"Action Congress of Nigeria"@en . . . . "Der Action Congress (AC) war eine politische Partei in Nigeria. Der AC galt als liberal, hatte jedoch kein politisches Programm und vertrat auch nicht die Interessen bestimmter Bev\u00F6lkerungsgruppen. Vielmehr diente er eher als Wahlplattform f\u00FCr aufstrebende Politiker."@de . . "Action Congress"@sv . . "The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), formerly known as Action Congress (AC), was a Nigerian political party formed via the merger of a faction of Alliance for Democracy, the , the Advance Congress of Democrats, and several other minor political parties in September 2006. The party controlled Lagos. It was regarded as a natural successor to the progressive politics more closely associated with the Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo in the First and Second Republics respectively. However, criticism of the party's more pragmatic and less ideological political outlook associated with AG and UPN, has made many argue it was less of a worthy political heir. The Party had strong presence in the South West (5 Governors, 15 Senators and 6 State Houses), Mid-West (1 Governor) and North Central Regions (3 Senators). Lagos, Edo, Ekiti, Kogi, Ondo, Bauchi, Plateau, Niger, Adamawa, Oyo and Osun states by far accounts for majority of the party's presence and discernible power base. In February 2013 the party merged with the Congress for Progressive Change, the All Nigeria Peoples Party, and the All Progressives Grand Alliance to form the All Progressives Congress."@en . . . . "ACN flag.jpg"@en . "Congresso d'Azione della Nigeria (in inglese: Action Congress of Nigeria - ACN) \u00E8 stato un partito politico liberal-sociale fondato in Nigeria nel 2006. Inizialmente noto con la denominazione di Congresso d'Azione, si \u00E8 affermato dalla confluenza di vari soggetti politici, tra cui l' (Alliance for Democracy) e il (Advanced Congress of Democrats). Nel 2013 \u00E8 confluito in un nuovo soggetto politico, il Congresso di Tutti i Progressisti, insieme a Congresso per il Cambiamento Progressista (CPC), Partito del Popolo di Tutta la Nigeria (ANPP) e ad una parte della (APGA). Il presidente nazionale del partito era , il segretario ."@it . . . . . . "13290"^^ . . . . . "Het Action Congress of Nigeria (Nederlands: Actiecongres van Nigeria) was een politieke partij in Nigeria die van 2006 tot 2013 bestond. De partij had een progressief en klassiek liberaal profiel. Het ACN ontstond na een fusie van de Alliance for Democracy, de Justice Party en het Advance Congress of Democrats. Doel van de nieuwe partij was de hegemonie van de regerende Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) te breken en tevens een alternatief te zijn voor de oppositiepartij All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP) die vooral machtig was in het noorden van het land. De partij presenteerde zich als staande in de traditie van de progressieve partijen ten tijde van de eerste en de tweede republiek (Action Group van Chief , Unity Party of Nigeria)"@nl . . . . . . "May 2020"@en . . "2006"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Congresso A\u00E7\u00E3o da Nig\u00E9ria"@pt . . . . . "2006"^^ . . . . "Action Congress \u00E4r ett klassiskt liberalt politiskt parti i Nigeria. Partiet grundades genom en sammanslagning av , Justice Party, Advance Congress of Democrats och flera andra mindre politiska partier i september 2006. Partiet st\u00E4llde upp Nigerias vicepresident , som hoppade av People's Democratic Party, som sin presidentkandidat i presidentvalet 2007. Abubakar diskvalificerades fr\u00E5n valet av Independent National Electoral Commission, men diskvalificeringen tillbakadrogs senare i h\u00F6gsta domstolen. F\u00F6r n\u00E4rvarande \u00E4r fr\u00E5n Lagos partiets mest framtr\u00E4dande folkvalda medlem."@sv . . . . . . . . . . . . . "O Congresso A\u00E7\u00E3o da Nig\u00E9ria (em ingl\u00EAs: Action Congress of Nigeria), tamb\u00E9m conhecido pelo acr\u00F4nimo ACN, foi um partido pol\u00EDtico nigeriano formado atrav\u00E9s da fus\u00E3o dos partidos , o , o e outros partidos pol\u00EDticos minorit\u00E1rios em setembro de 2006, sediado na cidade de Lagos, antiga capital da Nig\u00E9ria. Em fevereiro de 2013, o partido decidiu por fundir-se com o Congresso para a Mudan\u00E7a Progressista, o Partido de Todos os Povos da Nig\u00E9ria e uma ala da Grande Alian\u00E7a de Todos os Progressistas para formar o Congresso de Todos os Progressistas, atualmente um dos dois partidos pol\u00EDticos majorit\u00E1rios da pol\u00EDtica nigeriana no per\u00EDodo da Quarta Rep\u00FAblica."@pt . . . . . . . . . . "Action Congress"@de . . . "Congr\u00E9s d'Acci\u00F3 de Nig\u00E8ria"@ca . . . . . "Congresso d'Azione della Nigeria (in inglese: Action Congress of Nigeria - ACN) \u00E8 stato un partito politico liberal-sociale fondato in Nigeria nel 2006. Inizialmente noto con la denominazione di Congresso d'Azione, si \u00E8 affermato dalla confluenza di vari soggetti politici, tra cui l' (Alliance for Democracy) e il (Advanced Congress of Democrats). Nel 2013 \u00E8 confluito in un nuovo soggetto politico, il Congresso di Tutti i Progressisti, insieme a Congresso per il Cambiamento Progressista (CPC), Partito del Popolo di Tutta la Nigeria (ANPP) e ad una parte della (APGA)."@it . . . . . . "Action Congress \u00E4r ett klassiskt liberalt politiskt parti i Nigeria. Partiet grundades genom en sammanslagning av , Justice Party, Advance Congress of Democrats och flera andra mindre politiska partier i september 2006. Partiet st\u00E4llde upp Nigerias vicepresident , som hoppade av People's Democratic Party, som sin presidentkandidat i presidentvalet 2007. Abubakar diskvalificerades fr\u00E5n valet av Independent National Electoral Commission, men diskvalificeringen tillbakadrogs senare i h\u00F6gsta domstolen. F\u00F6r n\u00E4rvarande \u00E4r fr\u00E5n Lagos partiets mest framtr\u00E4dande folkvalda medlem. Den 21 april 2007 vann partiet 32 av det nigerianska parlamentets 360 platser och 6 av den nigerianska senatens 109 platser. Efter PDP-kandidaten Umaru Yar'Aduas seger i presidentvalet 2007 har AC ifr\u00E5gasatt valresultatet och f\u00F6rs\u00F6kt f\u00E5 till st\u00E5nd en granskning av valet. Den 6 juli 2007 avstod partiet fr\u00E5n att delta i Yar'Aduas regering (ett erbjudande som accepterades av ANPP och ). En talesman f\u00F6r partiet h\u00E4vdade att \"there is no compelling moral, legal or political reason for us to join a government that we have told the whole world stole its mandate\" och menade att ett deltagande i regeringen skulle inneb\u00E4ra \"partaking in stolen goods\"."@sv . . . . . "Green, black, white"@en . . "#0080FF"@en . . . . "Action Congress of Nigeria"@en . . "8811409"^^ . "El Congr\u00E9s d'Acci\u00F3 de Nig\u00E8ria (Action Congress of Nigeria ACN), anteriorment conegut com a Congr\u00E9s d'Acci\u00F3 (AC), \u00E9s un partit pol\u00EDtic nigeri\u00E0 format via la fusi\u00F3 de l'Alian\u00E7a per la Democr\u00E0cia, el Partit de la Just\u00EDcia de Nig\u00E8ria, el Congr\u00E9s de Dem\u00F2crates Avan\u00E7ats, i molts altres partits pol\u00EDtics menors el setembre 2006. El partit controla Lagos. \u00C9s considerat com a successor natural a la pol\u00EDtica progressiva m\u00E9s estretament associada amb el Grup d'Acci\u00F3 i Partit d'Unitat de Nig\u00E8ria (UPN) dirigits per Obafemi Awolowo durant les primera i segona rep\u00FAblica respectivament. Tanmateix el partit \u00E9s m\u00E9s pragm\u00E0tic i menys ideol\u00F2gic del punt de vista pol\u00EDtic comparat amb AG i UPN, el que ha fet que molts argumenten que no \u00E9s un hereu pol\u00EDtic digne. El Partit va tenir forta pres\u00E8ncia forta al sud-es"@ca . . . "1112082196"^^ . . . . . "Action Congress of Nigeria"@en . . . "16"^^ . . . . . "Green, black, white"@en . . . . . "Action Congress of Nigeria"@nl . . . . "Der Action Congress (AC) war eine politische Partei in Nigeria. Der AC galt als liberal, hatte jedoch kein politisches Programm und vertrat auch nicht die Interessen bestimmter Bev\u00F6lkerungsgruppen. Vielmehr diente er eher als Wahlplattform f\u00FCr aufstrebende Politiker."@de . . "The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), formerly known as Action Congress (AC), was a Nigerian political party formed via the merger of a faction of Alliance for Democracy, the , the Advance Congress of Democrats, and several other minor political parties in September 2006. The party controlled Lagos. It was regarded as a natural successor to the progressive politics more closely associated with the Action Group and Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo in the First and Second Republics respectively. However, criticism of the party's more pragmatic and less ideological political outlook associated with AG and UPN, has made many argue it was less of a worthy political heir. The Party had strong presence in the South West (5 Governors, 15 Senators and 6 State Houses), Mid-W"@en . . . . . . . . "Het Action Congress of Nigeria (Nederlands: Actiecongres van Nigeria) was een politieke partij in Nigeria die van 2006 tot 2013 bestond. De partij had een progressief en klassiek liberaal profiel. Het ACN ontstond na een fusie van de Alliance for Democracy, de Justice Party en het Advance Congress of Democrats. Doel van de nieuwe partij was de hegemonie van de regerende Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) te breken en tevens een alternatief te zijn voor de oppositiepartij All Nigeria People's Party (ANPP) die vooral machtig was in het noorden van het land. De partij presenteerde zich als staande in de traditie van de progressieve partijen ten tijde van de eerste en de tweede republiek (Action Group van Chief , Unity Party of Nigeria) Bij de presidentsverkiezingen van 2007 werd de kandidaat van het ACN, , met 7,45% van de stemmen vierde en bij de presidentsverkiezingen van 2011 werd namens de ACN derde met 5,44% van de stemmen. In 2011 wist de partij de ANPP als voornaamste oppositiepartij af te lossen door 69 zetels van de 360 zetels in het Huis van Afgevaardigden in de wacht te slepen. Het resultaat was meer dan een verdubbeling (+37) t.o.v. 2007. Daarnaast won de partij 18 zetels in de Senaat tegenover 6 in 2007. In 2013 fuseerden het Action Congress of Nigeria, de All Nigeria People's Party en het Congress for Progressive Change tot het All Progressives Congress (APC). Het APC is thans de grootste partij van het land."@nl . . . "Nigeria"@en . . . "El Congr\u00E9s d'Acci\u00F3 de Nig\u00E8ria (Action Congress of Nigeria ACN), anteriorment conegut com a Congr\u00E9s d'Acci\u00F3 (AC), \u00E9s un partit pol\u00EDtic nigeri\u00E0 format via la fusi\u00F3 de l'Alian\u00E7a per la Democr\u00E0cia, el Partit de la Just\u00EDcia de Nig\u00E8ria, el Congr\u00E9s de Dem\u00F2crates Avan\u00E7ats, i molts altres partits pol\u00EDtics menors el setembre 2006. El partit controla Lagos. \u00C9s considerat com a successor natural a la pol\u00EDtica progressiva m\u00E9s estretament associada amb el Grup d'Acci\u00F3 i Partit d'Unitat de Nig\u00E8ria (UPN) dirigits per Obafemi Awolowo durant les primera i segona rep\u00FAblica respectivament. Tanmateix el partit \u00E9s m\u00E9s pragm\u00E0tic i menys ideol\u00F2gic del punt de vista pol\u00EDtic comparat amb AG i UPN, el que ha fet que molts argumenten que no \u00E9s un hereu pol\u00EDtic digne. El Partit va tenir forta pres\u00E8ncia forta al sud-est (5 governadors, 15 senadors i 6 diputats), mig-oest (1 governador) i regions nord-central (3 senadors). Lagos, Edo, Ekiti, Kogi, Ondo, Bauchi, Plateau, N\u00EDger, Adamawa, Oyo i Osun de bon tros compten amb la majoria de la pres\u00E8ncia del partit i s\u00F3n la seva base de poder. El febrer de 2013 el partit va anunciar plans per fusionar-se amb el Congr\u00E9s pel Canvi Progressista (CPC), el Partit dels Pobles de Tota Nig\u00E8ria (ANPP), i una facci\u00F3 de la Gran Alian\u00E7a de Tots els Progressistes (APGA) per formar el Congr\u00E9s de Tots els Progressistes."@ca . . . . . "O Congresso A\u00E7\u00E3o da Nig\u00E9ria (em ingl\u00EAs: Action Congress of Nigeria), tamb\u00E9m conhecido pelo acr\u00F4nimo ACN, foi um partido pol\u00EDtico nigeriano formado atrav\u00E9s da fus\u00E3o dos partidos , o , o e outros partidos pol\u00EDticos minorit\u00E1rios em setembro de 2006, sediado na cidade de Lagos, antiga capital da Nig\u00E9ria."@pt . "2013"^^ . . . . . . "2013"^^ . . . "Congresso d'Azione della Nigeria"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .