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Subject Item
yago:Adult109605289 yago:Organism100004475 yago:Leader109623038 yago:Lawgiver110249270 yago:Woman110787470 yago:Person100007846 owl:Thing yago:Senator110578471 yago:CausalAgent100007347 yago:Politician110451263 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:LivingThing100004258 yago:Female109619168 yago:Object100002684 yago:YagoLegalActor yago:YagoLegalActorGeo dbo:RecordLabel yago:WikicatWomenInTheUnitedStates yago:Legislator110253995 yago:Whole100003553 yago:WikicatFemaleUnitedStatesSenators
Ano da Mulher Year of the Woman
The Year of the Woman was a popular label attached to 1992 after the election of a number of female senators in the United States. The term has also been used with respect to the 2018 House elections, in which a record 103 women were elected, 90 of whom were Democrats. The hotly contested Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas involving the allegations of Anita Hill raised the question of the dominance of men in the Senate. O Ano da Mulher (Year of the Woman, em inglês) é uma denominação popular dada a 1992 devido ao número recorde de mulheres eleitas para o Senado e a Câmara dos Representantes dos Estados Unidos nas eleições daquele ano. Em 1991, as contestadas audiências de confirmação de Clarence Thomas para a Suprema Corte envolvendo as alegações de assédio sexual de Anita Hill levantou a questão do domínio dos homens no Senado. Naquele ano, a câmara alta do Congresso norte-americano possuía duas senadoras, mas nenhuma delas integrava o Comitê Judiciário. A Senadora Estadual de Washington Patty Murray teria, alegadamente, decidido concorrer ao Senado após assistir a essas audiências.
dbr:International_Women's_Year dbr:Year_of_the_Woman_(film)
n6:Yearofthewoman.jpg n6:Senator_Barbara_Mikulski_standing_with_women_senatorial_candidates_(left_to_right)_Carol_Moseley-Braun,_Barbara_Boxer,_Senator_Patty_Murray_and_others_at_1992_Democratic_National_Convention,_Madison_Square_Garden,_New_York_City.jpg
dbc:Women_in_the_United_States dbc:1992_in_American_politics dbc:Third-wave_feminism dbc:Feminism_in_the_United_States dbc:1992_United_States_Senate_elections
dbr:Senate_Judiciary_Committee dbr:Asparagus dbr:Washington_Post dbr:Anita_Hill dbr:Kay_Bailey_Hutchison dbr:Women_in_the_United_States_Senate dbr:Blair_Babe dbr:California dbr:Caribou n11:Senator_Barbara_Mikulski_standing_with_women_senatorial_candidates_(left_to_right)_Carol_Moseley-Braun,_Barbara_Boxer,_Senator_Patty_Murray_and_others_at_1992_Democratic_National_Convention,_Madison_Square_Garden,_New_York_City.jpg dbr:George_J._Mitchell n11:Yearofthewoman.jpg dbr:University_of_Richmond dbr:Washington_(state) dbr:United_States_Supreme_Court dbr:Barbara_Mikulski dbr:Senate_Majority_Leader dbc:1992_in_American_politics dbr:George_H._W._Bush dbr:2018_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections dbr:Kansas dbr:Clarence_Thomas dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States) dbr:Dianne_Feinstein dbc:Feminism_in_the_United_States dbr:Patty_Murray dbr:United_States_Senate dbr:Fad dbr:Barbara_Boxer dbr:San_Francisco dbc:Third-wave_feminism dbc:1992_United_States_Senate_elections dbr:United_States dbr:Nancy_Kassebaum dbr:Carol_Moseley_Braun dbr:U.S._House_of_Representatives dbc:Women_in_the_United_States
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dbt:Reflist dbt:For dbt:Distinguish
O Ano da Mulher (Year of the Woman, em inglês) é uma denominação popular dada a 1992 devido ao número recorde de mulheres eleitas para o Senado e a Câmara dos Representantes dos Estados Unidos nas eleições daquele ano. Em 1991, as contestadas audiências de confirmação de Clarence Thomas para a Suprema Corte envolvendo as alegações de assédio sexual de Anita Hill levantou a questão do domínio dos homens no Senado. Naquele ano, a câmara alta do Congresso norte-americano possuía duas senadoras, mas nenhuma delas integrava o Comitê Judiciário. A Senadora Estadual de Washington Patty Murray teria, alegadamente, decidido concorrer ao Senado após assistir a essas audiências. Em um debate para a disputa