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yago:Communication100033020 yago:Writing106362953 yago:DramaticComposition107007684 yago:Play107007945 yago:WrittenCommunication106349220 dbo:Play yago:WikicatPlaysByLopeDeVega yago:Abstraction100002137
La vedova valenzana Валенсианская вдова (пьеса) The Widow from Valencia La viuda valenciana La viuda valenciana
Валенсианская вдова (исп. La viuda valenciana) — комедия в 3 действиях Лопеде Вега. Сюжет взят из итальянских новелл Маттео Банделло. Сочинена в 1604 году, окончательный вариант — в 1619 году. Первое издание — 1620 год. Пьесу также ставили Художественный театр Латвийской ССР (1952), Костромской театр (1945), Сталинградский театр (1940), Куйбышевский театр (1941), Ивановский театр (1948), Липецкий театр (1953), Омский театр (1955), Тюменский театр (1959) и др. La viuda valenciana Felix Lope de Vegaren antzezlan bat da, 1600 inguruan idatzia eta 1620an argitaratua, bere komedien Parte XIV izeneko lanean. La vedova valenzana o L'arte di nuotare e sistemare i vestiti è un'opera teatrale di Lope de Vega scritta tra il 1595 e il 1600 e pubblicata nel 1620 nella Parte XIV delle commedie. The Widow from Valencia (Spanish: La viuda valenciana) is a play written by the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega. It was written circa 1600 as a result of Lope's visit to the city with his new patron, the future Count of Lemos. They were there for the marriage of the King Philip III with Margaret of Austria. However, the play was not published until 1620 in the fifteenth part of his Comedias, where it is dedicated to Marcia Leonarda, that is to say, to Lope’s beloved Marta de Nevares. La viuda valenciana o El arte de nadar y guardar la ropa es una obra de teatro escrita entre 1595 y 1600, y publicada en 1620 en la Parte XIV de las comedias de Lope de Vega.
dbc:Plays_by_Lope_de_Vega dbc:1600_plays
dbr:La_Galatea dbr:The_Phantom_Lady dbr:Lope_de_Vega dbr:Francisco_Ribalta dbr:Miguel_de_Cervantes dbr:Philip_III_of_Spain dbr:Pedro_Calderón_de_la_Barca dbc:Plays_by_Lope_de_Vega dbc:1600_plays dbr:Margaret_of_Austria_(1584-1611) dbr:Titian dbr:Cloak_and_sword dbr:Venus_and_Adonis_(Titian,_Madrid) dbr:Bandello
dbpedia-eu:La_viuda_valenciana yago-res:The_Widow_from_Valencia wikidata:Q3726536 dbpedia-es:La_viuda_valenciana dbpedia-ru:Валенсианская_вдова_(пьеса) dbpedia-it:La_vedova_valenzana freebase:m.0ddfkyf n21:3SV6y
dbt:Italic_title dbt:Short_description dbt:Reflist dbt:Lope_de_Vega
Валенсианская вдова (исп. La viuda valenciana) — комедия в 3 действиях Лопеде Вега. Сюжет взят из итальянских новелл Маттео Банделло. Сочинена в 1604 году, окончательный вариант — в 1619 году. Первое издание — 1620 год. В русском переводе М. Л. Лозинского поставлена впервые 26 марта 1940 года ленинградским Театром Комедии (реж. и худ. Н. П. Акимов, комп. Животов; Леонарда — Юнгер, Камило — Савостьянов, Лусенсьо — Бонди, Отон — Ханзель, Валерьо — Вениаминов, Лисандро — Лецкий, Урбан — Суханов и Сухаревская, Марта — Скопина, Флоро — Филиппов, Селия — Барабанова, Росано — Волков). Спектакль показывался в Москве в дни искусства Ленинграда в 1940 году . 15 ноября того же года премьера состоялась в московском Театре имени Ленинского комсомола (реж. И. Н. Берсенев и С. В. Гиацинтова, она же — исполнительница роли Леонарды, худ. Козлинский, комп. А. И. Хачатурян, танцы — Бурмейстер; Камило — Фрелих и Палин, Лусенсьо — Марута, Отон — Р. Я. Плятт, Валерьо — Вовси, Лисандро — Плотников, Урбан — Соколова, Марта — Паркалаб и Сергеева, Селия — Кошкина). Пьесу также ставили Художественный театр Латвийской ССР (1952), Костромской театр (1945), Сталинградский театр (1940), Куйбышевский театр (1941), Ивановский театр (1948), Липецкий театр (1953), Омский театр (1955), Тюменский театр (1959) и др. The Widow from Valencia (Spanish: La viuda valenciana) is a play written by the Spanish playwright Lope de Vega. It was written circa 1600 as a result of Lope's visit to the city with his new patron, the future Count of Lemos. They were there for the marriage of the King Philip III with Margaret of Austria. However, the play was not published until 1620 in the fifteenth part of his Comedias, where it is dedicated to Marcia Leonarda, that is to say, to Lope’s beloved Marta de Nevares. The Widow from Valencia is a cloak and sword play which follows the plot of the Invisible Mistress. This plot derives from the myth of Cupid and Psyche but inverts the role of the protagonists. In the plot, and in the Spanish play, it is the man’s curiosity which leads him to meet and fall in love with the invisible woman; that is, with a woman who is either hidden, veiled or encountered in the dark. The Invisible Mistress plot is already found in Italian novelle by Masuccio and Bandello. As is common in the cloak and sword plays, it is the woman, in this case the widow Leonarda, who propels the action. Although at first she wishes to remain at home, mourning her dead husband, reading pious texts, and contemplating sacred images, one of them painted by Francisco Ribalta, she soon changes her mind on seeing a handsome young man. Her objective now becomes to enjoy herself by having a clandestine affair. She has her servants arrange a meeting with Camilo, where she is in darkness so that her lover will not know what she looks like or who she is, hence she becomes his invisible mistress. In this manner she hopes not to endanger her honor and reputation. This play has been interpreted from many points of view. For some, it deals with honor but leads the spectator to become aware of the immorality of the action; for others the work hides a mythological mystery; while for others it is a way to provoke a response in character, audience and reader; A particularly interesting feature of this play is that three different suitors come to Leonarda’s home disguised as merchants. One of them, Valerio, pretends to be a merchant of engravings of famous paintings, including Titian's Venus and Adonis. Otón, a second suitor disguised as merchant, is also of interest since he comes with books of love, such as the Miguel de Cervantes novel La Galatea. La viuda valenciana Felix Lope de Vegaren antzezlan bat da, 1600 inguruan idatzia eta 1620an argitaratua, bere komedien Parte XIV izeneko lanean. La vedova valenzana o L'arte di nuotare e sistemare i vestiti è un'opera teatrale di Lope de Vega scritta tra il 1595 e il 1600 e pubblicata nel 1620 nella Parte XIV delle commedie. La viuda valenciana o El arte de nadar y guardar la ropa es una obra de teatro escrita entre 1595 y 1600, y publicada en 1620 en la Parte XIV de las comedias de Lope de Vega.