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Subject Item
yago:Election100181781 yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:Vote100182213 yago:Act100030358 yago:Event100029378 yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:WikicatElectionsByType yago:GroupAction101080366 yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
Midterm election انتخابات نصفية Midterm election
Apart from general elections and by-elections, midterm electionrefers to a type of election where the people can elect their representatives and other subnational officeholders (e.g. governor, members of local council) in the middle of the term of the executive. This is usually used to describe elections to a governmental body (generally a legislature) that are staggered so that the number of offices of that body would not be up for election at the same time. Only a fraction of a body seats are up for election while others are not until the terms of the next set of members are to expire. The legislators may have the same or longer fixed term of office as the executive, which facilitates an election midterm of the tenure of the higher office. تُشير انتخابات منتصف المدة إلى نوع من الانتخابات المتعاقبة، يتولى فيها بعض الأعضاء مهام مناصبهم في منتصف مدة مجموعة أخرى من الأعضاء أو السلطة التنفيذية. ويُستخدم هذا المصطلح لوصف انتخابات المجلس الأعلى من السلطة التشريعية عندما يكون جزءًا قليلاً فقط من المقاعد هو ما حان موعد إعادة الانتخاب عليه. كذلك يستخدم مجلس المستشارين في اليابان انتخابات متعاقبة، إلا أنه لا توجد مدد محددة للمقارنة بها، إذ إن مدة مجلس النواب متغيرة، ومنصب الإمبراطور متوارث. Pojem midterm volby, jinak také „průběžné volby“ označuje druh voleb konaných přibližně v polovině funkčního období hlavy státu. Pojem se vztahuje k volbám v prezidentských (případně poloprezidentských) režimech, kde jsou prezidentské volby nejdůležitějšími volbami. Voliči v nich dávají hlasy svým zástupcům, ucházejícím se o pozice v parlamentu. Midterm volby se tak nikdy nekonají ve stejný rok jako volby hlavy státu, ale mají na jejich budoucí výsledek značný vliv. Občané jimi vyjadřují svůj názor na vedení státu. Midterm volby se konají například v těchto zemích:
dbr:Executive_(government) dbr:Mexico dbr:General_election dbr:By-election dbr:Cyprus dbr:Cabinet_reshuffle dbr:India dbr:Pakistan dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Japan dbr:Canada dbr:Brazil dbr:Argentina dbr:Nepal dbr:European_Parliamentary_elections dbr:Taiwan dbc:Elections_by_type dbr:Classes_of_United_States_senators dbr:Venezuela dbr:House_of_Councillors_(Japan) dbr:Japan dbr:Election dbr:President_of_Cyprus dbr:Staggered_election dbr:United_States_electoral_college dbr:South_Africa dbr:Philippines dbr:Resignation dbr:United_States_Congress dbr:United_States dbr:Fixed-term_election dbr:House_of_Representatives_(Cyprus) dbr:House_of_Representatives_(Japan) dbr:Legislature dbr:United_States_midterm_election dbr:Liberia
n11:McMU dbpedia-ar:انتخابات_نصفية dbpedia-bg:Средносрочни_избори n15:نصف_مدت_انتخابات freebase:m.0gh7wwl dbpedia-cs:Midterm_election yago-res:Midterm_election wikidata:Q13256577 dbpedia-he:בחירות_אמצע
dbt:Short_description dbt:Redirect dbt:Reflist dbt:Elections
Apart from general elections and by-elections, midterm electionrefers to a type of election where the people can elect their representatives and other subnational officeholders (e.g. governor, members of local council) in the middle of the term of the executive. This is usually used to describe elections to a governmental body (generally a legislature) that are staggered so that the number of offices of that body would not be up for election at the same time. Only a fraction of a body seats are up for election while others are not until the terms of the next set of members are to expire. The legislators may have the same or longer fixed term of office as the executive, which facilitates an election midterm of the tenure of the higher office. In the United States, the president and vice president are elected every four years in indirect (electoral college) presidential elections. The legislative bodies of the United States are the Senate (which serves six-year terms) and House of Representatives (two year-terms). The Senate has one third of its members up for election every two years while