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Retour des cendres رجوع الرماد (تاريخ فرنسا) Retour des cendres Retour des cendres Retour des cendres Retour des cendres
The retour des cendres (literally "return of the ashes", though "ashes" is used here as meaning his mortal remains, as he was not cremated) was the return of the mortal remains of Napoleon I of France from the island of Saint Helena to France and the burial in Hôtel des Invalides in Paris in 1840, on the initiative of Prime Minister Adolphe Thiers and King Louis-Philippe. O retour des cendres (retorno das cinzas) foi o retorno dos restos mortais do antigo imperador francês Napoleão I da ilha de Santa Helena para a França para ser enterrado no Hôtel des Invalides, em Paris, em 1840, por iniciativa do estadista Adolphe Thiers e do rei Luís Filipe I. في سياق تاريخ فرنسا، يشير مصطلح رجوع الرماد (بالفرنسية: Retour des cendres)‏ إلى اليوم الذي أظهرت فيه جثة نابليون في جزيرة سانت هيلين ثم أعيد دفنها في باريس في فرنسا ، بالتحديد في قصر معطوبي الحرب. * بوابة الإمبراطورية الفرنسية الأولى * بوابة التاريخ * بوابة موت Retour des cendres (powrót prochów) – powrót szczątków Napoleona I ze Świętej Heleny do Francji i ich pogrzeb w Hôtel des Invalides w Paryżu w roku 1840, z inicjatywy Adolphe Thiersa i króla Francji Ludwika Filipa I. El retour des cendres (retorno de las cenizas​) fue el traslado de los restos mortales de Napoleón I de la isla de Santa Elena a Francia y su entierro en Los Inválidos de París en 1840, por iniciativa de Adolphe Thiers y del rey Luis Felipe. La formule consacrée retour des cendres — le terme « cendres » étant pris non au sens propre mais au sens figuré de « restes mortels d'une personne » — désigne le rapatriement en France, en 1840, à l'initiative d'Adolphe Thiers et du roi Louis-Philippe, de la dépouille mortuaire de Napoléon Ier et son inhumation aux Invalides. En mourant, Napoléon avait manifesté le désir d’être inhumé « sur les bords de la Seine, au milieu de ce peuple français [qu’il avait] tant aimé » dans un codicille de son testament écrit le 16 avril 1821 à Longwood House.
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Suddenly, cannon fire all at once from three different points on the horizon. This triple noise simultaneously encloses the ear in a tremendous and superb kind of triangle. Distant drums are beating in the fields. The emperor's carriage appears. Veiled until then, at the same time the sun reappears. The effect is extraordinary. In the distance could be seen slowly moving, amid steam and sunlight, upon the grey and red background of the trees of the Champs-Élysées, past tall white statues that resembled phantoms, a sort of golden mountain. One could not yet make out anything but a kind of shimmering light that made the whole surface of the carriage glitter sometimes with stars, sometimes with lightning. A vast murmur enveloped this apparition. This carriage, one might say, draws after it the whole city's acclamation as a torch draws after it its smoke. [...] The cortège continues its progress. The carriage advances slowly. We begin to be able to distinguish its shape. [...] The whole possesses a grandeur. It is an enormous mass, gilded all over, whose stages rise in a pyramid atop the four huge gilded wheels that bear it. [...] The actual coffin is invisible. It has been placed in the base of the carriage, which diminishes the emotion. This is the carriage's grave defect. It hides what one wants to see: that which France has reclaimed, what the people are awaiting, what all eyes were looking for – the coffin of Napoleon. Upper-school boys would be thrashed if they behaved in a solemn place dressed and acting like these gentlemen. [...] This has meant that the Emperor has been received in three different ways. He has been received piously, in the Champs-Élysées by the people; coldly, from the platforms on the Esplanade [des Invalides] by the middle classes; and insolently, under the dome of the Invalides by the deputies. "Sire", said the Prince de Joinville, lowering his sword to the ground, "I present to you the body of the Emperor Napoleon." "I receive it in the name of France", the king replied in a strong voice.
Retour des cendres (powrót prochów) – powrót szczątków Napoleona I ze Świętej Heleny do Francji i ich pogrzeb w Hôtel des Invalides w Paryżu w roku 1840, z inicjatywy Adolphe Thiersa i króla Francji Ludwika Filipa I. El retour des cendres (retorno de las cenizas​) fue el traslado de los restos mortales de Napoleón I de la isla de Santa Elena a Francia y su entierro en Los Inválidos de París en 1840, por iniciativa de Adolphe Thiers y del rey Luis Felipe. في سياق تاريخ فرنسا، يشير مصطلح رجوع الرماد (بالفرنسية: Retour des cendres)‏ إلى اليوم الذي أظهرت فيه جثة نابليون في جزيرة سانت هيلين ثم أعيد دفنها في باريس في فرنسا ، بالتحديد في قصر معطوبي الحرب. * بوابة الإمبراطورية الفرنسية الأولى * بوابة التاريخ * بوابة موت O retour des cendres (retorno das cinzas) foi o retorno dos restos mortais do antigo imperador francês Napoleão I da ilha de Santa Helena para a França para ser enterrado no Hôtel des Invalides, em Paris, em 1840, por iniciativa do estadista Adolphe Thiers e do rei Luís Filipe I. La formule consacrée retour des cendres — le terme « cendres » étant pris non au sens propre mais au sens figuré de « restes mortels d'une personne » — désigne le rapatriement en France, en 1840, à l'initiative d'Adolphe Thiers et du roi Louis-Philippe, de la dépouille mortuaire de Napoléon Ier et son inhumation aux Invalides. En mourant, Napoléon avait manifesté le désir d’être inhumé « sur les bords de la Seine, au milieu de ce peuple français [qu’il avait] tant aimé » dans un codicille de son testament écrit le 16 avril 1821 à Longwood House. The retour des cendres (literally "return of the ashes", though "ashes" is used here as meaning his mortal remains, as he was not cremated) was the return of the mortal remains of Napoleon I of France from the island of Saint Helena to France and the burial in Hôtel des Invalides in Paris in 1840, on the initiative of Prime Minister Adolphe Thiers and King Louis-Philippe.