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Mort de Freddie Gray Kematian Freddie Gray Гибель Фредди Грея 弗雷迪·格雷之死 프레디 그레이 사망 사건 وفاة فريدي غراي Killing of Freddie Gray
弗雷迪·格雷(英語:Freddie Gray,1989年8月16日-2015年4月19日),非裔美国人,因私藏弹簧刀被巴尔的摩警察局拘留,在押送期间,格雷因脊髓和喉头受伤陷入昏迷,被送往创伤中心接受救治,最终于2015年4月19日不治身亡。 受伤的情况目前尚未明确,目击者认为,警方在逮捕格雷时动用了不必要的武力,但涉事警员否认该说法。2015年4月21日,为了调查该事件,六名巴尔的摩警察被带薪停职。局长安东尼·巴茨(Anthony Batts)表示警方未给格雷提供及时的医疗救助,也没有在前往警察局时将格雷扣紧——医学调查报告表明格雷在运输过程中曾遭到伤害。 2015年5月1日,巴尔的摩州检察官收到法医报告,裁定格雷的死系他杀。检察官表示,逮捕格雷是非法的,因为所谓的弹簧刀是合乎法定大小的小刀。检察官称他们有可能向六名涉事警察提出刑事指控。一名警察被控二级谋杀罪,其他警察被控以误杀或非法逮捕等罪行。 受到2014年迈克尔·布朗枪击案的影响,格雷的死引发了一系列持续中的抗议和骚乱。2015年4月25日,巴尔的摩市中心的一场大型抗议演变成暴动,造成34人被捕,15名警察受伤。在格雷葬礼举行的4月27日,骚乱升级,当地企业和一家CVS药店遭到掠夺并被烧毁,州长(Larry Hogan)宣布进入紧急状态,马里兰州国民警卫队前往戒备。 في 12 أبريل 2015، ألقي القبض على فريدي كارلوس غراي ، البالغ من العمر 25 عاماً وهو من الأمريكيون الأفارقة من قبل . أثناء نقله في سيارة الشرطة، سقط غراي في غيبوبة واقتيد إلى مركز الصدمات النفسية. وتوفي في 19 أبريل 2015، بعد مرور أسبوع على اعتقاله ورجح سبب وفاته إلى إصابات في النخاع الشوكي. وفي 1 مايو 2015 استبعدت المحكمة أن يكون موت غراي نتيجة ضرب جسمه في جدران وأصدرت اتهامات ضد ستة ضباط متورطين في الحادث وتهمة بالشروع بالقتل من الدرجة الثانية. La mort de Freddie Gray a eu lieu le 12 avril 2015 à Baltimore dans le Maryland. Afro-Américain de 25 ans, Freddie Gray est arrêté par des policiers du service de police de Baltimore qui indiquent qu'il avait été en possession d'un couteau à ressort. Des passants filment l'arrestation, le montrant hurlant de douleur et visiblement blessé, maintenu à terre par la police. Il est ensuite trainé par le dessous des bras, ne pouvant marcher, et embarqué dans un fourgon cellulaire. Il décède une semaine plus tard des suites de ses blessures, dont des cervicales brisées et la trachée écrasée. Фредди Грей, чернокожий американец, погиб 19 апреля 2015 года во время транспортировки в полицейском автомобиле. Его смерть вызвала, наряду с другими подобными происшествиями, большой резонанс в американском обществе. Грей был арестован представителями полиции Балтимора (англ.) 12 апреля 2015 года. Во время транспортировки в полицейском автомобиле он впал в кому и был доставлен в медицинский центр, где позже скончался. Полицейским было предъявлено обвинение в преступлениях различной степени тяжести, вплоть до убийства, а на улицах Балтимора произошли стычки демонстрантов с представителями власти. ( 이 사건으로 촉발된 봉기에 대해서는 2015년 볼티모어 폭동 문서를 참고하십시오.) 프레디 그레이 사망 사건은 25세 아프리카계 미국인 남성 청년인 프레디 그레이(영어: Freddie Carlos Gray Jr.)가 2015년 4월 12일 경찰에게 구금되었다가 4월 19일 사망한 사건을 가리킨다. 그의 죽음은 2015년 볼티모어 폭동이 일어나는 주요 계기가 되었다. Pada tanggal 12 April 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr, seorang pria Afrika-Amerika berusia 25 tahun, ditangkap oleh Kepolisian di Baltimore, Maryland. Polisi mengatakan Gray memiliki pisau lipat ilegal. Ketika dibawa polisi ke kantor polisi, Gray mengalami cedera sampai koma. Ia dibawa ke pusat trauma, tetapi meninggal pada tanggal 19 April 2015. Pada tanggal 21 April, enam petugas polisi diskors tanpa gaji dari pekerjaannya, sambil menunggu penyelidikan insiden tersebut.Awalnya, tidak jelas bagaimana Gray sampai terluka. Saksi mata mengatakan bahwa polisi menggunakan kekerasan yang berlebihan ketika menangkap Gray, tetapi salah satu petugas polisi yang terlibat membantah klaim ini. On April 12, 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray Jr., a 25-year-old African American, was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department over his legal possession of a knife. While being transported in a police van, Gray sustained injuries and was taken to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. Gray died on April 19, 2015; his death was ascribed to injuries to his spinal cord.