presidencial ocorrido na Universidade de Richmond em meados de outubro de 1992, os candidatos foram questionados sobre quando seus respectivos partidos poderiam nomear uma mulher para a Presidência do país. O Governador de Arkansas, Bill Clinton, respondeu: "Bem, não tenho ideia, mas espero que aconteça em algum momento da minha vida." O Presidente George H. W. Bush respondeu com menos entusiasmo, dizendo: "Este é supostamente o ano das mulheres no Senado. Vejamos como se saem. Espero que muitas delas percam." Em 1992, quase todas as candidatas de partidos principais ao Senado eram filiadas ao Partido Democrata. Em todo o país, diversas mulheres venceram as primárias de seus partidos e, em 3 de novembro, 47 foram eleitas para a Câmara dos Representantes, sendo 24 pela primeira vez, e 4 para o Senado. Com isso, as mulheres passaram a representar 10,8 por cento dos integrantes da Câmara e 6 por cento do Senado. Em 3 de janeiro de 1993, o estado da Califórnia tornou-se o primeiro estado norte-americano a ser representado por duas mulheres no Senado. Quando as recém-chegadas se juntaram às senadoras Nancy Kassebaum e Barbara Mikulski em janeiro de 1993, os principais escritores descreveram o acontecimento como "O Ano da Mulher". Em resposta, a Senadora Mikulski afirmou: "Chamar 1992 de o Ano da Mulher soa como o Ano do Caribu ou o Ano dos Aspargos. Não somos uma moda, uma fantasia ou um ano." The Year of the Woman was a popular label attached to 1992 after the election of a number of female senators in the United States. The term has also been used with respect to the 2018 House elections, in which a record 103 women were elected, 90 of whom were Democrats. The hotly contested Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas involving the allegations of Anita Hill raised the question of the dominance of men in the Senate. In 1991, the Senate included two female members, but neither Nancy Kassebaum of Kansas nor Barbara Mikulski of Maryland served on the Judiciary Committee. Reportedly, Washington State senate member Patty Murray decided to run for election after watching these hearings. While Murray set out to raise the necessary funds, two other women several hundred miles to the south in California began work on their own Senate campaigns. As a result, on January 3, 1993, for the first time in American history, California became the first state in the nation to be represented in the Senate by two women. In the 1992 elections, Dianne Feinstein, a former Democratic mayor of San Francisco, running for the balance of an uncompleted term, beat her opponent with a margin of nearly two million votes, while Barbara Boxer—a 10-year veteran of the U.S. House of Representatives who had joined six of her Democratic women colleagues in a march on the Senate to urge greater attention to Anita Hill's charges—solidly won a full term. At a presidential debate at the University of Richmond, President George H. W. Bush was asked when his party might nominate a woman for President. Bush brought up the media's catchphrase at the end of his response, saying "This is supposed to be the year of the women in the Senate. Let's see how they do. I hope a lot of them lose." A week after the election, a popular Washington Post photograph illustrated the situation. Standing with exultant Democratic Majority Leader George Mitchell were not only Murray, Feinstein and Boxer but also Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois, the first black woman elected to the Senate. Never before had four women been elected to the Senate in a single election year. (Five, if Mikulski's successful re-election bid that year is counted.) Within months, another woman senator would join them: Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, who won a special election in June 1993. When the newcomers joined incumbents Kassebaum and Mikulski in January 1993, headline-writers described the occurrence as "The Year of the Woman." In response, Senator Mikulski said, "Calling 1992 the Year of the Woman makes it sound like the Year of the Caribou or the Year of the Asparagus. We're not a fad, a fancy, or a year."