. . "88"^^ . "2005-06-12"^^ . . "11.2"^^ . . . . . . "November"@en . "Yes"@en . "Yes"@en . . "gov"@en . . "Referendum abrogativi in Italia del 2005"@it . "2003"^^ . "4017"^^ . "Yes"@en . "Proposal failed as voter turnout was below 50%"@en . "Scrapping limitations on clinical and experimental research on embryos"@en . . "Yes"@en . . . . "78.2"^^ . "Les Italiens sont appel\u00E9s \u00E0 se prononcer par r\u00E9f\u00E9rendum le 12 juin 2005 sur l'abrogation de quatre articles d'une loi adopt\u00E9e par le Parlement en f\u00E9vrier 2004. Par le moyen de cette consultation d'initiative populaire, les \u00E9lecteurs ont la possibilit\u00E9 de l'assouplir sur ses points les plus contest\u00E9s. Ils doivent r\u00E9pondre par oui ou par non \u00E0 quatre questions."@fr . "12"^^ . "Allowing IVF treatment with donated eggs or sperm"@en . . "No"@en . . "Les Italiens sont appel\u00E9s \u00E0 se prononcer par r\u00E9f\u00E9rendum le 12 juin 2005 sur l'abrogation de quatre articles d'une loi adopt\u00E9e par le Parlement en f\u00E9vrier 2004. Par le moyen de cette consultation d'initiative populaire, les \u00E9lecteurs ont la possibilit\u00E9 de l'assouplir sur ses points les plus contest\u00E9s. Ils doivent r\u00E9pondre par oui ou par non \u00E0 quatre questions. 1. \n* Faut-il retirer du texte les r\u00E9f\u00E9rences \u00E0 l'embryon en tant qu'\u00EAtre humain \u00E0 part enti\u00E8re ? 2. \n* Doit-on supprimer la limitation \u00E0 trois du nombre d'embryons cr\u00E9\u00E9s et aussit\u00F4t implant\u00E9s sans possibilit\u00E9 de diagnostic pr\u00E9alable ? 3. \n* Faut-il annuler les limitations \u00E0 la recherche sur les embryons ? 4. \n* Faut-il revenir sur l'interdiction de recourir \u00E0 un donneur ext\u00E9rieur ?"@fr . "1124121922"^^ . "A four-part abrogative referendum on fertility laws was held in Italy on 12 June 2005. Voters were asked whether research and access to the research on embryos should be limited, whether embryos should be legally recognised as people and whether IVF treatment should be limited to three embryos. The referendum was called after the Italian Radicals collected the 500,000 signatures required. Although all four proposals were approved by wide margins, the voter turnout of 26% was well below the 50% threshold and the results were invalidated. Pope Benedict XVI had called for a boycott."@en . "87.7"^^ . . "Proposal failed as voter turnout was below 50%"@en . "No"@en . "R\u00E9f\u00E9rendum italien de 2005"@fr . "Scrapping limits on access to research on embryos"@en . "Italy"@en . "I referendum abrogativi in Italia del 2005 si tennero il 12 e 13 giugno ed ebbero ad oggetto quattro distinti quesiti, diretti ad abrogare specifiche disposizioni della legge 19 febbraio 2004, n. 40, recante \"Norme in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita\". Poich\u00E9 il quorum non fu raggiunto, il referendum risult\u00F2 invalido."@it . "34200011"^^ . "Proposal failed as voter turnout was below 50%"@en . . "88.8"^^ . . "A four-part abrogative referendum on fertility laws was held in Italy on 12 June 2005. Voters were asked whether research and access to the research on embryos should be limited, whether embryos should be legally recognised as people and whether IVF treatment should be limited to three embryos. The referendum was called after the Italian Radicals collected the 500,000 signatures required. Although all four proposals were approved by wide margins, the voter turnout of 26% was well below the 50% threshold and the results were invalidated. Pope Benedict XVI had called for a boycott."@en . . . "21.8"^^ . . "Proposal failed as voter turnout was below 50%"@en . "2005 Italian fertility laws referendum"@en . "No"@en . "Scrapping the legal definition of embryos as people"@en . "I referendum abrogativi in Italia del 2005 si tennero il 12 e 13 giugno ed ebbero ad oggetto quattro distinti quesiti, diretti ad abrogare specifiche disposizioni della legge 19 febbraio 2004, n. 40, recante \"Norme in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita\". Poich\u00E9 il quorum non fu raggiunto, il referendum risult\u00F2 invalido."@it . "12.3"^^ . . . "No"@en .