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dbr:Dru_Hill dbr:Looting dbr:Stephanie_Rawlings-Blake dbr:Undisclosed_(podcast) dbc:Criminal_trials_that_ended_in_acquittal dbr:Portland,_Oregon dbr:Violent_crime dbr:CVS_Pharmacy dbr:Police_misconduct dbr:Local_union dbr:Lynching_in_the_United_States dbc:Deaths_in_police_custody_in_the_United_States dbr:Chicago dbc:Civil_rights_protests_in_the_United_States dbr:Janelle_Monáe dbc:Deaths_by_person_in_Maryland dbr:Kevin_Morby dbr:U.S._Department_of_Justice dbr:Jeffrey_Toobin dbc:Black_Lives_Matter dbr:Burning dbr:Cardiopulmonary_arrest dbr:Poverty dbr:R_Adams_Cowley_Shock_Trauma_Center dbr:The_Baltimore_Sun dbr:Death_of_Sandra_Bland dbc:Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States dbr:November_2015_Paris_attacks dbr:Use_of_force dbc:African-American_history_in_Baltimore dbr:Baltimore_Police_Department dbr:Murder_(United_States_law) dbr:Sparkle_Hard dbr:False_imprisonment dbr:Barack_Obama dbr:Grand_jury dbr:Tampa_Bay_Rays dbr:Police_killing dbr:Running_while_black dbc:April_2015_events_in_the_United_States dbc:2010s_in_Baltimore dbr:We_Own_This_City dbr:Assisted-opening_knife dbr:Lafayette_Gilchrist dbr:Baltimore_Orioles dbr:Vehicular_manslaughter dbr:Reckless_endangerment dbr:HBO dbr:University_of_Maryland,_Baltimore dbc:Riots_and_civil_disorder_in_Baltimore dbr:Search_and_seizure dbr:Death_of_Tyrone_West dbr:Chicago_White_Sox dbr:Charles_M._Blow dbr:Cardiopulmonary_resuscitation dbr:CNN dbr:Baton_(law_enforcement) dbr:Baltimore_Rising dbr:Court_settlement dbr:Union_Square,_Manhattan dbc:Police_brutality_in_the_United_States dbc:2015_controversies_in_the_United_States dbr:Civil_disorder dbr:Anthony_Batts dbr:Horse_Lords dbr:Homicide dbr:Loretta_Lynch dbr:Civil_rights dbr:Depraved-heart_murder dbr:Fraternal_Order_of_Police dbr:Maryland_National_Guard dbr:Seattle dbr:Baltimore_City_School_District dbr:Hell_You_Talmbout dbc:African-American-related_controversies dbr:Denver dbc:2015_in_Maryland dbr:Gag_order dbr:Pocket_knife dbr:Police_brutality_in_the_United_States dbr:Orlando_nightclub_shooting dbr:Death_of_Jeremy_McDole dbr:The_New_York_Times dbr:Manslaughter dbr:State_of_emergency dbr:Shooting_of_Emantic_Fitzgerald_Bradford_Jr. dbr:Prince_George's_County_Police_Department dbr:Protests dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice dbr:Misconduct dbr:Salomon_Faye dbr:Hit_n_Run_Phase_Two dbr:George_Floyd_protests dbr:YouTube dbr:Baltimore,_Maryland dbr:Police_brutality dbr:Miami dbr:Criminal_negligence dbr:Philadelphia dbr:Spinal_cord dbr:Gross_negligence dbr:Prince_(musician) dbr:Involuntary_manslaughter dbr:Police_van dbr:Behind_closed_doors_(sport) dbr:Black_Lives_Matter dbr:Larry_Hogan dbr:Alan_Dershowitz dbr:Legcuffs dbr:Acquittal dbr:Mistrial dbr:New_York_City dbr:Shooting_of_Michael_Brown dbr:List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_States,_April_2015 dbc:Baltimore_Police_Department dbr:Fox_News n23:FreddieGrayPrecinctProtest.jpg dbr:Minneapolis dbr:John_Banzhaf dbr:White_House dbr:Nolle_prosequi n23:Timeline_of_Freddie_Gray's_arrest.svg dbr:Washington,_D.C. n23:Baltimore_Police_officers_charged_in_Freddie_Gray's_homicide.jpg dbr:2015_Baltimore_protests dbr:Marilyn_Mosby dbr:Spinal_cord_injury dbr:Sonja_Sohn dbr:Rough_ride_(police_brutality) dbr:The_Guardian dbc:Law_enforcement_controversies_in_the_United_States dbr:Avant-garde_music dbr:St._Petersburg,_Florida dbr:Larynx dbr:Assault dbr:Murder dbr:Reuters dbr:Eliot_Bronson dbc:Death_of_Freddie_Gray dbr:Maryland_State_Police dbr:False_arrest
