. . . . . . . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@nl . "Rushdi Sahab"@en . . . "Ahmed Rushdi (ourdou : \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u064F\u0634\u062F\u06CC), surnomm\u00E9 Rushdi sahab ou Magician of voice, est un chanteur pakistanais de musique filmi \u00E0 Lollywood (Lahore). Il est n\u00E9 dans l'\u00C9tat de Hyderabad, en Inde en 1934. Lors de la partition de l\u2019Inde, sa famille \u00E9migra au Pakistan o\u00F9 il devint un temps m\u00E9canicien. Il eut l'opportunit\u00E9 de chanter, \u00E0 Radio Pakistan en 1952, mais sa passion pour la langue ourdoue devait le guider vers le ghazal."@fr . . . . . . . "Urdu and regional playback singer"@en . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi (en urdu, \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC\u200E Pakist\u00E1n 24 de abril de 1934 \u2013 11 de abril de 1983), era un vers\u00E1til cantante paquistan\u00ED que trabajaba en m\u00FAsica para el cine y que era \"un importante contribuyente a la edad de oro de la m\u00FAsica cinematogr\u00E1fica paquistan\u00ED\".\u200B\u200B Fue un bar\u00EDtono natural, sin embargo, podr\u00EDa cantar notas altas tenor con facilidad. Nacido en Hyderabad Deccan, emigr\u00F3 a Pakist\u00E1n y se convirti\u00F3 en un cantante l\u00EDder en la industria cinematogr\u00E1fica de Pakist\u00E1n. \u00C9l es considerado como uno de los vocalistas m\u00E1s vers\u00E1tiles del subcontinente y que era capaz de cantar varias canciones.Tambi\u00E9n se le considera como el primer cantante pop del sur de Asia. En 1954, grab\u00F3 el himno nacional oficial de Pakist\u00E1n, con otros cantantes. Rushdi ha registrado el mayor n\u00FAmero de canciones en pel\u00EDculas, en la historia del cine paquistan\u00ED.\u200B \u00C9l sufri\u00F3 de mala salud durante la \u00FAltima parte de su vida y muri\u00F3 de un ataque al coraz\u00F3n a la edad de 48 a\u00F1os, despu\u00E9s de registrar aproximadamente cinco mil canciones de la pel\u00EDcula para las pel\u00EDculas de 583 puestos en libertad. Adem\u00E1s de la m\u00FAsica popular, Rushdi tambi\u00E9n ayud\u00F3 a popularizar los Ghazals de Naseer Turabi."@es . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@de . . . . "Master Of Stage"@en . "Syed Ahmed Rushdi (Hoogland van Dekan, Brits-Indi\u00EB, Karachi, Pakistan, 24 april 1934 - 11 april 1983) was een Pakistaanse zanger die voor talloze films liedjes heeft gezongen, die door de hoofdrolspeler werden geplaybackt, solo of in een duet. Hij zong in vele Pakistaanse talen, zoals Engels, Urdu, Punjabi en Marathi. Veel liedjes werden een hit. Rushdi ontving in de jaren zestig en zeventig naast vele nominaties ook verschillende prijzen."@nl . . . . . . "Pakistani"@en . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@en . "Syed Ahmed Rushdi (Hoogland van Dekan, Brits-Indi\u00EB, Karachi, Pakistan, 24 april 1934 - 11 april 1983) was een Pakistaanse zanger die voor talloze films liedjes heeft gezongen, die door de hoofdrolspeler werden geplaybackt, solo of in een duet. Hij zong in vele Pakistaanse talen, zoals Engels, Urdu, Punjabi en Marathi. Veel liedjes werden een hit. Rushdi ontving in de jaren zestig en zeventig naast vele nominaties ook verschillende prijzen."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u963F\u672B\u00B7\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\uFF08\u4E4C\u5C14\u90FD\u8BED\uFF1A\u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC\u200E\u200E\uFF0C1934\u5E744\u670824\u65E5\uFF0D1983\u5E744\u670811\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u5168\u540D\u8CFD\u76CA\u00B7\u963F\u672B\u00B7\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u00B7\u6C99\u54C8\u5E03\uFF0C\u662F\u4E00\u540D\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7684\u97F3\u6A02\u5BB6\u3002 \u4ED6\u662F\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u56DE\u653E\u6B4C\u624B\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u201C\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7535\u5F71\u97F3\u4E50\u9EC4\u91D1\u65F6\u4EE3\u7684\u91CD\u8981\u8D21\u732E\u8005\u201D\u3002 \u88AB\u8BA4\u4E3A\u662F\u5357\u4E9A\u6700\u4F1F\u5927\u7684\u6B4C\u624B\u4E4B\u4E00 \u4ED6\u80FD\u8F7B\u800C\u6613\u4E3E\u5730\u5531\u51FA\u9AD8\u97F3\uFF0C \u4ED6\u591A\u624D\u591A\u85DD\uFF0C \u64C1\u6709\u72EC\u7279\u7684\u58F0\u97F3\uFF0C\u590D\u6742\u800C\u9634\u6697\u7684\u60C5\u611F\u8868\u8FBE\u3002 \u4F5C\u4E3A\u5357\u4E9E\u7B2C\u4E00\u4F4D\u6D41\u884C\u6B4C\u624B\uFF0C\u4ED6\u57281966\u5E74\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u300AArmaan\u300B\u4E2D\u6F14\u5531\u4E86\u5357\u4E9A\u7B2C\u4E00\u9996\u6D41\u884C\u6B4C\u66F2\u300AKo Ko Korina\u300B\u3002 \u4ED6\u51FA\u751F\u4E8E\u82F1\u5C6C\u5370\u5EA6\u6D77\u5F97\u62C9\u5DF4\u571F\u90A6\uFF0C\u5370\u5DF4\u5206\u6CBB\u540E\u79FB\u5C45\u5230\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u3002 \u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u7528\u4E4C\u5C14\u90FD\u8BED\u3001\u82F1\u8BED\u3001\u65C1\u906E\u666E\u8BED\u3001\u5B5F\u52A0\u62C9\u8BED\u3001\u4FE1\u5FB7\u8BED\u548C\u53E4\u5409\u62C9\u7279\u8BED\u5F55\u5236\u4E86\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7535\u5F71\u53F2\u4E0A\u6700\u591A\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u6B4C\u66F2\uFF0C\u5E76\u572820\u4E16\u7EAA50\u5E74\u4EE3\u4E2D\u671F\u81F380\u5E74\u4EE3\u521D\u4F5C\u4E3A\u56DE\u653E\u827A\u672F\u5BB6\u83B7\u5F97\u4E86\u524D\u6240\u672A\u6709\u7684\u6210\u529F\u3002 \u4ED6\u8FD8\u4EE5\u821E\u53F0\u8868\u6F14\u800C\u95FB\u540D\u3002\u4ED6\u5728\u665A\u5E74\u5065\u5EB7\u72B6\u51B5\u4E0D\u4F73\uFF0C\u5728\u4E3A583\u90E8\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u5F55\u5236\u4E86\u5927\u7EA65000\u9996\u7535\u5F71\u6B4C\u66F2\u540E\uFF0C\u6B7B\u4E8E\u5FC3\u810F\u75C5\u53D1\u4F5C\uFF0C\u4EAB\u5E7448\u5C81\u3002\u9664\u4E86\u6D41\u884C\u97F3\u4E50\uFF0C\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u8FD8\u5E2E\u52A9\u666E\u53CA\u4E86\u7EB3\u8D5B\u5C14\u00B7\u56FE\u62C9\u6BD4\u7684\u52A0\u624E\u52D2\u3002 \u4ED6\u5148\u540E\u8363\u83B7\u4E94\u9879\u5948\u52A0\u5C14\u5956\u3001\u201C\u5343\u79A7\u5E74\u6700\u4F73\u6B4C\u624B\u201D\u79F0\u53F7\u3001\u201C\u7EC8\u8EAB\u6210\u5C31\u5956\u201D\u3001\u201C\u4F20\u5947\u5956\u201D\u548C\u201C\u83B1\u514B\u65AF\u98CE\u60C5\u5956\u201D\u3002 