. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Albertet de Sisteron Albertet o Albertetz de Sestaro o anche Sestar\u00F3, Sestair\u00F3, Sestairon, Sestarron o Terascon (Gap, 1194 \u2013 Sisteron, 1221) \u00E8 stato un trovatore occitano, figlio di un giullare itinerante."@it . . . . . . . . . "Albertet de Sestaro, sometimes called Albertet de Terascon (fl. 1194\u20131221), was a Proven\u00E7al jongleur and troubadour from the Gapen\u00E7ais (Gapens\u00E9s in Occitan). Of his total oeuvre, twenty three poems survive. \"Albertet\" or \"Albertetz\" is the Occitan diminutive of Albert. Unqualified it usually refers to Albertet de Sestaro, but there was an Albertet Cailla. According to his vida he was the son of a noble jongleur named Asar, one of whose pieces may survive. Albertet was reputed for his voice and for the innovative melodies of his short cans\u00F3s, but not for his lyrics. Fellow troubadour Uc de Lescura praised Albertet's votz a ben dir (\"well-spoken-of voice\"). He was a welcomed performer and conversationalist in court society. Much of his life was spent at Orange, where he grew wealthy before moving to Lombardy, where he remained from 1210 to 1221. In Italy he frequented the courts of Savoy, Montferrat, Malaspina, Genoa, and the Este in Ferrara. At the Este court he probably came into contact with Guillem Augier Novella, Aimeric de Pegulhan, and Aimeric de Belenoi. He also travelled west of Provence as far as Montferrand, where he met Dalf\u00ED d'Alvernha, Gaucelm Faidit, and Peirol, and by some accounts he even took refuge in Spain at some point. Eventually he returned to Sisteron in the Forcalquier, where he died. One of Albertet's most famous works is a satire which heaps praise on seven prominent women of his time, notably Beatrice of Savoy, wife of Raymond Berengar IV of Provence. There is also a tens\u00F3 between Albertet and Aimeric de Pegulhan: N'Albertz, chausetz a vostre sen. This tens\u00F3 is evidence that Albertet called himself Albert, though later scribes usually employed the diminutive. Albertet also composed a tenso with Aimeric de Belenoi. He praised Augier and Gaucelm Faidit, and he honoured Peirol by name in one tornada: Asides from this request to Peirol, Albertet elsewhere begged his lady to learn his poems, possibly with an eye to the propagation through further singing and recitation: Despite his reputation as a musician, only two of his surviving works\u2014the Mos coratges m'es camjatz and A! mi no fai chantar foilla ni flors (both cans\u00F3s)\u2014have complete melodies, though one other (En mon cor ai un' aital encobida) is partially extant. There is another piece, a descort entitled Bel m'es oimais, which does not survive with music in its only manuscript but which might have been the model for the strophic lai Bel m'est li tans of the trouv\u00E8re Colin Muset. Another trouv\u00E8re, Mahieu le Juif, was probably influenced by a piece of Albertet's in composing the text for his song beginning Par grant. Each piece of Albertet's surviving musical work is distinct, though on the whole it is conservative, written within one tenth interval, syllabic with melismas only at the ends of phrases. Mos coratges is conventional but ornate; En mon cor appears to have been through-composed; and A! mi no fai chantar is complex and subtle, written in a simple style, but with unique intervals and phrasing."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1088423131"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Albertet"@ca . . . . . . . . "Albert de Sisteron, conegut com a Albertet, (fl. 1194 -1221) va ser un joglar i un trobador proven\u00E7al de Gap. De la seva obra, han sobreviscut vint-i-tres poemes. \"Albertet\" o \"Albertetz\" \u00E9s el diminutiu d'Albert en occit\u00E0; tot i que aquesta denominaci\u00F3 es refereix habitualment a Albertet de Sisteron, tamb\u00E9 hi havia un Albertet Cailla, trobador molt menys conegut i amb la major part de l'obra perduda. Peirol, violatz e chantatz cointamende ma chanzon los motz e\u00B7l son leugier"@ca . . . . "Albertet de Sestaro"@en . . . . . "Albertet de Sisteron (1194-1221) est un troubadour natif de Gap, fils d\u2019un jongleur itin\u00E9rant."