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Freddie Carlos Gray Jr.
Freddie C. Gray, six Baltimore police officers
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.
dbr:Police_killing dbr:Homicide
dbr:United_States_Department_of_Justice dbr:Baltimore_Police_Department
*Caesar R. Goodson Jr. *William G. Porter *Brian W. Rice *Edward M. Nero *Garrett Miller *Alicia D. White
dbr:Depraved-heart_murder *Involuntary manslaughter *Second-degree assault *Manslaughter by vehicle *Misconduct in office *Reckless endangerment *False imprisonment Goodson: Others:
dbr:Nolle_prosequi Miller, White: Goodson, Nero, Rice: Mistrial followed by charges being dropped dbr:Acquittal Porter:
La mort de Freddie Gray a eu lieu le 12 avril 2015 à Baltimore dans le Maryland. Afro-Américain de 25 ans, Freddie Gray est arrêté par des policiers du service de police de Baltimore qui indiquent qu'il avait été en possession d'un couteau à ressort. Des passants filment l'arrestation, le montrant hurlant de douleur et visiblement blessé, maintenu à terre par la police. Il est ensuite trainé par le dessous des bras, ne pouvant marcher, et embarqué dans un fourgon cellulaire. Il décède une semaine plus tard des suites de ses blessures, dont des cervicales brisées et la trachée écrasée. Cette affaire a déclenché les émeutes de Baltimore. Le 1er mai 2015, le procureur du Maryland annonce qu'il s'agit d'un homicide. À la suite de ces évènements, un rapport a conduit à questionner la pratique de la tolérance zéro imposée par la hiérarchie policière qui conduit à une logique du « eux contre nous », retournant la police contre les habitants qu'elle est censée protéger : cette logique a conduit à arrêter des personnes pour des faits mineurs comme le fait de trainer dans la rue. Elle a également conduit à des pratiques contraires à la Constitution. L'artiste-vidéaste Sondra Perry explore dans Resident Evil la façon dont les médias ont traité de la question noire, lors des émeutes de 2015, après la mort de Freddie Gray à Baltimore. En 2018, la chanteuse Camélia Jordana rend hommage à Freddie Gray dans une de ses chansons de son album LOST et dénonce les violences policières. L'artiste Kevin Morby fait aussi référence à la mort de Freddie Gray dans sa chanson Beautiful Strangers, dans l'album Beautiful Strangers b/w No Place to Fall. En 2019, le président Donald Trump relance les polémiques sur les responsabilités quant à la mort de Freddie Gray et des émeutes qui se sont ensuivies. En 2022, la série We Own This City, inspirée du livre éponyme du journaliste Justin Fenton, évoque le climat régnant à Baltimore après cette affaire, en envisageant notamment les conséquences sur les comportements des policiers, dont certains auraient alors évité de procéder à des arrestations. On April 12, 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray Jr., a 25-year-old African American, was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department over his legal possession of a knife. While being transported in a police van, Gray sustained injuries and was taken to the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. Gray died on April 19, 2015; his death was ascribed to injuries to his spinal cord. On April 21, 2015, pending an investigation of the incident, six Baltimore police officers were