. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "-0.1103800013661385"^^ . . . . "the 1981 England riots"@en . . . . . . . . "La rivolta di Brixton (in inglese Brixton Riot o Brixton Uprising) fu uno scontro tra la polizia metropolitana e i manifestanti a Lambeth (South London), avvenuto tra il 10 e il 12 aprile 1981. La sommossa principale, dell'11 aprile, soprannominata \"sabato nero\" (Bloody Saturday) dal TIME, si concluse con almeno 280 feriti per la polizia e 45 per i manifestanti. Pi\u00F9 di cento automobili furono date alle fiamme, comprese 56 vetture della polizia; inoltre, almeno 150 edifici furono danneggiati, una trentina bruciati. Alla fine si contarono 82 arresti. The Guardian riport\u00F2 che agli scontri potrebbero aver partecipato fino a 5000 persone."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "--04-12"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1981"^^ . . . . . "Tharla C\u00EDr\u00E9ibeacha i mBrixton, Londain Theas, Sasana, idir 10\u00FA agus 12\u00FA Aibre\u00E1n 1981, nuair a gabhadh fear \u00F3g den chine gorm."@ga . "1230197"^^ . . . . "1981eko Brixtongo istilua"@eu . . "Tharla C\u00EDr\u00E9ibeacha i mBrixton, Londain Theas, Sasana, idir 10\u00FA agus 12\u00FA Aibre\u00E1n 1981, nuair a gabhadh fear \u00F3g den chine gorm."@ga . . . . . . "Kerusuhan Brixton 1981 (atau Pemberontakan Brixton) adalah suatu kerusuhan rasial yang ditandai dengan peristiwa konfrontasi antara dengan para pengunjuk rasa di , London Selatan, Inggris. Kerusuhan ini terjadi pada tanggal 10 hingga 12 April 1981. Kerusuhan utama berlangsung pada tanggal 11 April, yang dijuluki \"Sabtu Berdarah\" oleh Majalah Time. Kerusuhan ini menyebabkan lebih dari 280 petugas kepolisian dan 45 warga masyarakat cedera, ratusan kendaraan dibakar, termasuk 56 unit kendaraan polisi, serta hampir 150 bangunan mengalami kerusakan, dan tiga puluh bangunan lainnya dibakar. Tercatat polisi melakukan 82 penangkapan. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 5.000 orang terlibat dalam kerusuhan ini."@in . . . . . . . . . . "--04-11"^^ . . "Rivolta di Brixton del 1981"@it . . . . . "C\u00EDr\u00E9ib Bhrixton 1981"@ga . . . . . . . . . . "The 1981 Brixton riot, or Brixton uprising, was a series of clashes between mainly black youths and the Metropolitan Police in Brixton, London, between 10 and 12 April 1981. It resulted from racist discrimination against the black community by the mainly white police, especially the police's increased use of stop-and-search in the area, and ongoing tensions resulting from the deaths of 13 black teenagers and young adults in the suspicious New Cross house fire that January. The main riot on 11 April, dubbed \"Bloody Saturday\" by Time magazine, resulted in 279 injuries to police and 45 injuries to members of the public; over a hundred vehicles were burned, including 56 police vehicles; almost 150 buildings were damaged, thirty of which were burnt out, and many shops were looted. There were 82"@en . "L'\u00E9meute de Brixton de 1981, ou soul\u00E8vement de Brixton est une s\u00E9rie d'affrontements entre des jeunes principalement noirs et la police m\u00E9tropolitaine de Brixton, Londres, entre le 10 et le 12 avril 1981. Les soul\u00E8vements ont lieu en protestation contre les discriminations exerc\u00E9s par la police principalement blanche contre la communaut\u00E9 noire, en particulier l'augmentation des (en) par la police dans la r\u00E9gion, et des tensions r\u00E9sultant de la mort de 13 adolescents et jeunes adultes noirs dans l' (en) en janvier 1981. La