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yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity yago:Act100030358 yago:WikicatHistoricalControversies yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100 yago:SpeechAct107160883 yago:Event100029378 yago:Dispute107181935 yago:Controversy107183151 owl:Thing yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Disagreement107180787
Controvérsia sobre a paternidade da teoria da relatividade Relativity priority dispute Controverse sur la paternité de la relativité التنازع على الأولوية بالنظرية النسبية
قدم ألبرت أينشتاين نظريتي النسبية الخاصة والعامة في منشورات لم تحتوي على مصادر رسمية للأبحاث السابقة، أو استشهدت بعدد صغير من نتائج أسلافه الباحثين الأساسية التي استندت عليها نظرياته، والتي من أهمها أبحاث هندريك لورنتس للنسبية الخاصة، وأبحاث كارل غاوس، بيرنارد ريمان، وإرنست ماخ للنسبية العامة. وبذلك، تعاقبت الادعاءات التي تقول بأن تشكل النظريتين تم بشكل جزئي أو كلي بواسطة آخرين قبل آينشتاين. فالقضية المطروحة تتعلق بمدى فضل آينشتاين وغيره في تشكيل هذه النظريات، وذلك استنادا على اعتبارات الأولوية. La controverse sur la paternité de la relativité porte sur la remise en cause de l'attribution de la relativité restreinte, de la relativité générale et de l'équation E=mc2 à Albert Einstein. Cette attribution est généralement admise, ce qui ne signifie pas que les savants qui ont travaillé sur ces sujets et ont apporté des avancées substantielles à la même époque soient pour autant ignorés dans les présentations de ces théories. Comprendre l'importance du rôle de chacun est une question délicate d'histoire des sciences et qui fait souvent l'objet de débats. Dans le cas de la relativité, ils ont pris une tournure parfois très polémique et très médiatique au point de s'éloigner des débats scientifiques. Albert Einstein apresentou as teorias da relatividade restrita ou especial e relatividade geral em publicações revolucionárias que não continham referências formais a literatura prévia, ou referindo somente um pequeno número de seus predecessores, dos quais usou resultados fundamentais sobre os quais baseou suas teorias, dando maior destaque à obra de Hendrik Lorentz para a relatividade restrita, e às obras de Carl Friedrich Gauss, Bernhard Riemann e Ernst Mach para a relatividade geral. Posteriormente foram postas reivindicações sobre ambas as teorias, afirmando terem elas sido formuladas, no todo ou em parte, por outros autores antes de Einstein. Questiona-se até que ponto Einstein e diversos outros investigadores devem ser creditados pela formulação destas teorias, com base em considera Albert Einstein presented the theories of special relativity and general relativity in publications that either contained no formal references to previous literature, or referred only to a small number of his predecessors for fundamental results on which he based his theories, most notably to the work of Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz for special relativity, and to the work of David Hilbert, Carl F. Gauss, Bernhard Riemann, and Ernst Mach for general relativity. Subsequently, claims have been put forward about both theories, asserting that they were formulated, either wholly or in part, by others before Einstein. At issue is the extent to which Einstein and various other individuals should be credited for the formulation of these theories, based on priority considerations.