suspended. The circumstances of the injuries were initially unclear; eyewitness accounts suggested that the officers involved used unnecessary force against Gray during the arrest—a claim denied by all officers involved. Commissioner Anthony W. Batts reported that, contrary to department policy, the officers did not secure Gray inside the van while driving to the police station; this policy had been put into effect six days prior to Gray's arrest, following review of other transport-related injuries sustained during police custody in the city, and elsewhere in the country during the preceding years. The medical investigation found that Gray had sustained the injuries while in transport. The medical examiner's office concluded that Gray's death could not be ruled an accident, and was instead a homicide, because officers failed to follow safety procedures "through acts of omission". On May 1, 2015, the Baltimore City State's Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, announced her office had filed charges against six police officers after the medical examiner's report ruled Gray's death a homicide. The prosecutors stated that they had probable cause to file criminal charges against the six police officers who were believed to be involved in his death. The officer driving the van was charged with second-degree "depraved-heart" murder for his indifference to the considerable risk that Gray might be killed, and others were charged with crimes ranging from manslaughter to illegal arrest. On May 21, a grand jury indicted the officers on most of the original charges filed by Mosby with the exception of the charges of illegal imprisonment and false arrest, and added charges of reckless endangerment to all the officers involved. Gray's hospitalization and subsequent death resulted in a series of protests. On April 25, 2015, a major protest in downtown Baltimore turned violent, resulting in 34 arrests and injuries to 15 police officers. After Gray's funeral on April 27, civil disorder intensified with looting and burning of local businesses and a CVS drug store, culminating with a state of emergency declaration by Governor Larry Hogan, Maryland National Guard deployment to Baltimore, and the establishment of a curfew. On May 3, the National Guard started withdrawing from Baltimore, and on that night the curfew on the city was lifted. In September 2015, it was decided that there would be separate trials for the accused. The trial against Officer William Porter ended in mistrial. Officers Nero, Goodson, and Rice were acquitted. The remaining charges against the officers were dropped on July 27, 2016. On September 12, 2017, the U.S. Department of Justice announced it would not bring federal charges against the six Baltimore police officers involved in the arrest and death in custody of Freddie Gray. However, it was announced on October 5, 2017, that non-criminal, internal disciplinary trials for the officers will be prosecuted by a three person-panel chaired by a representative from another Maryland police agency, likely Prince George's County, and that outside lawyer and former chair of the Baltimore City School Board Neil Duke will serve on the panel as well. Pada tanggal 12 April 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr, seorang pria Afrika-Amerika berusia 25 tahun, ditangkap oleh Kepolisian di Baltimore, Maryland. Polisi mengatakan Gray memiliki pisau lipat ilegal. Ketika