@fr . . . "Albertet de Sisteron Albertet o Albertetz de Sestaro o anche Sestar\u00F3, Sestair\u00F3, Sestairon, Sestarron o Terascon (Gap, 1194 \u2013 Sisteron, 1221) \u00E8 stato un trovatore occitano, figlio di un giullare itinerante."@it . . . "14757966"^^ . . . . "Albertet de Sisteron (1194-1221) est un troubadour natif de Gap, fils d\u2019un jongleur itin\u00E9rant."@fr . "Albertet de Sisteron"@it . . . "Albert de Sisteron, conegut com a Albertet, (fl. 1194 -1221) va ser un joglar i un trobador proven\u00E7al de Gap. De la seva obra, han sobreviscut vint-i-tres poemes. \"Albertet\" o \"Albertetz\" \u00E9s el diminutiu d'Albert en occit\u00E0; tot i que aquesta denominaci\u00F3 es refereix habitualment a Albertet de Sisteron, tamb\u00E9 hi havia un Albertet Cailla, trobador molt menys conegut i amb la major part de l'obra perduda. Va estar, entre d'altres, de les corts de Catalunya-Arag\u00F3, de Savoia, del Marquesat de Montferrat, de . Hom conserva d'ell una quinzena de can\u00E7ons sovint dedicades a la comtessa de Malaspina, sis o set ten\u00E7ons, i un sirvent\u00E8s on es queixa de l'amor i enumera les gr\u00E0cies de diverses dames. D'acord amb la seva vida, era fill d'un noble joglar anomenat Rostir, del qual ha sobreviscut alguna pe\u00E7a. Albertet va ser fam\u00F3s per la seva veu i les melodies de les seves curtes can\u00E7ons, per\u00F2 no per les seves lletres. El trobador Uc de Lescura va elogiar la veu d'Albertet (votz a ben dir). Dins la societat cortesana va ser un reconegut int\u00E8rpret i un bon conversador. La major part de la seva vida la va passar a Aurenja, on es va fer ric abans de traslladar-se a la Llombardia, on va romandre entre 1210 i 1221. A It\u00E0lia va freq\u00FCentar les corts de Savoia, Montferrat, Malaspina, G\u00E8nova, i la dels Este, a Ferrara. A la cort dels Este \u00E9s on probablement va entrar en contacte amb Guillem Augier Novella, Aimeric de Peguilhan i Aimeric de Belenoi. Tamb\u00E9 va viatjar a l'oest de la Proven\u00E7a, lluny de Montferrand, on va con\u00E8ixer Robert, el delf\u00ED d'Alv\u00E8rnia, Gaucelm Faidit i Peirol i, segons alguns testimonis, en algun moment fins i tot es van refugiar a Espanya. Amb el temps va tornar a Sisteron, a Forcauquier, on va morir. Una de les obres m\u00E9s famoses d'Albertet \u00E9s una s\u00E0tira amb un munt d'elogis a set dones destacades del seu temps, sobretot a Beatriu de Savoia, esposa de Ramon Berenguer V de Proven\u00E7a. Tamb\u00E9 existeix una ten\u00E7\u00F3 entre Albertet i Aimeric de Peguilhan: N'Albertz, chausetz a vostre sen Aquesta ten\u00E7\u00F3 prova que ell es feia dir Albert, encara que escriguis m\u00E9s habitualment emprant el diminutiu. Albertet tamb\u00E9 va compondre una ten\u00E7\u00F3 amb Aimeric de Belenoi. Va elogiar Augier i Gaucelm Faidit, i honr\u00E0 Peirol en una tornada: Peirol, violatz e chantatz cointamende ma chanzon los motz e\u00B7l son leugier Malgrat la seva reputaci\u00F3 com a m\u00FAsic, nom\u00E9s es conserva la melodia de dues de les seves obres supervivents: A mi no fai chantar foilla ni flors (16,5a, amb m\u00FAsica conservada al can\u00E7oner W) i Mos coratges m'es camjatz (16,17a, amb m\u00FAsica conservada al can\u00E7oner X), i una altra, En mon cor ai tal amor encobida (16,14), est\u00E0 parcialment conservada al can\u00E7oner W."@ca . . . . . . . . . . "6415"^^ . . . . . . "Albertet de Sestaro, sometimes called Albertet de Terascon (fl. 1194\u20131221), was a Proven\u00E7al jongleur and troubadour from the Gapen\u00E7ais (Gapens\u00E9s in Occitan). Of his total oeuvre, twenty three poems survive. \"Albertet\" or \"Albertetz\" is the Occitan diminutive of Albert. Unqualified it usually refers to Albertet de Sestaro, but there was an Albertet Cailla. Asides from this request to Peirol, Albertet elsewhere begged his lady to learn his poems, possibly with an eye to the propagation through further singing and recitation:"@en . . . . . . . . "Albertet de Sisteron"@fr . . . . . . . .