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Teller-amendement Emendamento Teller Amendement Teller Emenda Teller Teller Amendment
A Emenda Teller foi divulgada em 20 de abril de 1898, pelo congresso norte-americano, através da Emenda Teller, os Estados Unidos comprometiam-se oficialmente a não anexar Cuba, nas seguintes palavras: "The United States hereby disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island Cuba except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its determination when that is accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to its people." L’amendement Teller est un amendement à une résolution du Congrès des Etats-Unis, passé le 20 avril 1898, en réponse au message de guerre du président William McKinley. Cet amendement mettait une condition à la présence militaire des États-Unis à Cuba : selon cette clause, les États-Unis n'annexeraient pas Cuba, mais se borneraient à « laisser le contrôle de l'ile à son peuple ». En résumé, les États-Unis aideraient Cuba à obtenir son indépendance, puis retireraient toutes leurs troupes du pays. Het Teller-amendement werd door het Amerikaans Congres op 11 april 1898 aangenomen, aan de vooravond van de Spaans-Amerikaanse Oorlog, waarin de Verenigde Staten op het eiland Cuba intervenieerden. Tijdens de Cubaanse Opstand (1895-1898) hadden Republikeinse politici als Henry Cabot Lodge en Theodor Roosevelt gepleit voor annexatie van Cuba. Om iedere schijn van eigenbelang te vermijden, werd op voorstel van senator van Colorado een amendement toegevoegd aan de oorlogsverklaring aan Spanje: het Amerikaanse ingrijpen mocht niet uitdraaien op de annexatie van Cuba of een andere vorm van controle over het eiland en haar bevolking. The Teller Amendment was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley's War Message. It placed a condition on the United States military's presence in Cuba. According to the clause, the U.S. could not annex Cuba but only leave "control of the island to its people." In short, the U.S. would help Cuba gain independence and then withdraw all its troops from the country. L'emendamento Teller fu un emendamento ad una risoluzione congiunta del Congresso degli Stati Uniti d'America, emanata il 20 aprile 1898, in risposta al messaggio di guerra del presidente William McKinley. L'emendamento poneva una condizione sulla presenza di forze militari statunitensi a Cuba, ovvero che gli Stati Uniti non potevano annettere Cuba, ma solo lasciare "il controllo dell'isola al suo popolo". In sostanza, gli Stati Uniti potevano aiutare Cuba ad ottenere l'indipendenza, ma poi avrebbero dovuto ritirare tutte le truppe dal paese. L'emendamento prendeva il nome dal senatore ed ex-Segretario degli Interni .
dbc:1898_in_American_law dbc:Spanish_colonial_period_of_Cuba dbc:Cuba–United_States_relations dbc:History_of_the_foreign_relations_of_the_United_States dbc:Spanish–American_War dbc:1898_in_American_politics dbc:1898_in_Cuba
dbr:Sphere_of_influence dbr:Clause dbr:1896_Republican_National_Convention dbr:Suzerainty dbr:Covenants,_conditions_and_restrictions dbr:Cuba dbr:Treaty_of_Paris_(1898) dbr:Protectorate dbr:President_of_the_United_States dbc:Cuba–United_States_relations dbc:1898_in_American_law dbc:Spanish_colonial_period_of_Cuba dbr:German–Spanish_Treaty_(1899) dbr:Joint_resolution dbc:History_of_the_foreign_relations_of_the_United_States dbr:William_McKinley dbc:1898_in_American_politics dbr:Platt_Amendment dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States) dbr:U.S._Congress dbr:United_States dbr:Colorado dbr:USS_Maine_(ACR-1) dbc:Spanish–American_War dbr:History_of_Cuba dbr:Amend_(motion) dbr:Imperialism dbr:Monroe_Doctrine dbr:United_States_Capitol_Visitor_Center dbr:Elihu_Root dbr:Cuba–United_States_relations dbr:Historian_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives dbr:Spanish–American_War dbr:Henry_M._Teller dbc:1898_in_Cuba dbr:Annexation dbr:Teller_Amendment dbr:Military dbr:Spain dbr:Tariff dbr:United_States_Congress dbr:Gold_standard
n16: n17:s242 n17:s252 n17:h88 n17:h95 n20:205547 n20:304977 n20:304982 n21:hj-res-233-teller-amendment-april-16-1898 n22:spanish-american-war n23:declaration-war-against-spain-april-25-1898
dbpedia-it:Emendamento_Teller dbpedia-fr:Amendement_Teller dbpedia-pt:Emenda_Teller freebase:m.02fw0x n19:2JgRU dbpedia-sh:Tellerov_amandman dbpedia-nl:Teller-amendement wikidata:Q2449246
dbt:Portal_bar dbt:Reflist dbt:USBill dbt:USStat dbt:Cuba-United_States_relations dbt:Quote dbt:Cite_web dbt:Infobox_U.S._legislation
, Resolution 24
Henry M. Teller
House Senate
1898-04-16 1898-04-13 1898-04-18
324 42 51 311
The Teller Amendment was an amendment to a joint resolution of the United States Congress, enacted on April 20, 1898, in reply to President William McKinley's War Message. It placed a condition on the United States military's presence in Cuba. According to the clause, the U.S. could not annex Cuba but only leave "control of the island to its people." In short, the U.S. would help Cuba gain independence and then withdraw all its troops from the country. Het Teller-amendement werd door het Amerikaans Congres op 11 april 1898 aangenomen, aan de vooravond van de Spaans-Amerikaanse Oorlog, waarin de Verenigde Staten op het eiland Cuba intervenieerden. Tijdens de Cubaanse Opstand (1895-1898) hadden Republikeinse politici als Henry Cabot Lodge en Theodor Roosevelt gepleit voor annexatie van Cuba. Om iedere schijn van eigenbelang te vermijden, werd