2003\u5E74\uFF0C\u5728\u4ED6\u53BB\u4E1620\u5E74\u540E\uFF0C\u6642\u4EFB\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7E3D\u7D71\u4F69\u723E\u97CB\u8332\u00B7\u7A46\u6C99\u62C9\u592B\u6388\u4E88\u4ED6Sitara-e-Imtiaz\u5956\uFF0C\u4EE5\u8868\u5F70\u4ED6\u5728\u827A\u672F\u9886\u57DF\u7684\u6770\u51FA\u6210\u5C31\u3002 \u6839\u636E2016\u5E74\u300A\u4E9A\u6D32\u5973\u6027\u6742\u5FD7\u300B\u7684\u8C03\u67E5\uFF0C\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u88AB\u5BA3\u5E03\u4E3A\u6709\u53F2\u4EE5\u6765\u6700\u53D7\u6B22\u8FCE\u7684\u6B4C\u624B\u30022022\u5E74\uFF0C\u4ED6\u7684\u6B4C\u66F2Ko Ko Korina\u51FA\u73B0\u5728\u7F8E\u5267\u300A\u6F2B\u5A01\u5973\u58EB\u300B\u7684\u5F00\u573A\uFF0C\u5E76\u8D62\u5F97\u4E86\u6700\u9AD8\u6536\u89C6\u7387\u3002 \u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u662F\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u570B\u6B4C\u300A\u4FDD\u4F51\u795E\u8056\u7684\u571F\u5730\u300B\u7684\u6700\u65E9\u7684\u6F14\u5531\u8005\u4E4B\u4E00\u3002"@zh . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi (* 24. April 1934 im F\u00FCrstenstaat Hyderabad, Britisch-Indien; \u2020 11. April 1983 in Karatschi, Pakistan) war ein pakistanischer Playbacks\u00E4nger des Urdu-Films."@de . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rushdi Sahab ("@en . . "Ahmed Rushdi (ourdou : \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u064F\u0634\u062F\u06CC), surnomm\u00E9 Rushdi sahab ou Magician of voice, est un chanteur pakistanais de musique filmi \u00E0 Lollywood (Lahore). Il est n\u00E9 dans l'\u00C9tat de Hyderabad, en Inde en 1934. Lors de la partition de l\u2019Inde, sa famille \u00E9migra au Pakistan o\u00F9 il devint un temps m\u00E9canicien. Il eut l'opportunit\u00E9 de chanter, \u00E0 Radio Pakistan en 1952, mais sa passion pour la langue ourdoue devait le guider vers le ghazal."@fr . . . "Ahmed Rushdi, SI, PP (Urdu: \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC; 24 April 1934 \u2013 11 April 1983) was a versatile Pakistani playback singer and was \"an important contributor to the golden age of Pakistani film music.\" Regarded as one of the greatest singers in South Asia who could sing high tenor notes with ease, he is best known for his versatility and distinctive voice, with complex and dark emotional expressions. Considered as the first pop singer of South Asia, he sang South Asia's first pop song, \"Ko Ko Korina\", in the 1966 film Armaan."@en . . . . . . . . ")"@en . . . . . "Syed Ahmed Rushdi"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Magician Of Voice"@en . . . . . . . . . . "42930"^^ . "750722"^^ . . . . . ""@en . . "Ahmed Rushdi, SI, PP (Urdu: \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC; 24 April 1934 \u2013 11 April 1983) was a versatile Pakistani playback singer and was \"an important contributor to the golden age of Pakistani film music.