the House has all its membership up for election every two years. Regarding elections to the United States Congress, the point of reference is the president's term. There are three classes of United States senators; each election replaces one class, hence a "midterm election" appears as one third through the term of one class and two thirds through the other, while still midway the term of a president. In addition to federal legislative bodies, governors of 36 states and three territories are also up for election during a midterm election. Meanwhile, although the Philippines and Liberia also conduct midterm elections, not all seats in the legislative bodies with elections are contested in a single cycle. This means the winners of such elections take office in their respective legislative bodies that conduct such elections midway through the term of half of the other members, hence for the members who were not up for election, the incoming members take office midway through their terms. This is especially the case in the Philippine Senate, when there are elections every three years to fill half of the 24 seats for a six-year term. While the House of Councillors of Japan uses a staggered election, there are no fixed terms to compare with as the House of Representatives has a variable term, and the position of the emperor is hereditary. Despite the fact that the Prime Minister of Japan is elected by the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister usually would take the responsibilities following the House of Councillors election results, include resignation or cabinet reshuffle. Conversely, in Cyprus, while the House of Representatives is elected for a fixed term of five years, and renewed entirely in each election, House elections are scheduled to be held in the middle of the President's own five-year term. The results of such a midterm election serve as a measuring stick to the popularity of the incumbent executive, although in the United States the governing party has suffered election defeats for most of the time. In European countries where parliamentary systems of government are prevalent, midterms do not always exist in the strictest sense. In such a case, although local, regional, and European Parliamentary elections are often considered a proxy measuring stick for how popular the governing party is outside of a national parliamentary election year, they are not necessarily held at the exact midpoint between scheduled national parliamentary or presidential elections. Pojem midterm volby, jinak také „průběžné volby“ označuje druh voleb konaných přibližně v polovině funkčního období hlavy státu. Pojem se vztahuje k volbám v prezidentských (případně poloprezidentských) režimech, kde jsou prezidentské volby nejdůležitějšími volbami. Voliči v nich dávají hlasy svým zástupcům, ucházejícím se o pozice v parlamentu. Midterm volby se tak nikdy nekonají ve stejný rok jako volby hlavy státu, ale mají na jejich budoucí výsledek značný vliv. Občané jimi vyjadřují svůj názor na vedení státu. Midterm volby se konají například v těchto zemích: * Argentina * Filipíny * Mexiko * USA تُشير انتخابات منتصف المدة إلى نوع من الانتخابات المتعاقبة، يتولى فيها بعض الأعضاء مهام مناصبهم في منتصف مدة مجموعة أخرى من الأعضاء أو السلطة التنفيذية. ويُستخدم هذا المصطلح لوصف انتخابات المجلس الأعلى من السلطة التشريعية عندما يكون جزءًا قليلاً فقط من المقاعد هو ما حان موعد إعادة الانتخاب عليه. في انتخابات الكونغرس الأمريكي، تكون النقطة المرجعية هي مدة الرئيس. هناك ثلاث فئات من أعضاء مجلس الشيوخ في الولايات المتحدة؛ وتعمل كل انتخابات على استبدال فئة من الثلاثة، وبالتالي تُجرى «انتخابات منتصف المدة» في ثلث مدة إحدى الفئات وثلثي مدة الفئة الأخرى. كذلك تُجري الفلبين وليبيريا انتخابات منتصف المدة، ويتولى الفائز في هذه الانتخابات مهام منصبه في الهيئة التشريعية التي أجرت الانتخابات في منتصف مدة النصف الآخر من الأعضاء، وبالتالي يتولى الأعضاء الجدد مناصبهم في منتصف مدة بقية الأعضاء الذين لم يحن بعد موعد إعادة الانتخاب على مقاعدهم. كذلك يستخدم مجلس المستشارين في اليابان انتخابات متعاقبة، إلا أنه لا توجد مدد محددة للمقارنة بها، إذ إن مدة مجلس النواب متغيرة، ومنصب الإمبراطور متوارث. تكون نتائج انتخابات منتصف المدة بمثابة عصا قياس لقياس شعبية السلطة التنفيذية الحالية، على الرغم من أن الحزب الحاكم في الولايات المتحدة تعرض لهزائم انتخابية في معظم الأوقات.