dbc:Discovery_and_invention_controversies dbc:Albert_Einstein dbc:Henri_Poincaré dbc:Theory_of_relativity dbc:Hendrik_Lorentz dbc:E._T._Whittaker
dbr:Friedrich_Hasenöhrl dbr:Olinto_De_Pretto dbr:August_Föppl dbr:Bulletin_des_Sciences_Mathématiques dbr:Richard_Gans dbr:Old_quantum_theory dbc:Discovery_and_invention_controversies dbr:Anatoly_Logunov n11:On_the_Dynamics_of_the_Electron_(June) n11:Two_Papers_of_Henri_Poincaré_on_Mathematical_Physics dbr:Science_and_hypothesis dbr:General_relativity dbr:E._T._Whittaker n15:Simplified_Theory_of_Electrical_and_Optical_Phenomena_in_Moving_Systems n15:Electromagnetic_Phenomena n15:Ether_and_the_Theory_of_Relativity dbr:David_Hilbert dbr:Hendrik_Lorentz dbr:Henri_Poincaré dbr:Karl_Popper dbr:Non-Euclidean_geometry dbr:Carl_Friedrich_Gauss dbr:Ernst_Mach dbr:Mileva_Marić dbr:Richard_Chase_Tolman dbr:History_of_Lorentz_transformations dbr:Alfred_Bucherer dbr:John_Stachel dbr:Special_relativity dbr:Vladimir_Fock dbr:Max_Abraham dbr:Gilbert_Newton_Lewis dbr:Nándor_Balázs dbr:Gerald_Holton dbr:Scientific_priority dbr:Length_contraction dbr:Maurice_Solovine dbr:Conventionalism dbr:Abraham_Pais dbr:Hermann_Minkowski dbr:Criticism_of_relativity_theory dbr:Photoelectric_effect dbr:Michelson–Morley_experiment dbr:Harvey_Brown_(philosopher) dbr:Max_Planck dbr:Science_and_Hypothesis dbr:Max_Born dbr:Annalen_der_Physik dbr:Subtle_is_the_Lord dbr:Bernhard_Riemann n15:The_Principles_of_Mathematical_Physics dbr:Max_von_Laue dbr:List_of_scientific_priority_disputes dbr:Woldemar_Voigt dbr:Postulates_of_special_relativity dbr:Multiple_discovery dbr:History_of_special_relativity dbc:Henri_Poincaré dbr:Peter_Galison n11:On_the_Dynamics_of_the_Electron_(July) dbr:General_relativity_priority_dispute dbr:Freeman_Dyson dbc:Theory_of_relativity dbr:Max_Planck_Institute_for_the_History_of_Science dbr:A_History_of_the_Theories_of_Aether_and_Electricity dbr:Arthur_I._Miller dbr:Lorentz_ether_theory dbr:Joseph_Larmor dbr:Clarendon_Press dbc:Albert_Einstein dbr:Albert_Einstein dbc:E._T._Whittaker dbr:Herbert_Dingle dbc:Hendrik_Lorentz dbr:Edmund_Taylor_Whittaker dbr:Emil_Cohn dbr:Conspiracy_theory
n6: n9:1428444 n16: n18:D29239.html n19:loader%3Fht=VIEW&did=D29243 n20:sciencemethod00poinuoft n23:978-3-030-48039-4_11%7Cwork=Henri n24:poincare.htm n28:decades.pdf n30:9560 n20:mathematicsandsc001861mbp n31:poincare-1900.pdf n33:007327530804600103%7Cjournal=History
wikidata:Q2996088 dbpedia-fr:Controverse_sur_la_paternité_de_la_relativité yago-res:Relativity_priority_dispute n22:2nC9j freebase:m.0bc_gk dbpedia-pt:Controvérsia_sobre_a_paternidade_da_teoria_da_relatividade dbpedia-ar:التنازع_على_الأولوية_بالنظرية_النسبية
dbt:Blockquote dbt:See_also dbt:Cquote dbt:Main dbt:Wikisource-inline dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Citation dbt:About dbt:Cite_journal dbt:Relativity dbt:Reflist dbt:Short_description dbt:Anchor dbt:E._T._Whittaker dbt:Einstein
قدم ألبرت أينشتاين نظريتي النسبية الخاصة والعامة في منشورات لم تحتوي على مصادر رسمية للأبحاث السابقة، أو استشهدت بعدد صغير من نتائج أسلافه الباحثين الأساسية التي استندت عليها نظرياته، والتي من أهمها أبحاث هندريك لورنتس للنسبية الخاصة، وأبحاث كارل غاوس، بيرنارد ريمان، وإرنست ماخ للنسبية العامة. وبذلك، تعاقبت الادعاءات التي تقول بأن تشكل النظريتين تم بشكل جزئي أو كلي بواسطة آخرين قبل آينشتاين. فالقضية المطروحة تتعلق بمدى فضل آينشتاين وغيره في تشكيل هذه النظريات، وذلك استنادا على اعتبارات الأولوية. بالإمكان الاطلاع على المسار التاريخي العام لتطور النظريتين، بما في ذلك من إسهامات لعلماء آخرين، في المقالين: تاريخ النسبية الخاصة وتاريخ النسبية العامة. La controverse sur la paternité de la relativité porte sur la remise en cause de l'attribution de la relativité restreinte, de la relativité générale et de l'équation E=mc2 à Albert Einstein. Cette attribution est généralement admise, ce qui ne signifie pas que les savants qui ont travaillé sur ces sujets et ont apporté des avancées substantielles à la même époque soient pour autant ignorés