op voorstel van senator van Colorado een amendement toegevoegd aan de oorlogsverklaring aan Spanje: het Amerikaanse ingrijpen mocht niet uitdraaien op de annexatie van Cuba of een andere vorm van controle over het eiland en haar bevolking. Het amendement luidde (fragment): That the people of the Island of Cuba are, of right ought to be, free and independent..... That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition of intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for pacification thereof, and asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people. De Senaat namen het voorstel aan met 42 stemmen voor en 35 tegen. Op dezelfde dag stemden ook de leden van het Huis van Afgevaardigden met 311 stemmen voor en zes tegen. President William McKinley nam het voorstel over en nam de passage op in zijn brief van 20 april 1898 aan de Spaanse regering. De Amerikanen claimden slechts de humanitaire catastrofe te willen beëindigen en niet uit te zijn op gebiedsuitbreiding. Dat wil overigens niet zeggen dat er geen sprake was van eigenbelang. Amerika had er wel degelijk belang bij indien zij geen sterke naties als naaste buren had die scheepvaartroutes via het toekomstige Panamakanaal konden controleren. L’amendement Teller est un amendement à une résolution du Congrès des Etats-Unis, passé le 20 avril 1898, en réponse au message de guerre du président William McKinley. Cet amendement mettait une condition à la présence militaire des États-Unis à Cuba : selon cette clause, les États-Unis n'annexeraient pas Cuba, mais se borneraient à « laisser le contrôle de l'ile à son peuple ». En résumé, les États-Unis aideraient Cuba à obtenir son indépendance, puis retireraient toutes leurs troupes du pays. L'emendamento Teller fu un emendamento ad una risoluzione congiunta del Congresso degli Stati Uniti d'America, emanata il 20 aprile 1898, in risposta al messaggio di guerra del presidente William McKinley. L'emendamento poneva una condizione sulla presenza di forze militari statunitensi a Cuba, ovvero che gli Stati Uniti non potevano annettere Cuba, ma solo lasciare "il controllo dell'isola al suo popolo". In sostanza, gli Stati Uniti potevano aiutare Cuba ad ottenere l'indipendenza, ma poi avrebbero dovuto ritirare tutte le truppe dal paese. L'emendamento prendeva il nome dal senatore ed ex-Segretario degli Interni . A Emenda Teller foi divulgada em 20 de abril de 1898, pelo congresso norte-americano, através da Emenda Teller, os Estados Unidos comprometiam-se oficialmente a não anexar Cuba, nas seguintes palavras: "The United States hereby disclaims any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island Cuba except for the pacification thereof, and asserts its determination when that is accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to its people." Os cubanos, naturalmente, ficam eufóricos. A Emenda Teller não apenas reconhece sua beligerância como também sua independência. Não é de se estranhar, portanto, que os norte-americanos sejam tão bem recebidos quando de seu desembarque na ilha. Imaginam os cubanos, como coloca um deles, que a Emenda Teller representa um inquebrável e sagrado contrato tendo todo o mundo como testemunha. Martí, nessa época, já estava morto, mas seu alerta fora dado anos antes: "Los hombres entusiastas que (…) admiran sin examen suficiente las instituciones del pueblo norteamericano [não percebem que estas mesmas instituições] (…) no han logrado impedir la conversión del yankee demócrata y universal en el yankee autoritário, codicioso y agressivo." Infelizmente, tomados por sua empolgação, os cubanos deixam de ler as entrelinhas da emenda ou de, pelo menos, reparar nas ambigüidades gritantes contidas nos termos que grifei. Já um deputado norte-americano, anti-imperialista e perceptivo, enxerga-as tão bem que chega a votar contra a Emenda Teller - uma conduta à primeira vista no mínimo contraditória. Mas, muito pelo contrário, a longa experiência do deputado lhe indica perfeitamente o perigo que se esconde por entre aquelas linhas e ele mais tarde declara: "I do not especially object to ambition for aggrandisement, but I think if the United States is going to be actuated by ambition she ought to say so, and not say she is actuated by philanthropy. I think hypocrisy is a vastly worse vice than ambition or greed of territory." Apesar do caráter a princípio benevolente com a causa cubana, a Emenda Teller é fruto de uma motivação econômica: o Senado pelo Colorado, Henry Teller, propôs esta resolução basicamente para assegurar os interesses do açúcar do Oeste americano. No final do século XIX, às vésperas da Guerra Hispano-Americana e da Emenda Teller, o oeste americano sofreu o boom do açúcar e, devido a isto, para assegurar que a produção do oeste americano - a partir da beterraba - jamais competisse no mercado interno com a produção cubana - mais barata e feita a partir da cana - os senadores representantes destes interesses do oeste, capitaneados pelo Senador Henry Teller, propuseram a Emenda Teller, assegurando assim a economia de suas regiões.
Joint Resolution For the recognition of the independence of the people of Cuba, demanding that the Government of Spain relinquish its authority and government in the Island of Cuba, and to withdraw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters, and directing the President of the United States to use the land and naval forces of the United States to carry these resolutions into effect.