dibawa polisi ke kantor polisi, Gray mengalami cedera sampai koma. Ia dibawa ke pusat trauma, tetapi meninggal pada tanggal 19 April 2015. Pada tanggal 21 April, enam petugas polisi diskors tanpa gaji dari pekerjaannya, sambil menunggu penyelidikan insiden tersebut.Awalnya, tidak jelas bagaimana Gray sampai terluka. Saksi mata mengatakan bahwa polisi menggunakan kekerasan yang berlebihan ketika menangkap Gray, tetapi salah satu petugas polisi yang terlibat membantah klaim ini. Komisaris Polisi, Anthony W. Batts, melaporkan bahwa polisi tidak melindungi Gray dengan baik saat dia diangkut dalam van ke kantor polisi sebagaimana diharuskan dalam kebijakan departemen mereka. Kebijakan tersebut baru diberlakukan enam hari sebelum Gray ditangkap setelah adanya pemeriksaan terhadap kasus cedera lain dalam transportasi saat ditangkap polisi yang terjadi di Baltimore dan daerah lain di Amerika Serikat.Penyelidikan medis menemukan bahwa Gray terluka ketika diangkut dalam kendaraan polisi. في 12 أبريل 2015، ألقي القبض على فريدي كارلوس غراي ، البالغ من العمر 25 عاماً وهو من الأمريكيون الأفارقة من قبل . أثناء نقله في سيارة الشرطة، سقط غراي في غيبوبة واقتيد إلى مركز الصدمات النفسية. وتوفي في 19 أبريل 2015، بعد مرور أسبوع على اعتقاله ورجح سبب وفاته إلى إصابات في النخاع الشوكي. وفي 1 مايو 2015 استبعدت المحكمة أن يكون موت غراي نتيجة ضرب جسمه في جدران وأصدرت اتهامات ضد ستة ضباط متورطين في الحادث وتهمة بالشروع بالقتل من الدرجة الثانية. ونظمت احتجاجات سلمية بعد مراسم الجنازة وتحولت إلى اضطرابات وعصيان مدني أصيب خلالها العديد من ضباط الشرطة واعتقل عشرات المحتجين وكنتيجة لحالة عدم الاستقرار أعلن عن حالة الطوارئ في 27 أبريل ونشر الآلاف من رجال الشرطة وقوات الحرس الوطني التابع للجيش ولاية ماريلاند في مدينة بالتيمور في أحداث عرفت بأعمال شغب بالتيمور 2015. ( 이 사건으로 촉발된 봉기에 대해서는 2015년 볼티모어 폭동 문서를 참고하십시오.) 프레디 그레이 사망 사건은 25세 아프리카계 미국인 남성 청년인 프레디 그레이(영어: Freddie Carlos Gray Jr.)가 2015년 4월 12일 경찰에게 구금되었다가 4월 19일 사망한 사건을 가리킨다. 그의 죽음은 2015년 볼티모어 폭동이 일어나는 주요 계기가 되었다. 弗雷迪·格雷(英語:Freddie Gray,1989年8月16日-2015年4月19日),非裔美国人,因私藏弹簧刀被巴尔的摩警察局拘留,在押送期间,格雷因脊髓和喉头受伤陷入昏迷,被送往创伤中心接受救治,最终于2015年4月19日不治身亡。 受伤的情况目前尚未明确,目击者认为,警方在逮捕格雷时动用了不必要的武力,但涉事警员否认该说法。2015年4月21日,为了调查该事件,六名巴尔的摩警察被带薪停职。局长安东尼·巴茨(Anthony Batts)表示警方未给格雷提供及时的医疗救助,也没有在前往警察局时将格雷扣紧——医学调查报告表明格雷在运输过程中曾遭到伤害。 2015年5月1日,巴尔的摩州检察官收到法医报告,裁定格雷的死系他杀。检察官表示,逮捕格雷是非法的,因为所谓的弹簧刀是合乎法定大小的小刀。检察官称他们有可能向六名涉事警察提出刑事指控。一名警察被控二级谋杀罪,其他警察被控以误杀或非法逮捕等罪行。 受到2014年迈克尔·布朗枪击案的影响,格雷的死引发了一系列持续中的抗议和骚乱。2015年4月25日,巴尔的摩市中心的一场大型抗议演变成暴动,造成34人被捕,15名警察受伤。在格雷葬礼举行的4月27日,骚乱升级,当地企业和一家CVS药店遭到掠夺并被烧毁,州长(Larry Hogan)宣布进入紧急状态,马里兰州国民警卫队前往戒备。 Фредди Грей, чернокожий американец, погиб 19 апреля 2015 года во время транспортировки в полицейском автомобиле. Его смерть вызвала, наряду с другими подобными происшествиями, большой резонанс в американском обществе. Грей был арестован представителями полиции Балтимора (англ.) 12 апреля 2015 года. Во время транспортировки в полицейском автомобиле он впал в кому и был доставлен в медицинский центр, где позже скончался. Полицейским было предъявлено обвинение в преступлениях различной степени тяжести, вплоть до убийства, а на улицах Балтимора произошли стычки демонстрантов с представителями власти. Спустя более чем год после начала событий четверо из семи подозреваемых полицейских были оправданы судом, с оставшихся трёх обвинения были сняты.
Two witnesses to Gray's arrest, store video of police van
The City of Baltimore settled at $6.4 million prior to the Gray's family filing to sue