principale \u00E9meute du 11 avril, surnomm\u00E9e Bloody Saturday par le magazine Time a fait 279 bless\u00E9s parmi la police et 45 bless\u00E9s dans la population civile, plus d'une centaine de v\u00E9hicules ont \u00E9t\u00E9 incendi\u00E9s, dont 56 v\u00E9hicules de police ; pr\u00E8s de 150 b\u00E2timents ont \u00E9t\u00E9 endom"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "1981eko Brixtongo istilua (ingelesez: 1981 Brixton riot) edo Brixtongo matxinada (ingelesez: Brixton uprising) Londresen 1981eko apirilaren 11n gertatu zen istilu bat izan zen. XX. mendean Londresen izan zen istilu larrienetako bat izan zen, 279 polizia zauritu ziren eta 45 zauritu zibilen artean; ehun ibilgailu inguru erre ziren, kopuru horietan poliziaren 56 auto barne; 150 bat eraikin kaltetu zituzten, horietatik 30 erre. Txostenek diote 5.000 pertsona inguruk parte hartu zutela istiluan."@eu . . "1981eko Brixtongo istilua (ingelesez: 1981 Brixton riot) edo Brixtongo matxinada (ingelesez: Brixton uprising) Londresen 1981eko apirilaren 11n gertatu zen istilu bat izan zen. XX. mendean Londresen izan zen istilu larrienetako bat izan zen, 279 polizia zauritu ziren eta 45 zauritu zibilen artean; ehun ibilgailu inguru erre ziren, kopuru horietan poliziaren 56 auto barne; 150 bat eraikin kaltetu zituzten, horietatik 30 erre. Txostenek diote 5.000 pertsona inguruk parte hartu zutela istiluan."@eu . . . . . . "POINT(-0.11038000136614 51.459850311279)"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Kerusuhan Brixton 1981 (atau Pemberontakan Brixton) adalah suatu kerusuhan rasial yang ditandai dengan peristiwa konfrontasi antara dengan para pengunjuk rasa di , London Selatan, Inggris. Kerusuhan ini terjadi pada tanggal 10 hingga 12 April 1981. Kerusuhan utama berlangsung pada tanggal 11 April, yang dijuluki \"Sabtu Berdarah\" oleh Majalah Time. Kerusuhan ini menyebabkan lebih dari 280 petugas kepolisian dan 45 warga masyarakat cedera, ratusan kendaraan dibakar, termasuk 56 unit kendaraan polisi, serta hampir 150 bangunan mengalami kerusakan, dan tiga puluh bangunan lainnya dibakar. Tercatat polisi melakukan 82 penangkapan. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 5.000 orang terlibat dalam kerusuhan ini."@in . . . "\u00C9meute de Brixton de 1981"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The 1981 Brixton riot, or Brixton uprising, was a series of clashes between mainly black youths and the Metropolitan Police in Brixton, London, between 10 and 12 April 1981. It resulted from racist discrimination against the black community by the mainly white police, especially the police's increased use of stop-and-search in the area, and ongoing tensions resulting from the deaths of 13 black teenagers and young adults in the suspicious New Cross house fire that January. The main riot on 11 April, dubbed \"Bloody Saturday\" by Time magazine, resulted in 279 injuries to police and 45 injuries to members of the public; over a hundred vehicles were burned, including 56 police vehicles; almost 150 buildings were damaged, thirty of which were burnt out, and many shops were looted. There were 82 arrests. Reports suggested that up to 5,000 people were involved. The Brixton riot was followed by similar riots in July in many other English cities and towns. The Thatcher government commissioned an inquiry, which resulted in the Scarman Report."