dans les présentations de ces théories. Comprendre l'importance du rôle de chacun est une question délicate d'histoire des sciences et qui fait souvent l'objet de débats. Dans le cas de la relativité, ils ont pris une tournure parfois très polémique et très médiatique au point de s'éloigner des débats scientifiques. L'approche de l'année 2005, choisie pour être année de la physique car année du centenaire de la relativité restreinte, a été l'occasion pour de nombreux historiens des sciences de rappeler le travail de prédécesseurs : Hendrik Lorentz et Henri Poincaré en ce qui concerne la relativité restreinte, ainsi que David Hilbert dans le domaine de la relativité générale. Dans certains cas, les thèses sont allées jusqu'à l'accusation de plagiat contre Einstein et de cabale des chercheurs allemands selon . Dans la francophonie, la campagne est surtout localisée en France. Albert Einstein apresentou as teorias da relatividade restrita ou especial e relatividade geral em publicações revolucionárias que não continham referências formais a literatura prévia, ou referindo somente um pequeno número de seus predecessores, dos quais usou resultados fundamentais sobre os quais baseou suas teorias, dando maior destaque à obra de Hendrik Lorentz para a relatividade restrita, e às obras de Carl Friedrich Gauss, Bernhard Riemann e Ernst Mach para a relatividade geral. Posteriormente foram postas reivindicações sobre ambas as teorias, afirmando terem elas sido formuladas, no todo ou em parte, por outros autores antes de Einstein. Questiona-se até que ponto Einstein e diversos outros investigadores devem ser creditados pela formulação destas teorias, com base em considerações de prioridade. A história geral do desenvolvimento destas teorias, incluindo as contribuições de diversos outros investigadores, pode ser consultada em história da relatividade restrita ou especial e . Albert Einstein presented the theories of special relativity and general relativity in publications that either contained no formal references to previous literature, or referred only to a small number of his predecessors for fundamental results on which he based his theories, most notably to the work of Henri Poincaré and Hendrik Lorentz for special relativity, and to the work of David Hilbert, Carl F. Gauss, Bernhard Riemann, and Ernst Mach for general relativity. Subsequently, claims have been put forward about both theories, asserting that they were formulated, either wholly or in part, by others before Einstein. At issue is the extent to which Einstein and various other individuals should be credited for the formulation of these theories, based on priority considerations. Various scholars have questioned aspects of the work of Einstein, Henri Poincaré, and Lorentz leading up to the theories’ publication in 1905. Questions raised by these scholars include asking to what degree Einstein was familiar with Poincaré's work, whether Einstein was familiar with Lorentz's 1904 paper or a review of it, and how closely Einstein followed other physicists at the time. It is known that Einstein was familiar with Poincaré's 1902 paper [Poi02], but it is not known to what extent he was familiar with other work of Poincaré in 1905. However, it is known that he knew [Poi00] in 1906, because he quoted it in [Ein06]. Lorentz's 1904 paper [Lor04] contained the transformations bearing his name that appeared in the Annalen der Physik. Some authors claim that Einstein worked in relative isolation and with restricted access to the physics literature in 1905. Others, however, disagree; a personal friend of Einstein, Maurice Solovine, acknowledged that he and Einstein pored over Poincaré's 1902 book, keeping them "breathless for weeks on end" [Rot06]. The question of whether Einstein's wife Mileva Marić contributed to Einstein's work has also been raised, but most scholars on the topic say that there is no substantive evidence that she made significant contributions.