. . . "4"^^ . "Atak na Bet Sze\u2019an"@pl . "Atak na Bet Sze\u2019an \u2013 zamach terrorystyczny przeprowadzony w dniu 19 listopada 1974 roku przez trzech cz\u0142onk\u00F3w Demokratycznego Frontu Wyzwolenia Palestyny w mie\u015Bcie Bet Sze\u2019an na p\u00F3\u0142nocy Izraela. Palesty\u0144scy terrory\u015Bci weszli do Izraela z terytorium Jordanii. Po dotarciu do miasta Bet Sze\u2019an, zaj\u0119li czteropi\u0119trowy budynek mieszkalny bior\u0105c zak\u0142adnik\u00F3w. Po trzech godzinach jednostka si\u0142 specjalnych Sajjeret Matkal przeprowadzi\u0142a szturm na budynek. Og\u00F3\u0142em zgin\u0119\u0142o 4 cywili, a 20 os\u00F3b zosta\u0142o rannych."@pl . . . . "Attentato a Beit She'an (1974)"@it . "31192942"^^ . . . . . . . . "L'attentato a Beit She'an del 1974, avvenuto il 19 novembre 1974, fu un raid di una squadra di tre militanti palestinesi, appartenenti all'organizzazione militante comunista del Fronte Democratico per la Liberazione della Palestina, nella citt\u00E0 israeliana di Beit She'an. Quattro civili vennero uccisi durante l'evento e pi\u00F9 di 20 rimasero feriti. I tre aggressori vennero uccisi dalle forze speciali israeliane."@it . . . . . "Atak na Bet Sze\u2019an \u2013 zamach terrorystyczny przeprowadzony w dniu 19 listopada 1974 roku przez trzech cz\u0142onk\u00F3w Demokratycznego Frontu Wyzwolenia Palestyny w mie\u015Bcie Bet Sze\u2019an na p\u00F3\u0142nocy Izraela. Palesty\u0144scy terrory\u015Bci weszli do Izraela z terytorium Jordanii. Po dotarciu do miasta Bet Sze\u2019an, zaj\u0119li czteropi\u0119trowy budynek mieszkalny bior\u0105c zak\u0142adnik\u00F3w. Po trzech godzinach jednostka si\u0142 specjalnych Sajjeret Matkal przeprowadzi\u0142a szturm na budynek. Og\u00F3\u0142em zgin\u0119\u0142o 4 cywili, a 20 os\u00F3b zosta\u0142o rannych."@pl . . "AK-47 rifles, grenades, bombs and axes"@en . "May 2022"@en . "20"^^ . . "1974 Beit She'an attack"@en . . . "32.49169921875"^^ . "32.4917 35.4958" . . . . . . . . "1974"^^ . "POINT(35.495800018311 32.49169921875)"^^ . "35.49580001831055"^^ . . . "Beit She'an, Israel"@en . . . . "InternetArchiveBot"@en . "The 1974 Beit She'an attack, which took place during 19 November 1974, was a raid by a squad of three Palestinian militants, belonging to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine militant organization, on the Israeli city of Beit She'an. Four civilians were killed during the event and more than 20 civilians were injured. The three attackers were killed by responding Israeli special forces. The incident became notorious after an enraged mob of Israeli civilians that the army and police failed to control burned the bodies of the militants."@en . . . "1974-11-19"^^ . "L'attentato a Beit She'an del 1974, avvenuto il 19 novembre 1974, fu un raid di una squadra di tre militanti palestinesi, appartenenti all'organizzazione militante comunista del Fronte Democratico per la Liberazione della Palestina, nella citt\u00E0 israeliana di Beit She'an. Quattro civili vennero uccisi durante l'evento e pi\u00F9 di 20 rimasero feriti. I tre aggressori vennero uccisi dalle forze speciali israeliane."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "8556"^^ . . . "The 1974 Beit She'an attack, which took place during 19 November 1974, was a raid by a squad of three Palestinian militants, belonging to the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine militant organization, on the Israeli city of Beit She'an. Four civilians were killed during the event and more than 20 civilians were injured. The three attackers were killed by responding Israeli special forces. The incident became notorious after an enraged mob of Israeli civilians that the army and police failed to control burned the bodies of the militants."@en . "1107038799"^^ . . . . . . "Shooting, kidnapping"@en .