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부양비에 따른 나라 목록 List of countries by dependency ratio
Dependency ratios are a measure of the age structure of a population. They indicate the proportion of individuals that are likely to be economically "dependent" on the support of others. Dependency ratios relate the numbers of children (ages 0–14) and the elderly (ages 65+) to the number of adults (ages 15–64). Changes in the dependency ratio provide an indication of potential social support requirements resulting from changes in population age structures. When fertility levels decline, the dependency ratio initially falls because the proportion of children decreases while the proportion of the population of working age increases. If fertility levels continue to decline, dependency ratios eventually increase because the proportion of the population of working age starts to decline and the 이 문서는 전 세계 국가별 부양비를 나타낸 목록이다. 총부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 유소년인구(0∼14세)와 고령인구(65세 이상)의 합의 백분비 유소년부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 유소년인구(0∼14세)의 백분비 노년부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 고령인구(65세 이상)의 백분비 잠재적 부양률 = 노인 1명을 부양할 수 있는 평균 노동 인구(25~64세)
dbc:Lists_of_countries dbc:Demographic_lists dbc:Lists_of_countries_by_population-related_issue
dbc:Lists_of_countries dbr:Dependency_ratio dbr:Cia_world_fact_book dbr:Multiplicative_inverse dbc:Demographic_lists dbc:Lists_of_countries_by_population-related_issue
dbpedia-ko:부양비에_따른_나라_목록 wikidata:Q60518487 n14:فہرست_ممالک_بلحاظ_تناسب_انحصار n16:9FxEi
dbt:BGR dbt:PHL dbt:PRK dbt:PRT dbt:USA dbt:MKD dbt:POL dbt:MYS dbt:ECU dbt:DEU dbt:FJI dbt:EGY dbt:DNK dbt:Short_description dbt:EST dbt:ETH dbt:ESP dbt:DJI dbt:SEN dbt:ERI dbt:SDN dbt:DZA dbt:HKG dbt:SGP dbt:HND dbt:SLV dbt:SLB dbt:SLE dbt:URY dbt:SSD dbt:LTU dbt:HUN dbt:LUX dbt:LKA dbt:HRV dbt:Population_country_lists dbt:SRB dbt:SOM dbt:SUR dbt:PSE dbt:SVK dbt:BLZ dbt:OMN dbt:SYC dbt:SYR dbt:Reflist dbt:DOM dbt:SVN dbt:SWE dbt:PRY dbt:UZB dbt:AGO dbt:PAN dbt:QAT dbt:AFG dbt:ALB dbt:KGZ dbt:RWA dbt:KHM dbt:KEN dbt:ESH dbt:NAM dbt:ARM dbt:ARG dbt:KAZ dbt:NER dbt:KOR dbt:AZE dbt:AUS dbt:AUT dbt:KIR dbt:ATG dbt:NIC dbt:NGA dbt:NOR dbt:NLD dbt:ROU dbt:RUS dbt:LVA dbt:TGO dbt:THA dbt:KWT dbt:TCD dbt:HTI dbt:TLS dbt:GBR dbt:TUN dbt:TUR dbt:TTO dbt:GAB dbt:MAC dbt:GIN dbt:TWN dbt:GHA dbt:GEO dbt:UGA dbt:JOR dbt:GRD dbt:GNB dbt:JAM dbt:GNQ dbt:NZL dbt:GMB dbt:TZA dbt:YEM dbt:GUY dbt:JPN dbt:GTM dbt:VNM dbt:VEN dbt:SAU dbt:VCT dbt:IDN dbt:VUT dbt:FSM dbt:FRA dbt:FIN dbt:BEN dbt:BDI dbt:BEL dbt:IND dbt:WSM dbt:MDV dbt:BTN dbt:LAO dbt:BIH dbt:CAN dbt:TKM dbt:BHR dbt:TON dbt:CAF dbt:BFA dbt:TJK dbt:LBR dbt:BRA dbt:LBY dbt:MNE dbt:BRB dbt:BOL dbt:LBN dbt:BLR dbt:NPL dbt:BWA dbt:CIV dbt:GRC dbt:CHN dbt:CHL dbt:UKR dbt:ZWE dbt:CHE dbt:COD dbt:STP dbt:ZMB dbt:BRN dbt:ARE dbt:LCA dbt:COG dbt:IRQ dbt:CMR dbt:MDA dbt:IRL dbt:IRN dbt:COL dbt:MAR dbt:COM dbt:ITA dbt:MLI dbt:ISR dbt:ISL dbt:MDG dbt:CRI dbt:MEX dbt:CPV dbt:BGD dbt:MOZ dbt:MNG dbt:CUW dbt:PAK dbt:MMR dbt:MLT dbt:ZAF dbt:CUB dbt:PER dbt:Flag dbt:MRT dbt:CZE dbt:MWI dbt:PNG dbt:MUS dbt:BHS dbt:LSO dbt:CYP
Dependency ratios are a measure of the age structure of a population. They indicate the proportion of individuals that are likely to be economically "dependent" on the support of others. Dependency ratios relate the numbers of children (ages 0–14) and the elderly (ages 65+) to the number of adults (ages 15–64). Changes in the dependency ratio provide an indication of potential social support requirements resulting from changes in population age structures. When fertility levels decline, the dependency ratio initially falls because the proportion of children decreases while the proportion of the population of working age increases. If fertility levels continue to decline, dependency ratios eventually increase because the proportion of the population of working age starts to decline and the proportion of elderly persons continues to increase. The total dependency ratio is the total numbers of the children (ages 0–14) and elderly (ages 65+) populations per 100 people of adults (ages 15–64). A high total dependency ratio indicates that the adult population and the overall economy face a greater burden to support and provide social services for youth and elderly persons, who are often economically dependent. The children dependency ratio is the number of the children population (ages 0–14) per 100 people of adults (ages 15–64). A high children dependency ratio indicates that a greater investment needs to be made in schooling and other services for children. The elderly dependency ratio is the number of the elderly population (ages 65+) per 100 people of working age (ages 15–64). Increases in the elderly dependency ratio put added pressure on governments to fund pensions and healthcare. The potential support ratio is the number of adults (ages 15–64) per one elderly person (ages 65+). It is the reciprocal of the elderly dependency ratio. As a population ages, the potential support ratio tends to fall, meaning there are fewer potential workers to support the elderly. 이 문서는 전 세계 국가별 부양비를 나타낸 목록이다. 총부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 유소년인구(0∼14세)와 고령인구(65세 이상)의 합의 백분비 유소년부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 유소년인구(0∼14세)의 백분비 노년부양비 = 생산가능인구(15∼64세)에 대한 고령인구(65세 이상)의 백분비 잠재적 부양률 = 노인 1명을 부양할 수 있는 평균 노동 인구(25~64세)