\" Regarded as one of the greatest singers in South Asia who could sing high tenor notes with ease, he is best known for his versatility and distinctive voice, with complex and dark emotional expressions. Considered as the first pop singer of South Asia, he sang South Asia's first pop song, \"Ko Ko Korina\", in the 1966 film Armaan. Born in Hyderabad Deccan, he migrated to Pakistan following partition. In 1954, he recorded the official National anthem of Pakistan with several other singers. Rushdi has recorded the highest number of film songs in the history of Pakistani cinema in Urdu, English, Punjabi, Bengali, Sindhi and Gujarati and found unprecedented success as a playback artist from the mid-1950s to early 1980s. He was also known for his stage performance. He suffered from poor health during the latter part of his life and died of a heart attack at the age of 48, after recording approximately five thousand film songs for 583 released films. Besides popular music, Rushdi also helped popularize the ghazals of Naseer Turabi. He was awarded five Nigar Awards, the \"Best Singer Of The Millennium\" title, \"Life Time Achievement Award\", \"Legend Award\" and Lux Style Award. In 2003, 20 years after his death, Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf awarded him the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, the \"star of excellence,\" for distinguished merit in the field of arts. According to the 2016 survey of Asian Woman Magazine, Rushdi is declared as a darling singer of all time. In 2022, his song Ko Ko Korina featured in the opening scene of American series Ms. Marvel (TV series) and won top ratings."@en . . . . . . . . . "1983"^^ . . "1951"^^ . ""@en . . . "Ahmed Rushdi (en urdu, \u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC\u200E Pakist\u00E1n 24 de abril de 1934 \u2013 11 de abril de 1983), era un vers\u00E1til cantante paquistan\u00ED que trabajaba en m\u00FAsica para el cine y que era \"un importante contribuyente a la edad de oro de la m\u00FAsica cinematogr\u00E1fica paquistan\u00ED\".\u200B\u200B En 1954, grab\u00F3 el himno nacional oficial de Pakist\u00E1n, con otros cantantes. Rushdi ha registrado el mayor n\u00FAmero de canciones en pel\u00EDculas, en la historia del cine paquistan\u00ED.\u200B"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1951"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@en . . . . "1983-04-11"^^ . . "\u963F\u672B\u00B7\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\uFF08\u4E4C\u5C14\u90FD\u8BED\uFF1A\u0627\u062D\u0645\u062F \u0631\u0634\u062F\u06CC\u200E\u200E\uFF0C1934\u5E744\u670824\u65E5\uFF0D1983\u5E744\u670811\u65E5\uFF09\uFF0C\u5168\u540D\u8CFD\u76CA\u00B7\u963F\u672B\u00B7\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u00B7\u6C99\u54C8\u5E03\uFF0C\u662F\u4E00\u540D\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7684\u97F3\u6A02\u5BB6\u3002 \u4ED6\u662F\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u56DE\u653E\u6B4C\u624B\uFF0C\u4E5F\u662F\u201C\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7535\u5F71\u97F3\u4E50\u9EC4\u91D1\u65F6\u4EE3\u7684\u91CD\u8981\u8D21\u732E\u8005\u201D\u3002 \u88AB\u8BA4\u4E3A\u662F\u5357\u4E9A\u6700\u4F1F\u5927\u7684\u6B4C\u624B\u4E4B\u4E00 \u4ED6\u80FD\u8F7B\u800C\u6613\u4E3E\u5730\u5531\u51FA\u9AD8\u97F3\uFF0C \u4ED6\u591A\u624D\u591A\u85DD\uFF0C \u64C1\u6709\u72EC\u7279\u7684\u58F0\u97F3\uFF0C\u590D\u6742\u800C\u9634\u6697\u7684\u60C5\u611F\u8868\u8FBE\u3002 \u4F5C\u4E3A\u5357\u4E9E\u7B2C\u4E00\u4F4D\u6D41\u884C\u6B4C\u624B\uFF0C\u4ED6\u57281966\u5E74\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u300AArmaan\u300B\u4E2D\u6F14\u5531\u4E86\u5357\u4E9A\u7B2C\u4E00\u9996\u6D41\u884C\u6B4C\u66F2\u300AKo Ko Korina\u300B\u3002 \u4ED6\u51FA\u751F\u4E8E\u82F1\u5C6C\u5370\u5EA6\u6D77\u5F97\u62C9\u5DF4\u571F\u90A6\uFF0C\u5370\u5DF4\u5206\u6CBB\u540E\u79FB\u5C45\u5230\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u3002 \u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u7528\u4E4C\u5C14\u90FD\u8BED\u3001\u82F1\u8BED\u3001\u65C1\u906E\u666E\u8BED\u3001\u5B5F\u52A0\u62C9\u8BED\u3001\u4FE1\u5FB7\u8BED\u548C\u53E4\u5409\u62C9\u7279\u8BED\u5F55\u5236\u4E86\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u7535\u5F71\u53F2\u4E0A\u6700\u591A\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u6B4C\u66F2\uFF0C\u5E76\u572820\u4E16\u7EAA50\u5E74\u4EE3\u4E2D\u671F\u81F380\u5E74\u4EE3\u521D\u4F5C\u4E3A\u56DE\u653E\u827A\u672F\u5BB6\u83B7\u5F97\u4E86\u524D\u6240\u672A\u6709\u7684\u6210\u529F\u3002 \u4ED6\u8FD8\u4EE5\u821E\u53F0\u8868\u6F14\u800C\u95FB\u540D\u3002\u4ED6\u5728\u665A\u5E74\u5065\u5EB7\u72B6\u51B5\u4E0D\u4F73\uFF0C\u5728\u4E3A583\u90E8\u53D1\u884C\u7684\u7535\u5F71\u5F55\u5236\u4E86\u5927\u7EA65000\u9996\u7535\u5F71\u6B4C\u66F2\u540E\uFF0C\u6B7B\u4E8E\u5FC3\u810F\u75C5\u53D1\u4F5C\uFF0C\u4EAB\u5E7448\u5C81\u3002\u9664\u4E86\u6D41\u884C\u97F3\u4E50\uFF0C\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u8FD8\u5E2E\u52A9\u666E\u53CA\u4E86\u7EB3\u8D5B\u5C14\u00B7\u56FE\u62C9\u6BD4\u7684\u52A0\u624E\u52D2\u3002 \u4ED6\u5148\u540E\u8363\u83B7\u4E94\u9879\u5948\u52A0\u5C14\u5956\u3001\u201C\u5343\u79A7\u5E74\u6700\u4F73\u6B4C\u624B\u201D\u79F0\u53F7\u3001\u201C\u7EC8\u8EAB\u6210\u5C31\u5956\u201D\u3001\u201C\u4F20\u5947\u5956\u201D\u548C\u201C\u83B1\u514B\u65AF\u98CE\u60C5\u5956\u201D\u3002 \u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA\u662F\u5DF4\u57FA\u65AF\u5766\u570B\u6B4C\u300A\u4FDD\u4F51\u795E\u8056\u7684\u571F\u5730\u300B\u7684\u6700\u65E9\u7684\u6F14\u5531\u8005\u4E4B\u4E00\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . "Vocalist"@en . . . . . . . . . . "\u963F\u672B\u00B7\u9B6F\u897F\u8FEA"@zh . "Magician Of Voice ("@en . . . . . . . . . "1983-04-11"^^ . "Ahmed Rushdi"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "0750722" . . . . . . . . . "Syed Ahmed Rushdi"@en . "Master Of Stage ("@en . . . . . . . . . "3525258"^^ . . . . . . "1124926062"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi (* 24. April 1934 im F\u00FCrstenstaat Hyderabad, Britisch-Indien; \u2020 11. April 1983 in Karatschi, Pakistan) war ein pakistanischer Playbacks\u00E4nger des Urdu-Films."@de . . . . . . . . "Ahmed Rushdi"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1934-04-24"^^ . . . . "1934-04-24"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . .