. . "Proposed"@en . . . . . "African Medicines Agency"@en . . . . . . . . "L'Agence africaine du m\u00E9dicament est une agence de r\u00E9glementation des produits pharmaceutiques visant \u00E0 mettre en commun les ressources et les expertises du continent africain afin de rem\u00E9dier au manque d'acc\u00E8s \u00E0 des produits m\u00E9dicaux de qualit\u00E9 et abordables, au faible d\u00E9veloppement \u00E9conomique et \u00E0 la r\u00E9duction de la d\u00E9pendance excessive \u00E0 l'\u00E9gard des produits m\u00E9dicaux import\u00E9s. Le si\u00E8ge de l'AMA sera localis\u00E9 au Rwanda."@fr . . "1122707408"^^ . . . . . "L'Agence africaine du m\u00E9dicament est une agence de r\u00E9glementation des produits pharmaceutiques visant \u00E0 mettre en commun les ressources et les expertises du continent africain afin de rem\u00E9dier au manque d'acc\u00E8s \u00E0 des produits m\u00E9dicaux de qualit\u00E9 et abordables, au faible d\u00E9veloppement \u00E9conomique et \u00E0 la r\u00E9duction de la d\u00E9pendance excessive \u00E0 l'\u00E9gard des produits m\u00E9dicaux import\u00E9s. Adopt\u00E9 par les chefs d'\u00C9tat et de gouvernement africains le 11 f\u00E9vrier 2019, le trait\u00E9 portant cr\u00E9ation de l\u2019Agence africaine du m\u00E9dicament devait \u00EAtre ratifi\u00E9 par au moins 15 \u00E9tats et que cette ratification soit d\u00E9pos\u00E9e aupr\u00E8s de la commission de l'UA afin de pouvoir donner une existence op\u00E9rationnelle \u00E0 l'agence. Avec la ratification du Cameroun le 5 octobre 2021, cette \u00E9tape est franchie, et le trait\u00E9 entre en vigueur le 5 novembre 2021. Le si\u00E8ge de l'AMA sera localis\u00E9 au Rwanda."@fr . . . . . . . . "African Union"@en . . . . . . . . . . "20321"^^ . . . "64503343"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Agence africaine du m\u00E9dicament"@fr . . . . . . . . . "The African Medicines Agency (AMA) is a proposed (AU) intended to facilitate the harmonisation of medical regulation throughout the African Union. Following a similar model to that of the European Medicines Agency, it is intended to have a wide scope covering medicines, traditional medicine, and medical devices. The AMA is the latest step in efforts by the AU and regional African bodies to improve medical capacity in the continent. Such efforts are intended to address a deficiency in drug production and challenges posed by counterfeit and substandard products. Once it is created, it is expected that the AMA will supervise and absorb roles currently carried out by other bodies, such as regional harmonisation efforts and pan-AU creations such as the (AMRH) initiative and the (AVAREF). The Treaty for the Establishment of the African Medicines Agency was adopted by the AU in February 2019. It came into effect on 5 November 2021, after ratification from the 15th AU member states, Cameroon. The headquarters of the AMA will be located in Rwanda."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "African Medicines Agency"@en . . . . . "The African Medicines Agency (AMA) is a proposed (AU) intended to facilitate the harmonisation of medical regulation throughout the African Union. Following a similar model to that of the European Medicines Agency, it is intended to have a wide scope covering medicines, traditional medicine, and medical devices. The Treaty for the Establishment of the African Medicines Agency was adopted by the AU in February 2019. It came into effect on 5 November 2021, after ratification from the 15th AU member states, Cameroon. The headquarters of the AMA will be located in Rwanda."@en . . . . . . . . . . .