc:Bright_Star_Catalogue_objects dbr:Light_year dbr:Angular_separation dbc:Hipparcos_objects dbr:Very_Large_Telescope dbr:Stellar_spectrum dbr:Orbital_eccentricity dbc:Henry_Draper_Catalogue_objects dbr:Near_infrared dbr:Ermanno_F._Borra dbr:Variable_star dbr:Stellar_magnetic_field dbr:Constellation dbr:Rotation_axis dbr:Stellar_parallax dbr:John_Darlington_Landstreet dbr:Neutron_star dbr:Roche_lobe dbr:Orbital_period dbr:Variable_star_designation dbr:Octopole dbc:Objects_with_variable_star_designations dbr:Early-type_star dbr:Chemically_peculiar_star dbc:Ap_stars
n7:KQ_Velorum dbpedia-zh:船帆座KQ dbpedia-ca:KQ_de_la_Vela wikidata:Q2917645 dbpedia-es:KQ_Velorum dbpedia-uk:HD94660 n20:HD94660 dbpedia-it:HD_94660 n22:2iAQX n25:HD94660
dbt:Odlist dbt:Val dbt:Starbox_orbit dbt:Starbox_image dbt:Starbox_observe dbt:DEC dbt:Starbox_detail dbt:Starbox_end dbt:Starbox_character dbt:Starbox_begin dbt:Starbox_catalog dbt:Starbox_astrometry dbt:RA dbt:Short_description dbt:Starbox_reference dbt:Reflist dbt:Convert dbt:Stars_of_Vela
Ap A0p EuCrSi
KQ Vel A
船帆座KQ,又名CD-41 6220,HD 94660、SAO 222422、HR 4263,是船帆座的一颗恒星,视星等为6.11,位于銀經280.98,銀緯15.6,其B1900.0坐标为赤經10h 50m 28.8s,赤緯-41° 15.6′ 5″。 HD 94660 è una stella ipergigante bianca di magnitudine 6,08 situata nella costellazione delle Vele. Dista 492 anni luce dal sistema solare. KQ Velorum (KQ Vel / HD 94660 / HR 4263)​ es una estrella variable en la constelación de Vela.Tiene magnitud aparente media +6,09 y se encuentra a 496 años luz de distancia del Sistema Solar. De tipo espectral A0p, KQ Velorum es una estrella peculiar con sobreabundancia de ciertos elementos químicos y con un campo magnético intenso y variable.Su campo magnético efectivo alcanza el valor de 2089 G.​Es también una variable Alfa2 Canum Venaticorum —como Alioth (ε Ursae Majoris) o IM Velorum—, cuya fluctuación de brillo, de 0,02 magnitudes,​ es casi imperceptible. KQ Velorum tiene una temperatura efectiva de 10.700 K​ —11.600 K según otra fuente—​ y brilla con una luminosidad 109 veces mayor que la del Sol.Sin embargo, es en longitudes de onda de rayos X donde KQ Velorum exhibe una notable luminosidad, alcanzando 3577 × 1020 W; en esta parte del espectro es 184 veces más luminosa que Vega (α Lyrae) y 127 veces más luminosa que Phecda (γ Ursae Majoris), también estrellas A0V.​ Con un radio 3 veces más grande que el radio solar,​ la masa de KQ Velorum es de 2,85 masas solares y tiene una edad estimada de 263 millones de años, habiendo transcurrido casi 2/3 de su vida como estrella de la secuencia principal.​ KQ Velorum is a variable star system in the southern constellation of Vela. It has the identifier HD 94660 in the Henry Draper Catalogue; KQ Vel is the variable star designation. This appears as a sixth magnitude star with an apparent visual magnitude of 6.112, and thus is dimly visible to the naked eye under suitable viewing conditions. The system is located at a distance of approximately 373 light years from the Sun based on parallax measurements, and is drifting further away with a radial velocity of around 23 km/s. This was first identified as a chemically peculiar star by Carlos and Mercedes Jaschek in 1959, who found spectral peculiarities in the silicon absorption bands. The long-term photometric variability of this star was reported by in 1993, who noted a possibly complicated light curve with an estimated period on the order of 2,700 days. In 1975, and detected a strong magnetic field in excess of 1 kG on the star. Radial velocity measurements by and associates (1997) demonstrated this is a spectroscopic binary system. This single-lined spectroscopic binary has a physical separation of at least 1.25 ± 0.01 AU, an orbital period of 2.32 years, and a high eccentricity (ovalness) of 0.45. The visible component is an Ap star with a stellar classification of Ap(SiCr), although the effective temperature of 11,300 K is a closer match to a spectral type of B8.5p. and associates (1991) gave a spectral type of A0p EuCrSi, indicating the spectrum shows peculiarities in the europium, chromium, and silicon bands. It is classified as an Alpha2 Canum Venaticorum variable with a brightness that varies from 6.10 down to 6.12 in magnitude. KQ Vel is a frequently-studied object that is often used as a magnetic standard star. The magnetic field of this star has a dipole strength of 7.5 kG, while displaying additional quadropole and octopole moments. It is inclined to the rotation axis by 16°. The mean longitudal field is almost constant, showing a strength of −2 kG. The star is less than halfway through its main sequence lifespan, but is rotating very slowly with a period of around 2,800 days. It has three times the mass and 2.5 times the radius of the Sun, while radiating 105 times the Sun's luminosity. The mass function of the system indicates that the secondary must have more than two times the mass of the Sun, yet there is no sign of it in otherwise high-quality spectra. A main sequence stellar companion of this mass would have a spectral type earlier than A5V. This led to the suggestion that this companion must be a compact object, either a black hole, a neutron star, or a pair of white dwarfs. In 2018 the companion was detected in the near infrared using the Pioneer instrument at the VLIT observatory, showing an H-band magnitude difference of 1.8±0.03 at an angular separation of 18.72±0.02 mas. This corresponds to a projected linear separation of a little over 2 AU. X-ray observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory in 2016 confirmed that the companion is a neutron star; the first known pair of strongly magnetic Ap star and neutron star that have been discovered. The neutron star in this system is the product of a supernova explosion, possibly of the electron capture type that would not significantly disrupt the orbit. The strongly magnetic Ap star is likely the result of a merger, perhaps from an W UMa close binary. The current neutron star may have been the tertiary member of the system, and it gained mass during a Roche lobe overflow of the binary components. HD94660 — хімічно пекулярна зоря спектрального класу A0, що має видиму зоряну величину в смузі V приблизно 6,1.Вона розташована на відстані близько 495,7 світлових років від Сонця. KQ de la Vela (KQ Velorum) és un estel variable en la constel·lació de Vela.Té magnitud aparent mitjana +6,09 i es troba a 496 anys llum de distància del Sistema Solar. De tipus espectral A0p, KQ de la Vela és un estel peculiar amb sobreabundància de certs elements químics i amb un camp magnètic intens i variable. El seu camp magnètic efectiu, Be aconsegueix el valor de 2089 G. És també una variable Alfa² Canum Venaticorum —com Alioth (ε Ursae Majoris) o IM Velorum—, de qui la lluentor fluctua 0,02 magnituds, i és gairebé imperceptible. KQ de la Vela té una temperatura efectiva de 10.700 K —11.600 K segons una altra font— i brilla amb una lluminositat 109 vegades major que la del Sol. No obstant això, és en longituds d'ona de raigs X on KQ Velorum exhibeix una notable lluminositat, aconseguint 3577×1020 W; en aquesta part de l'espectre és 184 vegades més lluminosa que Vega (α Lyrae) i 127 vegades més lluminosa que Phecda (γ Ursae Majoris), també estels A0V. Amb un radi 3 vegades més gran que el radi solar, la massa de KQ de la Vela és de 2,85 masses solars i té una edat estimada de 263 milions d'anys, havent transcorregut gairebé 2/3 de la seva vida com a estel de la seqüència principal.