@en . . . . "45"^^ . . "Brixton, South London, England"@en . "279"^^ . . . "51.4598503112793"^^ . . . "La rivolta di Brixton (in inglese Brixton Riot o Brixton Uprising) fu uno scontro tra la polizia metropolitana e i manifestanti a Lambeth (South London), avvenuto tra il 10 e il 12 aprile 1981. La sommossa principale, dell'11 aprile, soprannominata \"sabato nero\" (Bloody Saturday) dal TIME, si concluse con almeno 280 feriti per la polizia e 45 per i manifestanti. Pi\u00F9 di cento automobili furono date alle fiamme, comprese 56 vetture della polizia; inoltre, almeno 150 edifici furono danneggiati, una trentina bruciati. Alla fine si contarono 82 arresti. The Guardian riport\u00F2 che agli scontri potrebbero aver partecipato fino a 5000 persone."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Reported injuries"@en . . . "El disturbio de Brixton de 1981 fue un disturbio que tuvo lugar en Londres, Inglaterra, el 11 de abril de 1981. Fue uno de los disturbios m\u00E1s serios que hubo en Londres en el siglo XX, resultando en 279 polic\u00EDas heridos y 45 heridos entre el p\u00FAblico;\u200B alrededor de un centenar de veh\u00EDculos fueron quemados, incluyendo en estas cifras 56 coches de la polic\u00EDa; unos 150 edificios fueron da\u00F1ados, 30 de ellos quemados. Los informes hablaban de que unas 5.000 personas participaron en el disturbio.\u200B"@es . "Rioting, looting, arson"@en . "Kerusuhan Brixton 1981"@in . . "Disturbio de Brixton de 1981"@es . . "1981 Brixton riot"@en . "L'\u00E9meute de Brixton de 1981, ou soul\u00E8vement de Brixton est une s\u00E9rie d'affrontements entre des jeunes principalement noirs et la police m\u00E9tropolitaine de Brixton, Londres, entre le 10 et le 12 avril 1981. Les soul\u00E8vements ont lieu en protestation contre les discriminations exerc\u00E9s par la police principalement blanche contre la communaut\u00E9 noire, en particulier l'augmentation des (en) par la police dans la r\u00E9gion, et des tensions r\u00E9sultant de la mort de 13 adolescents et jeunes adultes noirs dans l' (en) en janvier 1981. La principale \u00E9meute du 11 avril, surnomm\u00E9e Bloody Saturday par le magazine Time a fait 279 bless\u00E9s parmi la police et 45 bless\u00E9s dans la population civile, plus d'une centaine de v\u00E9hicules ont \u00E9t\u00E9 incendi\u00E9s, dont 56 v\u00E9hicules de police ; pr\u00E8s de 150 b\u00E2timents ont \u00E9t\u00E9 endommag\u00E9s, dont une trentaine incendi\u00E9s, et de nombreux magasins ont \u00E9t\u00E9 pill\u00E9s. 82 arrestations ont eu lieu \u00E9galement. Les rapports ont sugg\u00E9r\u00E9 l'implication de 5 000 personnes. L'\u00E9meute de Brixton a \u00E9t\u00E9 suivie d'autres \u00E9meutes dans de nombreuses autres villes et villages anglais. Le gouvernement Thatcher a commandit\u00E9 une enqu\u00EAte suite \u00E0 ces \u00E9meuts, qui a abouti au (en). Le rapport Scarman a reconnu l'usage disproportionn\u00E9 et abusif des contr\u00F4les au faci\u00E8s dans un contexte social et \u00E9conomique tendu, tout en refusant de parler de \u00AB racisme institutionnel \u00BB."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . "51.45985 -0.11038" . . . . . . . . . . . . "1123356290"^^ . "26915"^^ . . "El disturbio de Brixton de 1981 fue un disturbio que tuvo lugar en Londres, Inglaterra, el 11 de abril de 1981. Fue uno de los disturbios m\u00E1s serios que hubo en Londres en el siglo XX, resultando en 279 polic\u00EDas heridos y 45 heridos entre el p\u00FAblico;\u200B alrededor de un centenar de veh\u00EDculos fueron quemados, incluyendo en estas cifras 56 coches de la polic\u00EDa; unos 150 edificios fueron da\u00F1ados, 30 de ellos quemados. Los informes hablaban de que unas 5.000 personas participaron en el disturbio.\u200B"@es .