. . "3302483"^^ . "Folkomr\u00F6stningen om rusdrycksf\u00F6rbud i Sverige genomf\u00F6rdes den 27 augusti 1922. Det blev ett mycket j\u00E4mnt resultat i valet och ett l\u00E4gre valdeltagande \u00E4n m\u00E5nga hoppats p\u00E5. 48,8 procent r\u00F6stade f\u00F6r och 50,8 procent emot \"inf\u00F6rande av fullst\u00E4ndigt rusdrycksf\u00F6rbud\"."@sv . "A non-binding referendum on prohibition of liquor was held in Sweden on 27 August 1922. The proposal to prohibit the sale of alcohol failed, with 51% voting against the change on a turnout of 55.1%. Voting patterns were sharply divided between men and women, with 59% of women voting for the proposal and 59% of men voting against."@en . . . . . . . "925097"^^ . . "1123676558"^^ . . . . . "A non-binding referendum on prohibition of liquor was held in Sweden on 27 August 1922. The proposal to prohibit the sale of alcohol failed, with 51% voting against the change on a turnout of 55.1%. Voting patterns were sharply divided between men and women, with 59% of women voting for the proposal and 59% of men voting against."@en . . . . . . . . . "Folkomr\u00F6stningen om rusdrycksf\u00F6rbud i Sverige genomf\u00F6rdes den 27 augusti 1922. Det blev ett mycket j\u00E4mnt resultat i valet och ett l\u00E4gre valdeltagande \u00E4n m\u00E5nga hoppats p\u00E5. 48,8 procent r\u00F6stade f\u00F6r och 50,8 procent emot \"inf\u00F6rande av fullst\u00E4ndigt rusdrycksf\u00F6rbud\"."@sv . "8568"^^ . . "[_] Against the introduction of a complete prohibition of alcoholic beverages"@en . . . . "\u2714\uFE0F In favour"@en . . . . "6223"^^ . "[_] For the introduction of a complete prohibition of alcoholic beverages"@en . "Referendum w Szwecji w 1922 roku zosta\u0142o przeprowadzone 27 sierpnia 1922. Przedmiotem referendum by\u0142o wprowadzenie prohibicji. Przeciwko jej wprowadzeniu opowiedzia\u0142o si\u0119 51% glosuj\u0105cych (925 097), za prohibicj\u0105 by\u0142o 49% (889 132). Frekwencja wynios\u0142a 55,1% (1 820 452 z 3 302 483 uprawnionych, 6 223 g\u0142osy uznano za niewa\u017Cne)."@pl . "\u274C Against"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Left: \"Payday evening \u2014 vote yes!\"; A poster of a drunk husband in front of his weeping wife and children, encouraging voters to vote for prohibition"@en . "1922 Swedish prohibition referendum"@en . "1922-08-27"^^ . . . "Un r\u00E9f\u00E9rendum sur la prohibition s'est tenu le 27 ao\u00FBt 1922 en Su\u00E8de. D'origine parlementaire, le scrutin \u00E9tait consultatif sans caract\u00E8re l\u00E9galement contraignant quant au r\u00E9sultat. Les hommes et femmes de plus de 23 ans vot\u00E8rent dans des urnes s\u00E9par\u00E9es, permettant un d\u00E9pouillement genr\u00E9 des r\u00E9sultats par comt\u00E9. Le \u00AB non \u00BB l'emporta avec pr\u00E8s de 51 % des suffrages exprim\u00E9s. Les r\u00E9sultats furent diam\u00E9tralement oppos\u00E9s entre hommes et femmes, les premiers votant \u00E0 pr\u00E8s de 60 % contre, tandis que les secondes approuvaient \u00E0 pr\u00E8s de 60 %, ainsi qu'entre les diff\u00E9rentes r\u00E9gions du pays, le nord votant majoritairement pour, \u00E0 l'inverse du sud."@fr . "889132"^^ . . . . . . "6090151"^^ . . . . . "Folkomr\u00F6stningen om rusdrycksf\u00F6rbud i Sverige 1922"@sv . "Referendum w Szwecji w 1922 roku"@pl . . . "Sweden"@en . "Right: \"Crayfish require these drinks \u2014 Vote no\"; A famous poster by Albert Engstr\u00F6m, encouraging voters to vote against prohibition"@en . . "R\u00E9f\u00E9rendum su\u00E9dois de 1922"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Referendum w Szwecji w 1922 roku zosta\u0142o przeprowadzone 27 sierpnia 1922. Przedmiotem referendum by\u0142o wprowadzenie prohibicji. Przeciwko jej wprowadzeniu opowiedzia\u0142o si\u0119 51% glosuj\u0105cych (925 097), za prohibicj\u0105 by\u0142o 49% (889 132). Frekwencja wynios\u0142a 55,1% (1 820 452 z 3 302 483 uprawnionych, 6 223 g\u0142osy uznano za niewa\u017Cne)."@pl . "Un r\u00E9f\u00E9rendum sur la prohibition s'est tenu le 27 ao\u00FBt 1922 en Su\u00E8de. D'origine parlementaire, le scrutin \u00E9tait consultatif sans caract\u00E8re l\u00E9galement contraignant quant au r\u00E9sultat. Les hommes et femmes de plus de 23 ans vot\u00E8rent dans des urnes s\u00E9par\u00E9es, permettant un d\u00E9pouillement genr\u00E9 des r\u00E9sultats par comt\u00E9."@fr . . . . . . . .